Every laughter Mixed in to the thin air Fades away Leaving nothing

Every laughter Mixed in to the thin air Fades away Leaving nothing

Some random ideas popped up in my mind leaving me speechless Show more

Stories We Think You'll Love

Absorbing the light
he brings life to boring sky
Thousand stars applaud 
 dream stories

infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

I am elder today than that I was yesterday.

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infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

I leave you for his mercy
You came here searching for light,
But now you are going to the darkness nature stories

infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

I was going back and forth
Back and Forth
Till I hit the solid wall
Solid wall of insecurity 
Where only one choice existed
"Do not do"
And that's what I did
Which calmed my mind for a split second
 Regression, regression the next second  stories

infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

One glamorous evening,
he held a glorious banquet.
Many nobles had some fun playing with price brackets and badminton rackets. secret stories

infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

Hanging barely from the stem,her  haggard  face and garments worn out from heavy showers and merciless winds, make her
quiver under the coldness upon her stories

infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

I want you DEAD!!!!

"But yeah, you are already..dead "
He said chuckling to himself

A sharp dagger had penetrated her heart .
She had been murdered



infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago

-The window sill-

I envy you
The window sill
Who first greets the eastern rays
While I am fast asleep living stories

infinity91rose Frequent Reader
2 years ago