1001 Writing Prompts About Science

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It is common for writers to incorporate biology, chemistry, physics, and other fields of science in their works, especially in speculative fiction. In fact, plenty of the most popular stories that fall in that genre tackles scientific ideas and concepts. For example, prolific writer Isaac Asimov’s Robot series is about space exploration and robotics, while his Lucky Starr series—written under the pen name Paul French—carefully introduced a younger audience to astronomical and physical concepts that were supported by the scientific knowledge of his time. 

If you are interested in creating stories that involve science but is not sure where to start, here are some writing prompts that could help you out: 

  • What if your world knew the laws of physics, but they were actually different rules than what we know?
  • Write about a scientist who wants to escape her boring old life.
  • Write about a new kind of animal discovered by your character or someone in your story.
  • A scientist discovers that her own work has been suppressed.
  • Write a story where plants or animals gain the intelligence of humans.
  • A scientist invents a time machine and takes a trip.
  • Write about a fantastical scientist.
  • Write about an evil scientist or a scientist with a horrible invention.
  • Write about an invention you are excited about.
  • A scientist tries to figure out what is wrong with someone.
  • Write about when scientists make claims that are proven to be false.
  • A scientist figures out a way to bring the dead back to live.
  • A scientist prematurely published his findings, ruining his reputation.
  • A scientist is recruited for a mission, but he or she knows it’s going to kill them.
  • They do research on humans like they do on rabbits.
  • Write about a visit to a planetarium.
  • A lab experiment proves something in science fiction is possible.
  • Write a science vs. tech debate.
  • Write about a possible hoax.
  • A scientist wakes up one morning and finds his wife has run away with a basketball player.
  • A scientist attempts to change religion by explaining why they are wrong.
  • A scientist makes a discovery that is really a scare tactic the government uses.
  • Scientists finally live up to the science fiction depictions.
  • Write about what would happen without scientists.
  • A scientist loses touch with her family.
  • Write about something you see in your world that could be a result of a scientific advancement.
  • Write about an immortal scientist.
  • Write about a scientist who becomes a pirate or mercenary.
  • Write about a character who is successful at creating a new technology, like genetically enhanced food or faster computers.
  • A science experiment has terrible consequences when no one is paying attention.
  • Write a fairy tale about a scientist.
  • A scientist who wishes his calling had been something else.
  • A scientist publishes a scientific theory in popular media. The reception isn’t quite what they expected.
  • A scientist turns into a mutant.
  • A scientist, unlike other scientists, is not afraid of the unknown.
  • A young person who is gifted and talented at sciences.
  • Write about a failure at the beginning of someone’s career where they lost everything and became a beggar.
  • A scientist begins to lose her mind.
  • An experiment goes awry and results in the birth of a monster.
  • Write about an end of the world scenario, but it is prevented by scientists.
  • A scientist steals his rival’s paper and publishes it under his own name.
  • A scientist creates a super-race of grey-skinned human-starfish hybrids.
  • A scientist finds a religion.
  • Write about a world where science was outlawed.
  • Write about a girl whose world is shaped by her scientist parents.
  • A scientist is wrong and an inventor is right.
  • A scientist discovers that the work of a famous scientist isn’t true.
  • Write a poem or a song inspired by a scientific discovery.
  • Write about being stuck in an experiment for years.
  • Write about scientists crafting the first robot.
  • There used to be ten scientists, but only four remain. Write about their lonely lives.
  • Write about the moment in your life when you realized that if you pursue a career in science, your employer, family, or friends will look down on the career choice.
  • Write about a time before science when superstitions were more commonplace than scientific facts.
  • Write about a time scientists reviewed history.
  • A scientist’s notebook disappears and he/she isn’t quite sure what happened to it.
  • Decide on two opposite ideas and combine them to find an extraordinary answer.
  • A scientist invents something to be used for evil.
  • The lead scientist in an experiment falls in love with a member of her research team.
  • Write about scientists escaping their past, and how they’re dealing with the future.
  • Write about an alternate history where scientists discover things before they were actually discovered.
  • A scientist creates dimensions through a portal.
  • Write about a scientist who can’t let go of a failure.
  • Write about discovering something that is beautiful.
  • An inventor creates something that is terrible all around.
  • A scientist sets out on a journey and reveals he’s not what he seems.
  • Write something about your lab.
  • Something goes wrong with science and nature crossover.
  • Write about a science experiment which goes right.
  • A character wants to change the world. She has an idea how to do it and it probably involves science.
  • Using nuclear energy, a city becomes nearly self sufficient.
  • Write about a lab at night.
  • Write about one way that life would be different if gravity on the Earth was different.
  • A scientist creates life. Do you think this could actually happen?
  • Write about a person who has done something involving science that they shouldn’t have done.
  • Write about a scientist who works to disprove another scientist’s theory.
  • Write a conversation between a scientist and her creation, and the way he rewards her actions.
  • A student is forced to give up her dreams of becoming a scientist.
  • Write about a robot that gains consciousness and becomes a part of society.
  • Write about a scientist that causes the end of the world.
  • A scientist has created a time machine.
  • A person invents something controversial that science can’t understand.
  • Are there zombie sharks in your world? What would go wrong?
  • A scientist invents something that turns out to actually be useful.
  • A scientist is absolutely positive that he discovered the cure for cancer.
  • Write about a world where there are no machines, only people acting through will, imagination and creativity.
  • Write about a secret world where scientists rule the world.
  • Write about something that might be impossible because it breaks the laws of physics.
  • A scientist with no hope tries one last thing before giving up.
  • Write about a conspiracy of scientists.
  • Write about a world where science has met with supernatural phenomena.
  • Describe a person who creates something and doesn’t ask what the ulterior motives are behind the commissioning.
  • Write about an experiment that runs amok.
  • A scientist on a cruise notices a change in the ocean or ocean liner.
  • Write about a world where science has solved all problems.
  • A scientist tries to make something special for a loved one, but she’s afraid to show her
  • Scientists create a robot/clone that looks just like a human and considers itself to be a human.
  • A scientist attempts to find a way to hack into the human brain by way of nano-technology.
  • A scientist who has discovered extraordinary and world changing things is blackmailed into not revealing what he has found.
  • Write a letter from a scientist or someone in the field to a person trying to decide whether or not to get into the field.
  • An experiment produces strange results.
  • Scientists unleashing something they were not supposed to.
  • Write about your favorite scientist.
  • A scientist’s most prized experiment goes missing.
  • Write about a scientific discovery that led to a technological advancement.
  • A scientist who creates something she thinks is going to change the world, only for it to backfire on her.
  • A scientist makes an amazing discovery, but doesn’t reveal it to anyone.
  • Experiment with science poems and science raps.
  • The announcement of a scientific discovery has ominous implications.
  • What’s your perspective on the scientific method?
  • Write about a world where absolutely nothing is understood.
  • Write about an experiment carried out on a terrible creature.
  • A world where science experiments go wrong and result in death, destruction, and chaos.
  • Explain a scientific theory.
  • Write about something super awesome that shouldn’t work, but does.
  • A scientist tries to prove that a popular scientist is a fake.
  • What is the first experiment you remember doing in school? What did you learn from it?
  • What if you accidentally discovered a new species? What would you do with them?
  • Write about time travel.
  • A historian documents a life of a scientist.
  • A scientist creates a time machine.
  • A scientist who is experienced writes a book about a topic that isn’t considered very scientific.
  • Write about a mad scientist who does not exactly understand what she has created.
  • Write about a time when you had a scientific accident.
  • Write about a scientist performing an experiment that goes terribly wrong.
  • An inventor makes an important discovery.
  • A scientist invents an evil machine.
  • An inventor invents a fantastic device.
  • Write about a world where scientists are second to the ruling of religion.
  • Write about a scarecrow who suddenly learns about new ways of destroying plants.
  • Write about a scientist in love and how their scientific discoveries lead to the love of their life.
  • Write about what it would be like to be a kid who wants to be a scientist when you grow up.
  • Write about a scientist who doesn’t believe in science.
  • Write about a scientist who has discovered something that is ruining the environment.
  • A group of scientists makes a discovery that proves that human life as we know it is over.
  • Write about something that you know nothing about but would like to and then add a little dosing of science to it.
  • A scientist working for a huge pharmaceutical company accidentally releases a drug that turns people into zombies.
  • A scientist must make a choice in regard to his experiments.
  • A scientist creates in her lab what she supposes is a fantastic food source.
  • Write about when scientists started to control the world.
  • A two-headed mutant monster is discovered.
  • Scientists are the most powerful people in the world and people despise them for it.
  • Write about an encounter with an extraterrestrial.
  • Write about the failure of a spacecraft launch.
  • Someone creates a scanner to see into someone’s brain. They don’t tell people what they find, but people find out anyways.
  • Write about what you think the future will be like.
  • Do you write fiction? Have you ever incorporated real science into your stories? How? If not, do you think you’d ever try to do so? What kind of reactions have you received when describing real science to your readers? How could you describe scientific concepts in order to share your ideas with readers? What kinds of science jargon would you need to get in order to write descriptions of science?
  • What does a scientist do when she discovers some malevolent force?
  • A scientist finds a way to communicate with the dead.
  • A scientist discovers something in outer space. One person in the story sees the advantages and another sees the disadvantages.
  • Describe the first human that could fly.
  • Write about a city where every problem is solved through science.
  • Write about scientists and mages working together to discover new discoveries.
  • A researcher comes up with a well-thought-out experiment and  the results reveal something the researcher didn’t expect.
  • A child discovers that magic and science are one in the same.
  • A world where science is all-powerful.
  • Write about a crazy genetics scientist trying to change the world.
  • Write about an optimistic scientist or an optimistic world with science.
  • Write about something that everyone thinks is absolutely false.
  • Write about a fear of science.
  • Write about the first time a nuclear weapon was used.
  • A scientist invents time travel.
  • Write about the day science goes wrong from your character’s point of view.
  • Write about a character who wants to study science, but doesn’t quite fit in with the other scientists.
  • A scientist sacrifices a life for science.
  • Write about smart and crazy.
  • Choose one or more of these prompts for writing flash fiction. One idea is to use 5 senses as part of your creation.
  • The law is decided by scientists in a supreme court.
  • A sudden natural disaster that turns out to have been artificially made.
  • Write about what life would be like if science were eliminated.
  • A scientist takes advantage of his discoveries.
  • Write about a world where scientific studies on animals are outlawed.
  • Write about a scientist who died but is brought back to life by lab equipment.
  • Write about a society living underground because of radioactive fallout.
  • Scientists invent a time machine.
  • A world where magic works but being a scientist is “in”.
  • Write about a world where scientists are persecuted.
  • Write about a scientist who no one seems to listen to.
  • A scientist tries to prove something and everyone dismisses her work as junk.
  • Write about scientists on a space station studying strange creatures.
  • A famous person is revealed to not be what everyone thought.
  • Write about what it is like to be a scientist working on a top secret project.
  • Write about the first scientist.
  • Write about a world where science has failed.
  • Write about scientists who perform experiments on live humans.
  • Write about a world where religion has burned all scientific books.
  • A scientist with special abilities appears in a protagonist’s life at the worst time.
  • Write about a scientist who isn’t yet published who is asked to review a paper by a scientist who just won the Nobel Prize.
  • Explain a scientific breakthrough through poetry.
  • Write about a scientist who was ostracized from her colleagues.
  • Write about what society would be like if the scientific method was the dominant philosophy.
  • Write about the scientific theory you are most fascinated by.
  • Write about your trip to a science conference.
  • Our solar system dies.
  • You are a scientist that is very close to finishing a device that will create portals leading anywhere in the world.
  • Write about a scientist worried about his future or striving to achieve something.
  • All scientific experiments are carried out on humans.
  • A scientist creates a machine to peer through time.
  • Write about a robot that is granted rights and is treated like a human.
  • Write a dialogue between a science teacher and a student.
  • An experiment goes horribly wrong at the largest scientific facility in the country.
  • Scientists build a time machine to see the dinosaurs.
  • A scientist from the future  wants your help in trying to change the future to a better place.
  • Write about a world with moving machines that are alive.
  • Describe a childhood memory of doing a science project.
  • An experiment is carried out, trying to create a hybrid species.
  • Write about a world where science doesn’t work anymore.
  • What if scientists were exposed for lying about the results of their experiments?
  • A scientist gets a grant of a large sum of money for something simple that turns into a huge dundrum.
  • A scientist finds the answer to a question that has plagued him for years.
  • Technology has advanced to the point where everything is connected.
  • Write about why a world needs far less science.
  • Write about an inventor.
  • A scientist creates results to get funding to continue his work.
  • A scientist destroys the world.
  • Write about a world where science isn’t progressing at all.
  • A robot or cyborg rebels against its programming.
  • A scientist asks you to donate body parts so they can create an invention.
  • Important people with unfair advantages have children who become anti-socials.
  • Write about a world where scientists are in jail.
  • Talk about a disaster and how the government needed to create bunkers for scientists to survive.
  • Write about the world being protected from “fake” science.
  • Write about a world where scientific things go wrong.
  • The narrator discovers something incredible.
  • Something that started out as a harmless experiment becomes something sinister.
  • A fictitious disease created by a scientist.
  • Write about a future where everyone travels in levitating cars.
  • Write about scientists who are secretly working on a cure for censorship.
  • A scientist creates a new breed of animals.
  • I hope these writing prompts about science will help you with some free writing ideas. As always, write about what you know, don’t limit yourself and let your imagination soar! And as always, please share your free writing in the comment section. I’d love to read it, or if you find this article valuable, show it to someone who might benefit from it.
  • A scientist who creates changes to the animal species of Earth.
  • Write about a government that promotes science.
  • Write about a scientist that engineers a magical creature.
  • Scientists have moved hundreds of years into the future. What wonders do they now know that we today can only dream of?
  • A scientist wants to enter a scientific fair.
  • Ways to Write a Good Science Fiction Story
  • A young scientist upsets his father, a renowned scientist.
  • Write about a scientist who sacrifices everything for her research.
  • Scientists create a new technology like transportation, communications, whatever, but it backfires and destroys the Earth.
  • A scientist who isn’t well known gets all the credit for her work.
  • A scientist saves an astronaut’s life by making a list of things in case he faces a crisis.
  • Write about a boy who is inventing something that can change the world.
  • Imagine that you are a scientist and you have made an amazing breakthrough.
  • Write about a dark future where mankind can’t survive without scientists.
  • Someone is trying to uncover a scientist’s secret.
  • A scientist is employed by a mysterious organization.
  • A child asked her mom where she came from as a young child, and it ended up changing the life of the mother permanently.
  • A scientist who fails to believe in anything.
  • A scientist invents time travel, but it’s too late to go back and stop him from creating a time machine.
  • A celebrity scientist discusses his or her science project in a popular TV sitcom.
  • A scientist’s formula is stolen by a competitor, but the scientist has an ingenious way to find out who the thief is.
  • Someone becomes a science experiment in a lab.
  • Write about a world where scientists have created a terrible monster.
  • Your characters discover a new planet but something horrible lurks near it.
  • Write about a world where science is used for everything.
  • Write about a murder scene involving a scientist.
  • Write a character profile about a scientist. Explain his or her motivation and how he or she would help to invent theoretical technology that could one day become a reality. Then explain how he or she would abuse it.
  • This is a list of science fair project ideas. Pick three to five of your favorites to write about.
  • Write about a character who wants to become a scientist.
  • A scientist accidentally creates something that is going to destroy the world.
  • Write about something that a scientist needs to know before he can continue research on an experiment.
  • The stakes are raised in a large science competition.
  • A strange object is found, and it turns out to be a spaceship.
  • What if your dreams made you smarter? Write about it.
  • Write about a time when you ran experiments to see if things work.
  • “Moon” is the light.
  • Something goes horribly wrong with a scientific invention.
  • Write about the discovery of a strange new land.
  • Write about something that happened to your scientist self in the past.
  • A scientist falls in love
  • Write about something that your science teacher explained that wasn’t completely clear until years later.
  • Write about what happened to the Native Americans/Indians due to scientific expeditions.
  • Write about an apocalyptic event that scientists believe was brought about by science.
  • A scientist invents something he is morally opposed to.. he then has to choose if he is going to distance himself from it or not.
  • Write about a scientist who discovers a terrible truth about the world.
  • A school bans science experiments.
  • Write about a scientist who discovers something that may destroy humanity.
  • Write about a science experiment gone right.
  • A scientist spends their life devoted to their research and despises any other distractions that might come into their lives.
  • Write a futuristic short story.
  • A scientist must choose sides.
  • Scientists face off in a battle, whether it be creatures, quidics or something else.
  • Write about a time when something surprising was discovered.
  • Write about a scientist who regrets opening Pandora’s Box.
  • A society without the scientific method.
  • Write about a time-traveling scientist.
  • You are cursed and cannot leave your room. All you have to read to fill in the boredom is your favorite science magazine,
  • Write about the death of a famous scientist.
  • What do you wish science didn’t know?
  • A scientist wishes to stop the advancement of mankind.
  • Write about an incident where a scientist killed someone.
  • Scientists battle to be the first to cure a disease or create an invention.
  • Another version of this writing prompt is that instead of scientists, it is the government/state that rules the world, and the scientists aren’t sure if what they are doing is helping or hindering the world.
  • Write about a world without scientists.
  • A country is dependent on science for energy.
  • A scientist discovers a way to end hunger and poverty.
  • Describe a memorable TV show as a lab experiment.
  • Write about artificial intelligence run amok.
  • Write in first person about a character who is a scientist, and write down her observations in the experiment/project she’s working on during the story.
  • A scientist tries to convince others of his theory.
  • Write about a world where religion controls science.
  • A child in your story discovers a new species of life form.
  • A scientist doing a mundane job while simultaneously building an invention.
  • Write about a scientist whose match is off and the world is threatened.
  • What happens when scientific theories are taken too far.
  • The people of Earth have found a new home on another planet.
  • A team of scientists change a life-form’s DNA and create an uncanny being.
  • A scientist unleashes a plague.
  • A scientist invents cold fusion and everyone is at risk of being electrocuted.
  • Write about a world where all government funding has gone towards research.
  • What if you could find a lover in a lab?
  • Write about a scientist giving her discovery to the army.
  • Write about an inventor who comes up with something revolutionary.
  • A scientist struggles to prove her theory true.
  • There are no careers in science.
  • A scientist tries desperately to resolve paradox within the laws of nature.
  • Write about a scientist who goes to jail for being in contempt of his or her religion.
  • A brand new scientific theory is announced, but the person who created it says there will be catastrophic consequences if it isn’t immediately accepted.
  • Write about a government that doesn’t like science.
  • Write about a science experiment gone tragically right.
  • Write about a scientist who leaves a legacy that she won’t be proud of.
  • Write about a world where magic rules the world.
  • Write about a scientist who seeks vengeance and is willing to do any terrible thing, including end human life, to achieve their ambitions.
  • Write about a scientist trying to hide a discovery.
  • Write about a scientist’s failed attempt to show that science isn’t that important.
  • A scientist comes home from work and realizes something’s very wrong.
  • Write about a world where there are no scientists.
  • A scientist changes a life.
  • A scientist discovers an explanation for an unexplained phenomenon.
  • Your character wakes up one day to find herself turned into an animal. She calls her scientist friend for help and after a few days they figure out how to reverse the effects of the device they had used to make the animal. However, it is just the first model in an array of terrible experiments your science-minded character creates. A few of the others would be turning humans into plants, plants into animals, and animals into polyester fur coats.
  • Write about a scientist who learns about love for the first time.
  • Most people rely on science to fix the problems of the world. Write about a time when this causes another problem.
  • Write from the perspective of a scientist forced to conceal scientific discoveries from the public. What would that be like?
  • A world’s government becomes corrupt with a group of outlaw scientists who they are afraid to touch but can’t touch.
  • The day the author of an amazing scientific discovery dies.
  • The world is coming to an end when a scientist saves the day.
  • A scientist is part of a group working to prevent a natural disaster.
  • Write about a world without scientists.
  • Write about a science experiment that goes just as planned.
  • A girl longs to become a scientist, but she’s rejected at every job application.
  • A scientist wonders about what life would be like if his most important scientific discovery hadn’t taken place.
  • Write about a scientist who is persecuted for her work.
  • A scientist discovers a way to travel between dimensions.
  • Write about your own scientific discovery.
  • A scientist from the future comes back in time to stop something from occurring.
  • Write about a world where the government restricts risky scientific experimentation.
  • Q. Imagine a world where science is unnecessary. What if everyone just kind of knew all the answers to everything? They might not have read it in a book, but they just “knew”. What might such a world look like? A.
  • A scientist whose work was long proven wrong makes a major breakthrough.
  • Write about something you want to invent.
  • Someone invents a time machine.
  • Write about a world where there are no scientists.
  • A scientist bores a hole in her head in hopes of curing an illness.
  • Write about a scientist’s last few days alive.
  • A scientist’s work is used to kill a powerful dictator.
  • Write about a scientist helping to save the world.
  • A scientist gains the power to travel back in time.
  • Write about something you did using scientific knowledge.
  • A scientist leaves his lab to become tied up in conflicts.
  • A young scientist is unable to deal with failure.
  • A man discovers a way to extend his life.
  • What sorts of science fiction elements can you put into your writing?
  • Write about a scientist who believes strongly in cause/effect.
  • Talk about a revolutionary machine or device that changes the world.
  • Write about a scientist who is an outsider.
  • Many children want to be scientists when they grow up, but for one child, it’s not a very good idea.
  • Write about a world where you’re not sure if the scientists are good or bad.
  • Someone doesn’t believe in science and thinks magical beings are in charge of everything and then someone gets them to love science.
  • Choose a real-life scientist and write her biography.
  • Write about scientific advancements after WWII.
  • A mad scientist encounters stirring moral qualms over her experiments.
  • Scientists have worked together to move the moon to replace the sun.
  • Write about a device created by scientists that sent the world in a dark age.
  • Describe your favorite planet.
  • Write about what attending a science exam is like.
  • A scientist discovers something strange and unexplainable that changes society
  • A group of scientists jump into a portal, changing the world forever.
  • A scientist discovers a secret about a place in her community but can’t tell anyone about it.
  • A scientist attempts to unravel the secret behind all of the strange noises inside a wall.
  • A scientist attempts to teach a robot how to be a good person.
  • The science experiment succeeds better than anyone expected.
  • A vial of deadly virus that could kill millions goes missing.
  • A scientist discovers a scientific theory that she refuses to believe, and writes about all of her arguments against. Can you conclusively find a flaw?
  • A scientist gets his research stolen by someone else.
  • Write about a discovery that gives scientists new problems to solve.
  • Write about solving mysteries the old-fashioned way.
  • Write a science fiction story in which science takes an unexpected turn.
  • Write about a world where religion governs everything.
  • A scientist abandons her research to pursue a more personal project.
  • People started to see certain numbers or dates more often than normal.
  • Write about a group of scientists that discovered something that becomes an obsession for them.
  • Write about a scientist.
  • Write about a team of scientists that conquer a planet.
  • A scientist does not write his report on time and it affects his funding.
  • Write about a world where the scientific method is entirely replaced by “blind leading the blind.”
  • Write about a scientist who was right about something controversial.
  • A scientist creates something that has unintended side effects.
  • Write about an argument between a scientist and a non-scientist.
  • Write about a world where scientists are shunned by society.
  • A scientist becomes part of a strange experiment that changes the way she thinks.
  • Write a three-part essay where you explore three alternative outcomes of a science experiment.
  • A scientist is trapped in some kind of conundrum, such as they are about to make a great discovery and are unable to.
  • Imagine a scientist in the future trying to explain the merging of humans and machines.
  • A research scientist creates a creature that lives in the laboratory closet.
  • Write about a scientist who gets lost in his research.
  • Write about a person who hates science.
  • Write about a time in history in which scientists thought they knew everything there is to know about the world.
  • Write about an anti-science activism, which seeks to hinder or altogether end science.
  • Who was your most influential science teacher?
  • Write about an astronaut who gives up a chance to return to earth to further her scientific discovery in space.
  • Write about a stupid science experiment gone wrong.
  • Write about a world where scientific breakthroughs are the domain of the natives of another country.
  • An inventor creates an invention that does something that, when he thinks about it, makes him wonder if it was wise.
  • Write about the fictional origins of real-life scientific developments.
  • A scientist asks a colleague to help him prove his theories.
  • A scientist finds a way to trap Jinns/Fairies.
  • Write about a scientist who has achieved enlightenment.
  • A genius scientist creates a time machine and alters the course of history.
  • Write about someone or something that has drastically changed the world.
  • A scientist discovers something mysterious that he wishes he hadn’t.
  • Scientists start a religion.
  • A scientist discovers something that goes against everything she has been taught.
  • Two scientists get into a feud over discoveries that they’ve made.
  • Write about a scientist that just might be slightly insane.
  • Write about a scientist being called to account for and explain something that she has discovered.
  • A scientist invents a time machine.
  • A sick scientist believes she has found the cure.
  • A scientist accidentally transforms into a toad.
  • A scientist tries to steal an ancient relic to hide it from the public.
  • Write about a scientist that is willing to do anything to achieve their goal.
  • A conflict that started over science.
  • What would be the consequences if scientists could “cheat”?
  • Write about a scientific breakthrough.
  • Life after a nuclear disaster.
  • A superstar scientist admits making a mistake.
  • A cyborg falls in love with a human.
  • A scientist tries to make a scientific discovery but unknowingly destroys other parts of the world.
  • A scientist is offered money to build something to end death.
  • Scientists create teleportation, how does it affect the world?
  • A scientist commits a crime and then uses his knowledge to cover it up.
  • Write a fantasy story about the hunt for the philosopher’s stone.
  • Write a piece about what it’s like to be a scientist
  • Write about your science teacher.
  • Write about a world where science is hated.
  • A scientist creates a robot that comes to life.
  • A world where science is either outlawed or used to benefit everyone and is no longer political.
  • A scientist invents something that changes the world.
  • A scientist stumbles upon something she shouldn’t have.
  • A young girl is told by her scientist father that what she’s saying is impossible.
  • Write about a character you wish could exist in real life.
  • Write about a scientist colony on the moon.
  • Write about a war where scientists fight with soldiers… or vice versa.
  • Write about a child who dreams of becoming a scientist.
  • The first explorers are astronauts on the moon.
  • Write about a secret scientist’s journal where he records everything.
  • Write about some of the things that you think about topics like chemistry, physics, biology, and other fields of science.
  • A scientist experiments on himself.
  • Write about a scientist who goes looking for the fountain of youth.
  • You can write about a wonder of the world that disappoints you.
  • A scientist makes a discovery that does not change the world after all.
  • Everyone is waiting for the government to create the cure to the epidemic that has killed millions.
  • Also consider scientists’ race and gender, as well write about a scientist of a different race or ve gender.
  • A scientist searches for a cure for a certain disease, but he can’t quite find the right cure.
  • A scientist finds a cure to the common cold.
  • Write a fantasy story where a scientist discovers a magical cure to a terrible disease.
  • A scientist invents something that could change the world, but finds that she can’t take the credit for her work.
  • A scientist runs into conflict with critics of her new invention.
  • A scientist invents an amazing device that allows you to see into other worlds.
  • Write about a scientist choosing between being an entrepreneur and a researcher.
  • A scientist is a terrorist lamer than any seen in the real world.
  • A scientist finds a way to the center of the earth.
  • Write about a world where science doesn’t exist.
  • A woman scientist is facing tremendous obstacles to complete her research.
  • Write about butterfly effects.
  • Write about time travel.
  • Who is your favorite scientist, real or fictional, and what would you ask them?
  • What happened to people who were alive at the time that it was suggested that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the other way around?
  • Scientists begin the work of terraforming Mars.
  • Write about what happens if one scientist had all the money in the world or access to the universe’s secrets. Is he as scary as a villain with these resources?
  • Write about a person who finds a conspiracy among scientists to hide an important discovery from the public.
  • Write about someone who everyone seems to believe is crazy, but he refuses to believe this and thinks of a way to prove them all wrong.
  • A genius discovers her scientific breakthrough came from magic.
  • Write about a world where science has been outlawed.
  • Watch a documentary on how science changed the world.
  • A scientist tries to disprove the existence of angels.
  • Write about a school that only teaches science.
  • What would happen if scientists had the ability to discover people’s thoughts at the time.
  • Write about a scientist who’s closest friend is a non-scientist.
  • You are a scientist who has been hired to develop a poison that will kill a thug who keeps ordering hits on people. Write from the scientist’s point of view about what your formula does to the person who takes it or the person who orders the hits.
  • A scientist creates the world’s first artificially intelligent being.
  • Write about a scientist who creates a time machine and takes their friend for a wild ride.
  • Write about a scientist or a technology that brings the human race close to extinction.
  • An artificial intelligence created by a scientist manages to escape.
  • Write about a scientist who uses science for sensual pleasure.
  • A scientist makes an incredible invention or solves a scientific problem.
  • Write about a scientist or inventor using their discoveries to make lots of money.
  • Write a list of items a scientist must have to succeed. List these items in the order of importance.
  • Write about how you feel about science.
  • A scientist discovers a way to travel at faster than the speed of light.
  • A scientist repeatedly conducts an experiment.
  • A mad scientist creates something that threatens the system.
  • Write about catching a genetically modified animal.
  • Write about a curious child who finds a strange object.
  • Great minds discuss important scientific issues.
  • A scientist makes an incredible discovery in the field of physics.
  • Write about a scientist who supports something popular, possibly controversial.
  • A scientist is on a quest to learn more about her lost family.
  • What if dinosaurs hadn’t become extinct?
  • Write about a scientist who destroys all fossil fuels and has to live with this destruction for the rest of his life.
  • A lab gets contaminated.
  • A group of scientists discovers an ancient weapon.
  • Write about your neighborhood or school being quarantined because of a new illness emerging.
  • The government pays for a secret experiment to be performed on a little girl.
  • Write about things being seen through a microscope.
  • Two scientists are estranged because they cannot agree on the cause of climate change.
  • Write about a terrible explosion in the lab.
  • Write about being in or observing a science experiment.
  • Write about a time travel situation where the main character destroys a skull.
  • Write about a world where scientists are hunted and attacked by ignorant mobs.
  • At a science fiction or science convention, someone thinks that they see a ghost.
  • A scientist knows how to stop a nuclear meltdown.
  • Write about a place where science is outlawed.
  • A scientist could have prevented a heinous crime, but refused to study the problem because it was too troubling.
  • You’re a scientist on the verge of a breakthrough discovery.
  • An invention makes people’s lives easier, but we wish it hadn’t been invented.
  • A scientist experiments with humans instead of animals.
  • Write about scientists in another world, as if they are mythological beings.
  • How will the earth’s environment change in 100 years?
  • Write about a person who is deeply upset about how science is conducted.
  • Writers can take a look at the science-related events below and write about what they would do if they were in their place. These events on the timeline will inspire writers to use their creative ability to come up with some great works.
  • Write about a message received from an extraterrestrial.
  • Someone else reviews an article that a scientist has submitted to be published.
  • A scientist invents a robot to complete all the dull, monotonous work in the world.
  • A scientist creates a zombie virus.
  • Write about an apocalypse and how a scientific discovery will save the world.
  • Write about a world where technology creates a rift between man and technology.
  • Write about someone who disagrees with the views of a scientist.
  • Write about someone needing to make a decision about which scientific path to follow.
  • A scientist tries to control the weather.
  • A scientist begins to question his/her place in the world.
  • A scientist defects to a country that is at war with yours and has useful information for the other side.
  • Write about a world where love causes a scientific breakthrough.
  • Write about a scientist and his or her secret work.
  • Batman uses scientific means to become a superhero.
  • Write about an experiment that changes a scientist’s life.
  • Write about a scientist who creates a terrible weapon and then regrets his decision.
  • Humans in an alternate universe contain something strange.
  • Write about a mad scientist.
  • Write about the cutest new subatomic particle.
  • A civilization’s best scientists are openly mocked for their belief in science or their strange method of conducting research.
  • A scientist creates something that expands faster than she ever anticipated.
  • Write about a scientist who doesn’t trust his/her equipment.
  • A scientist embarks on an experiment with unimagined consequences.
  • What are the greatest medical achievements?
  • What is the best thing about being a scientist?
  • A scientist has an idea that will change science forever.
  • Science being able to do everything. Super science!
  • Write about a scientist who knows she is rightâeven if it means proving the critics wrong.
  • Write about the first time a scientist discovered a new kind of science.
  • Write about a world ruled by a corporation instead of people.
  • Write about a ghost story involving a scientist.
  • Write about a scientific agency that holds technologies that can create parallel worlds.
  • Write about a hero who transforms into a hulking thing and wreaks havoc.
  • Summarize an article about cloning.
  • Write about a scientist who is considered a superhero.
  • Write about a scientist who self-deprecates himself for what he does.
  • Compare science and religion.
  • Write about two scientists who discover something in their lab.
  • A scientist creates a device to travel through time. She’s sent back into the past and changes the future.
  • The space program pioneers voyage to a new planet.
  • What could scientists create for the military that would aid in the winning of wars.
  • A super smart scientist creates a weird machine that does strange things.
  • Write about a scientist who isn’t taken seriously.
  • A scientist discovers that he has cancer and this revelation unlocks secrets about his past.
  • A scientist must choose between saving herself or saving the world.
  • Write about a mistake with the google search engine.
  • It takes place at least partially in a lab and with scientists.
  • A science experiment goes horribly wrong and threatens the world with destruction.
  • Write a futuristic story where science continues to advance but society has changed accordingly to apply.
  • A high school experiment goes terribly wrong.
  • Writers – what are some other science related prompts you can think of to use? Include them in the comments!
  • Write about scientists’ need to explore their surroundings, even if it could get them into trouble. You should try to use specific details. For example, instead of just, “The jet plummeted to the ground,” write, “The right landing gear broke off as it hit the runway. The pilot was unaware of it and sent the plane into a nosedive.”
  • Write about an interesting hypothesis that one scientist had.
  • Scientists start experimenting on human subjects, to try to find a cure for illness.
  • A young woman goes to college to become a scientist, but finds out that she shouldn’t have bothered.
  • Write about a scientist and something that has happened in her personal life.
  • A scientist accidentally creates a chemical that turns people into mindless killers.
  • Write about what happens when the labs take over.
  • Write about a world where scientists use their powers for evil.
  • Scientists put together a briefing about the end of the world.
  • A scientist invents a time machine before anyone else works out how to build one.
  • Write about a world where magic and science rule the world.
  • Write about the mentality of a really efficient scientist.
  • A scientist finds a way to rid the world of fossil fuel.
  • An electrical plant is built within the park.
  • A scientist makes a new friend, but the scientist may have brought something unspeakable into the world with them.
  • A scientist at the beginning of her career.
  • What obstacles could a young scientist use to overcome prejudice?
  • Write about a world where science prevents scientists from doing their research.
  • A scientist full of hubris and arrogance  chooses which direction his research takes him.
  • A scientist discovers the secret to immortality. He needs something special to do it with though…
  • A scientist is going to reveal something that will change society forever.
  • Writing prompts about sports can be useful for writing practice, projects and games.
  • Write about a time that science wasn’t allowed to answer questions.
  • Write about the first scientist.
  • Write about a mistake that a scientist makes in an experiment and has to correct later.
  • Write about a scientist who doesn’t fit in with society or
  • A scientist creates an artificial intelligence that unintentionally starts a war.
  • A scientist must tell his wife/husband that he cheated on her/him because of his work.
  • A scientist can travel back in time to the past to save her life.
  • What would a nonviolent scientist look like?
  • A scientist deceived a world around them to get what they wanted.
  • A group of children build a boat and sail away from their home planet. They can’t return and have no hope of rescue.
  • Describe a day in the life of a scientist.
  • Write about an archetypal, evil fictional scientist.
  • A scientist accidentally starts a nuclear war.
  • Write a history of the scientific method.
  • Write about science versus religion.
  • A scientist becomes obsessed with a project. A friend tries to help, and possibly save her, but in the end it doesn’t go over so well.
  • Write about scientists discovering something so horrible that they kill themselves.
  • Write about a time travel experiment gone wrong.
  • Write about yourself as a scientist.
  • Scientists discover how to perfectly preserve the human body.
  • A scientist is blowing their own trumpet – and not in a good way.
  • Write about a discovery that violates religious beliefs.
  • A scientist is near curing a complex disease. However, she can’t figure out why and what will happen next.
  • Write about a scientist with a split personality.
  • A scientist learns there is something evil beyond the stars.
  • What If?–Write about a science experiment gone wrong, as well as the unintended consequences.
  • A scientist cuts corners during a test and then informs the public about the test, but lies about the results.
  • “Research shows that…” Write about a topic in the news—and write an essay which debunks a common misconception or a common-held belief about the topic.
  • A scientist builds something that she thinks she has buried in the depths of her lab.
  • Write about a robot that’s really loving.
  • Write about a world with no scientists in it.
  • Write about a time when you read or see a scientific discovery that really excited you.
  • Write about a spy, agent or detective who works for an organization that investigates secret scientific discoveries.
  • Write about a scientific disaster.
  • Science holds the key to the future.
  • Write about the prototype phase of a new product, vehicle, computer system…etc…
  • What is a horrible but plausible science experiment you wish you could perform?
  • Write about a world where scientists become the hunted species.
  • A scientist sees something that only she can find.
  • Write a dialogue between a scientist and a non-scientist.
  • A scientist brings back the dinosaurs.
  • Your character overhears a brilliant scientist explaining his plans for conquering the world.
  • A scientist struggles to discover something and prove it to the rest of the world.
  • Write about a world where science gives too much power.
  • A scientist gets trapped in his own experiment.
  • A scientist tries to communicate what science has discovered to the world.
  • Write a story about how mankind destroys the world with science and patents.
  • Write about a major scientific breakthrough affecting your life/the world you live in.
  • The world’s most incredible scientists all meet together at a party.
  • A researcher has a breakthrough with chimpanzees.
  • Write about a world where people don’t believe in scientific facts.
  • Write about scientific advances that result in some humans gaining powers and others getting replaced by robotics.
  • Write about a world where a decision made in a lab goes out of control.
  • Write about a time traveler in Ancient Greece.
  • Write about a scientist trying to prove something that everyone else has disproved.
  • A child grows up thinking scientists are rock stars.
  • Write about a hot-air-balloon trip gone bad.
  • A scientist creates an intelligent machine and finds it might be smarter than her.
  • Write about a scientist’s wildest dream.
  • Explain an amazing medical procedure.
  • A scientific discovery is kept secret from the public.
  • By looking at discoveries that are right around the corner, you may be inspired to write about high-tech items that haven’t been invented yet!
  • Write about the process of understanding a scientific experiment.
  • A scientist runs away from his studies, and goes searching for meaning.
  • When scientists use an invention they do not think about the consequences down the road.
  • Write about an experiment gone wrong.
  • A scientist tries to get a hold of her own work.
  • Write about travel through a wormhole.
  • Write a short story about science set in the distant future.
  • When you read, or watch, a movie that has to do with science, what kind of character do you like to see depicted as the scientist and what kind of character do you not like to see depicted as the scientist?
  • Write about an apocalypse that was caused by science.
  • Write a story or choose a newspaper article about an animal that was recreated to look like a dinosaur.
  • Write about a scientist who kills his famous colleague.
  • Write about a scientist that looks cool but is not liked by her co-workers.
  • Scientists raise an extinct animal and it goes on a rampage.
  • Write about a version of reality that science hasn’t explained.
  • A group of scientists invent a time machine and begin changing history.
  • A way that you envision science will be in the future.
  • Your main character is on a mission to save a group of scientists who are trapped on a tiny, desolate island.
  • A scientist invents a time machine.
  • Write about a scientist with a secret agenda.
  • A scientist actively looks for a discovery that people will fear.
  • A scientist succeeds in splitting the atom.
  • A scientist discovers an ancient civilization.
  • A scientist discovers there is some secret information about his life that he wasn’t ready to know.
  • An experiment that has been running for years is suddenly halted.
  • A genie grants a scientist three wishes.
  • Write about something you personally like.
  • Write about what might happen in the future because of scientific advances in the past.
  • Write about two people who are studying the same thing and realize that they knew the same people, yada yada yada.
  • Write about a world where studies have shown that lying is best.
  • Write about a day in the life of a scientist.
  • Write about something that never existed but should have.
  • Write about a person who doesn’t want to take part in scientific experiments because of some reason.
  • An accidental invention saves a species, but changes the world.
  • Write about a Victorian-era scientist caught up in scandal.
  • Write about a scientist discovering or creating something, and its consequences.
  • A scientist has invented a vehicle that can travel faster than the speed of light.
  • Write about a scientist who is missing a vital trait that makes him/her really terrible at his job.
  • A scientist goes public with a scientific discovery, and struggles to convince people that he’s right.
  • Write about two scientists learning from each other.
  • Write about a world where scientists created a Utopia.
  • Write about a disease that drives its victims insane.
  • Write about what happens when a red headed reporter investigates the corruption of scientists.
  • One scientist creates a machine that can bring animals back to life.
  • A scientist creates a substance that makes people flu-free. She puts some on her sandwich at lunch, and wakes up the next day more tired than she has ever been before.
  • Write about a conflict between a scientist and a non-scientist.
  • A scientist is prohibited from doing expensive research.
  • Write about a laboratory experiment gone wrong.
  • Write a story about a lab monkey for a scientist who doesn’t use any in real life.
  • Write about testing someone’s honesty.
  • Write about a time when scientific data is misinterpreted to support political propaganda.
  • A scientist creates something mostly beautiful but with certain deadly side effects.
  • A scientist creating super cows realizes that they are trying to kill him.
  • Many science fiction and steampunk works incorporate science experiments gone bad into works of science fiction and steampunk.
  • Scientists are people and they work, live, and die like anyone else.
  • Write about breaking laws of science.
  • Write about a scientist discovering the meaning of life.
  • Compare and contrast scientific theories of cloning between the past and present day.
  • Write about a laboratory performing experiments that test morality.
  • Write about a scientist who invented something so important/powerful that it changed the world.
  • Write about what would happen if scientists were cute.
  • A scientist bears witness to the end of human civilization as he knows it.
  • If science was banned in your country…
  • A scientist is chosen to represent humans in an intergalactic council.
  • Write about a scientist who discovers she has a terminal illness.
  • A scientist isn’t allowed to perform her research because of political reasons.
  • Write about a plague created by a scientist.
  • A scientist has a premonition that something terrible will happen.
  • Write about a scientist who kills someone in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Write about what the distant future will be like.
  • A scientist that is not well known for his work is requested to present a speech on his science and manages to wow the world.
  • Write about a scientist who stays in the same occupation for their whole life.
  • A world where there is no electricity or functioning technology.
  • Write about science intersecting with your own life.
  • Write about a world where humans are afraid of science.
  • A scientist goes back in time to give technology to his society.
  • Write about a robot and its feelings toward its creator.
  • A scientist captures a creature from the environment that she doesn’t understand.
  • Your teacher is kidnapped by a suspicious stranger. Describe his appearance, one trait about him, one thing he says, and the area of town where he snatched your teacher.
  • A scientist searches for a lost city that holds great treasures.
  • Write about how magic is more accepted in the scientific world than science is accepted in a fantasy world.
  • A child discovers some ancient secret knowledge.
  • Write about an alternate beginning/invention of science/process of observation or hypothesis development
  • Write about an experiment done that goes terribly wrong.
  • A genetically altered animal answers the phone.
  • A scientist invents a device which allows you to look into the past.
  • A scientist achieves what he set out to do, only to realize it isn’t what he had hoped for.
  • A scientist attempts to travel to space.
  • Write about your death.
  • A scientist is told by his employer to write a paper that turns out to be a work of fiction about time travel.
  • What is one scientific breakthrough that fascinates you?
  • Write about a scientist trying to cure a deadly disease, but how he discovers the procedure is more painful for the subject than the cure itself.
  • A mad scientist’s disease spreads among the population, turning the world into zombies.
  • Write about a budding scientist, this could be a child who is doing interesting science at home or a teen library volunteer who must talk about the causes of rust to avoid death.
  • Write about something you would never be allowed to test in a science experiment.
  • Now try your hand at 30 more writing prompts for science fiction.
  • Write about a scientist committing a crime, despite his love of the law.
  • Write about a scientist or group of scientists who use unethical means to achieve their end.
  • Write a poem about a sundial.
  • Write about a world where there are no scientists.
  • Write about a world where science is outlawed.
  • Write about the first time a scientist discovered something.
  • Write about a scientist who blames himself for a terrible tragedy that causes everyone to stop and question their beliefs.
  • A scientist has to figure out the answer to a mystery.
  • A scientist wrestles with his inability to make people understand the science behind his invention, but he sees that he will benefit from it.
  • A career day presenter talks about her job as a scientist.
  • Write about what you would like your science experiment to be about.
  • Write about a world where scientists are in jail and/or being hunted down for their experiments.
  • A scientist struggles to choose between two career paths.
  • A scientist convinces people that wholesome prosperity is based on lies. Some believers start a counter-scientific revolution.
  • A scientist begins to experiment on herself and finds that her experiments are beginning to affect her.
  • The government, falsely believing that scientists will save society, funds science-based projects to fight dinosaurs.
  • A scientist creates an experiment to bring humans back from extinction.
  • Write about a science test. How did you do?
  • Write about a science experiment that changed history.
  • A scientist creates something that takes over the world.
  • Write about a human who has been experimented on.
  • Write about the aftermath of nuclear war and its effect on future generations.
  • Write about being able to travel through time.
  • Write about a world where science has stopped progressing.
  • A scientist is kidnapped by terrorists.
  • Write about science and superstition.
  • Write about a scientist caught in the middle of a war between two countries.
  • A scientist struggles with giving up her work for family obligations.
  • Write about a scientist who takes in a pet which becomes her best friend.
  • Talk about almost creating something that would’ve changed the future.
  • A scientist steals information from another scientist and uses it for evil purposes.
  • Write about a world where science has ruined everything.
  • Write about a scientist who discovers an intelligent species that has been lost to history.
  • Write about an experiment gone wrong and the chaos that it causes.
  • Scientists make incredible technology, but it harms the planet.
  • Frenchman Pierre Samuel du Motay was told to write about the opposite of ghosts. He wrote about tiny people and in consequence they are often thought of as the ghosts of the very large giant Ajax’s son’s feet. What’s the opposite of toes? Throwback Rotation Abnormal Therapy? Didn’t work. Common Chechnya Dumping Zone Syndrome? Probably not feasible. Cows, cows everywhere and not a drop to publish. Then there was madness. Not madness but it was close. You gotta stay away from that stuff.
  • Write about something you tried to do but failed miserably.
  • Write about a time before science, before logic ruled the world.
  • Write about a science experiment that has survived for centuries.
  • Write about a scientist or inventor.
  • Write about a scientist trapped in his scientific laboratory.
  • Write about a robot uprising.
  • Write about what it might be like to invent an imaginary object.
  • Write about a scientist who creates a machine that determines love.
  • A scientist loses his lab and must rebuild it.
  • Writer Write about a scientist’s day.
  • A crazy scientist builds a time machine in her basement.
  • Write about a scientist rising to power.
  • Write about a scientific discovery that could be the end of humanity, but no one knows anything about it.
  • Write about a trip to a science museum.
  • A scientist struggles to discover the truth when she is the only one who can see it.
  • Write about a day that a young scientist sets up an experiment and doesn’t tell anyone.
  • Write about a scientist whose good intentions are changed by human nature.
  • Your science experiments come to life after you’re done performing them.
  • It is up to a solitary scientist to stop an experiment gone terribly wrong.
  • Write about a scientist who sees an invention that will do more harm than good.
  • Describe a scientist who is writing in his/her lab diary.
  • A scientist wants to talk to a patient without a labcoat.
  • A child grows up wanting to become a scientist.
  • A scientist murders his colleague.
  • ~ Alan Kellogg
  • A scientist tries to disprove a theory only to discover that she is instead proving it.
  • The test subject runs away with the experiment.
  • In an alternative universe there is a scientist in an important position. What would she/he do?
  • A scientist is a gold digger.
  • A bad comedian steals your joke about quantum physics.
  • Scientists find something in their research that sounds like a creature from legend.
  • A planet similar to earth has a twin moon.
  • A scientist touches a strange glowing green rock. This action infects another scientist with a strange incurable disease.
  • Write about a scientist who loses a loved one to an environmental calamity.
  • A scientist creates a machine that can bring the dead back to life.
  • Write a story about the first mutant or walker.
  • Write about a young scientist who sees something no one else has seen before.
  • Write about a scientist who experiments on himself.
  • A big science corporation finds a solution to nuclear waste.
  • A panhandler asks for money to fund his science project that he claims will bring world peace.
  • Write about a scientist who has something to hide.
  • A scientist figures out how to weaponize an unknown substance.
  • Write about fake news. If “they say so!”, is that enough to convince people?
  • Write about your world’s hottest scientist.
  • When someone dies, they can be frozen and be brought back to life later.
  • A scientist makes a discovery that will send the world into chaos.
  • A man discovers something on his way home from work one day.
  • A young scientist attempts to prove his theory about the speed of gravity.
  • Write a story where someone starts off studying one discipline, but, due to unforeseen circumstances, ends up studying a different discipline.
  • A scientist’s discovery completely hijacks the scientific community.
  • A science experiment at a school or museum goes wrong.
  • Write about the first time that humans meet other intelligent species.
  • Write about a world where the scientific community is out of ideas and lost in space.
  • A scientist supposedly discovers a way to make perfect weapons, fuel, etc. but instead engineer them to be almost always broken.
  • A brilliant scientist experiments on animals without concern for ethics.
  • Write about a scientist who doesn’t follow the rules.
  • Write about a world where science doesn’t exist.
  • A scientist creates a new technology to help people.
  • Write about the profession of science. It’s about one character, several characters, or the profession itself.
  • The government attempts to cancel all funding for further research in several science fields, reflecting badly upon them. Write about the scientist’s reaction.
  • Write about a Robot scientist.
  • One of your characters invents the microscope.
  • Write about a world where humans have lived with dinosaurs.
  • Write about a science experiment that never should have happened.
  • Write about a world that only follows scientific principles.
  • Write about one of the world’s top scientists that is discovered to be a fraud.
  • A scientist seeks to make a fortune using science.
  • Scientists have found a way to bring the dead back to earth.
  • A scientist experiments on himself.
  • Person is mistaken for a science expert.
  • The Earth is threatened by an invasion from a foreign planet or Earth is threatened by something from the animal kingdom.
  • Write about a scientist that did not get to finish a project that they were working on.
  • A scientist has discovered a way to see into the future, but the process is expensive.
  • Write about a scientist who is a time-traveler.
  • A scientist creates the first human robot, but he isn’t happy about it.
  • Write about a time in your life when you became interested in science.
  • Write about your biggest pet peeve about science
  • A scientist tries to cure his son’s illness, but only makes things worse.
  • A scientist cloned his loved ones, and the clones turned out well.
  • A mad scientist unleashes a horrible plague.
  • Write about a secret being held in a laboratory.
  • Scientists find a way to bring people back from the dead.
  • Write about scientists having a toothbrush embargo.
  • What if scientists were in charge of law and order?
  • Write about something ordinary happening in a scientist’s lab.
  • Write about a world where there are no scientific experiments.
  • A scientist discovers the cure for a curable virus.
  • Charles Darwin grows weary of science, and instead becomes a botanist.
  • Write about a butler/handmaid/room attendant that works for a scientist.
  • A scientist learns something that could make him famous.
  • Write about how God of the Gaps arguments are bad arguments.
  • Write about a time when the weather does something that it isn’t supposed to do.
  • Write about a world that has railroads or cars/planes.
  • Write about someone with a scientific criminal record.
  • Write about a discovery that means a new revolution to the world and what it is.
  • A scientist runs experiments on her own kids to help find a cure for cancer.
  • In your story, what animal ability would you like to have?
  • Write about how a scientist contributed to furthering the human race in a particular area.
  • Write about an epic battle between good guys and bad guys. Good is represented by scientists, bad is represented by religious fanatics.
  • Write about a scientifically created monster .
  • Write a letter from a scientist to the general public, explaining why you do what you do.
  • What might happen if it is discovered that the Earth goes around the Sun in the opposite direction as the world has been taught?
  • A scientist creates something that eventually destroys them.
  • Science goes too far and creates monsters.
  • Scientists are a hated and feared minority.
  • Write about an experiment involving the scientist uniting with nature.
  • A scientist escapes from the evil scientists and they chase him across the globe.
  • Discoveries in science.
  • Elements only survived for 100 years. With that time frame shrinking daily. What is the last element on earth to be created?
  • Write about the people in a physicist’s life.
  • Do you know about a myth or legend from your culture? Explain a scientific explanation.
  • Write about a scientist writing about scientists.
  • Write about a situation where scientists don’t agree.
  • Write about a world where scientists are distrusted.
  • A scientist accidentally creates a monster. Write how the scientist discovers it.
  • Write about two scientists fighting to get to the same scientific breakthrough.
  • A scientist finds the cure to a common illness.
  • A scientist spends years building a robot that breaks down as soon as it turns on.
  • Write about the scientist who discovered something important, but someone else got all the credit.
  • Write about the end of the world caused by natural or man-made causes.
  • Two scientists from different sides of a conflict end up working together.
  • Write about a scientist trying to solve a problem but being blocked at every turn.
  • She is the queen of a society of scientists.
  • A scientist invents a new way to communicate.
  • You find the email of a famous scientist and have a conversation with them.
  • A scientist creates a super human, and she wants to win Super-human of the year.
  • Write about an event that was not science-related but happened at a science fair.
  • A super-smart robot scientist creates millions of his kind.
  • The discipline of science is being debated.
  • There was a huge explosion at a laboratory.
  • A bad scientist creates something horrible and unleashes it on the world.
  • A scientist gets their breakthrough idea in the middle of the night.
  • What would a world between science and faith look like?
  • Write about your very own solar system and what’s in it.
  • Scientists studying earthquakes in Antarctica discover an abandoned warehouse full of strange creatures. The creatures are the result of an experiment gone terribly wrong. The creatures are released around the world and wreak havoc on the flora and fauna of the Earth.
  • A scientist creates a formula. Magic is either real or possible.
  • Find an attack ad against a scientist. Write it from the scientist’s point of view.
  • A scientist creates something so awesome that humanity calls it a god.
  • If the world had too little science, a scientist tries to discover a way to correct this problem.
  • Write a science fiction story in a letter format.
  • Write about the consequences of the invention of synthetic meat.
  • Write about a crime against the science community.
  • A scientist tries to explain his or her job to someone not in the field and everything goes wrong.
  • Your character is granted one wish, but must present a genius idea in exchange.
  • Write about the end of science, the end of knowledge
  • A scientist invents something that changes a society, for good or for bad.
  • A scientist finds herself in a fun science-themed situation.
  • Write about a piece of art that is actually based on a scientific fact.
  • A scientist tries to solve a problem.
  • Write about an unexpected accident at the lab.
  • A scientist attempts to create intelligent life with questionable results.
  • Write about a meeting with a famous scientist.
  • A scientist discovers the concept of, and begins exploring time travel.
  • Write about something you wish was true according to science.
  • Write about a world where science ended.
  • Write about a scientist who is struggling to keep her discovery a secret.
  • Write about the laziest scientist on earth.
  • Write about an ant who wants to conduct an experiment
  • A scientist’s daughter questions her father’s belief that bringing extinct animals back to life is helpful.
  • People believe that science is magic.
  • Someone discovers a way to travel through time.
  • Write about a scientist that gives up on one science “field” and he goes on to do something completely different. For example, maybe there’s a scientist who specializes in engineering jellyfish who later tries his hand at inventing baseball.
  • There is a virtual reality technology that’s experiencing problems.
  • A scientist discovers an ancient secret that could end her career.
  • A scientist isolates the thing that makes people fall victim to a disease and causes it to fade into existence.
  • A scientist isolates the human gene that gives humanity empathy.
  • A scientist’s work is largely ignored by others in the field.
  • A scientist decides to tell the truth about the evolution of man.
  • Write about a world of science fiction.
  • A person discovered something that should be kept secret from the world, for the greater good of mankind.
  • A scientist that has discovered something she isn’t sure about how to handle it.
  • Write about a scientist experiencing a religious experience.
  • The opening of a pharmaceutical company.
  • Write about a future where there is no science.
  • Write about a scientist who discovers the cure to a horrible disease.
  • Write about a girl whose scientific research is sabotaged.
  • A scientist begins to have doubts about science and asks herself how much it has to do with God.
  • If only scientists from the past could come back and see the future.
  • Write about a mad scientist.
  • Write about a time travel trip to see a famous scientist in action. Start with Einstein when he was just a buff little dude.
  • A world where science doesn’t exist. How does that world compare with ours?
  • A scientist uses secret science to find who has been picking his or her nose when it shouldn’t be.
  • Someone invents a box that opens a portal to other dimensions.
  • Write about a famous scientist in any field.
  • Write about a world where the future of science is evil.
  • An evil genius flees a castle after trying to create monsters.
  • Write about a scientist who develops something that quantifies emotional intelligence.
  • Write about a study showing that sugar causes violent behavior.
  • Write about a scientist as an unappreciated genius.
  • A scientist finds a cure for a disease that destroys the mind but leaves bodies intact. They begin executing people.
  • A scientist invents something wonderful, and it is used to create something terrible.
  • Write about scientists or miraculous creations that transform the world into one we don’t quite recognize. Write about what it was like to live during that time.
  • Write about a world that is controlled by fear of science.
  • Write about a scientist who always gets his experiments wrong.
  • Write about what you would do if you were a scientist.
  • Write about a science experiment whose product never killed anyone.
  • A scientist with dyslexia contemplates the universe.
  • Write about a poor, misunderstood scientist who everyone thinks is evil.
  • A couple asks a science research facility to create an experiment for them.
  • The way people interact with science has changed.
  • Write about a world without technology.
  • A scientist who is responsible for the death of thousands wants to repent for his sins.
  • Write about what shows would be on science channels if The Discovery Channel was The Science Channel.
  • Research Material
  • Write about a new household appliance that no one seemed to have wanted.
  • Write a positive story about a scientist.
  • Write about how advanced technology has ruined the earth.

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