We both lay in white sheets as she rests her head on my chest using it as the canvas in which she run her fingers around the white quartz that lays on my skin. We use the world as our canvas and paint pictures of the future and what our lives will be l...
Three am texts to send out the code but it’s not because your remote broke. I can see you from a far but tinted windows conceal the devil in disguise dressed in saint laurant but there won’t be nothing holy about tonight. We are both tainted so we cr...
Things happen in places they don’t want you to go into!😈
Laced in black lingerie it wraps you’re body as it hugs skin tight to curves . Past scars lay rest to show misguidance of a mistreated one. Black heels line perfectly as you’re body is a true temple that will bring any man to his knees and worship. As ...
You tell me its best when your moist because it's easier to split you up and gut you out. Couple licks then I roll you around to the other side tasting you it's so sweet like that pink lemonade to keep me up. Lips on you were creating heat, I can tell ...