1001 Writing Prompts About Satire

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Satire stories have been around for a long time, but there is something about this genre that makes authors keep writing about them. Maybe, it is their desire to show the foolish or corrupt people, organizations, and governments using sarcasm, irony, and humor. 

One of the most popular satire stories in history is George Orwell’s Animal Farm—an allegorical and satirical fable about society;s blind march toward totalitarianism. Another is Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift—a prose satire that offers a harsh commentary on the British parliament’s petty parties. 

If you are interested in writing satire, here are some writing prompts to give you inspiration: 

  • Create a funny escapist fantasy
  • Write an apology for your roommate’s behavior
  • Write an article for a conservative magazine
  • Take damage control to the extreme
  • Write a funny takedown post about a political candidate
  • Write a funny response to someone who criticizes you
  • Write a diary entry from the point of view of a famous historical figure
  • Make a mock article about something in history, such as a war or significant event
  • Write an informative speech that has been recorded wrong and the effect this will create
  • Create a blog about a typical suburban community
  • Write an article around a youtube video you like
  • Show the injustice of a certain policy and suggest realistic solutions
  • Write a funny obituary about a celebrity.
  • Direct attack or criticism at the weather
  • Seek to ridicule government
  • Write a funny post that references a recent controversy.
  • Make up a funny limerick based on a current event
  • Write an article from an animal’s point of view about their human companion
  • Explain to someone a complex topic using only one metaphor, simile or analogy.
  • Write about funny reactions to pop culture
  • Write a mock apology for something you’ve done wrong
  • Write an article from the point of view of a famous writer
  • Write a satire of a TV advertisement
  • Write a funny description of a recent road trip you have been on
  • Write a story overheard at work
  • Please create a funny advertisement

  • Hold a poetry reading of your awful work and invite some of your friends and neighbors.
  • Write a short poem about a politician
  • Make up an advert for a strange product
  • Mix two famous movie or TV show titles and write about a new combination.
  • Create a mini version of team building at work where your employee turns out to be the joker.
  • Create a short biography of someone you don’t know
  • Create a blog post about personal goals
  • Write a comic about the harmful effects TV or video games can have on kids
  • There is much debate about whether or not online courses can lead to a certificate. If all extensive consideration is taken into account, a lot of people wonder if they are worth it or not. Some people believe they may be worth considering whereas others conclude that they are not even worth the excursion. Online certificate programs may leave some people fulfilled though others not so much.
  • Write a one-sided letter to a famous person
  • Write a poem on a quote that you disagree with
  • Why is it that we are more likely to be friends with those who tease us the most?
  • Write a funny love story
  • Write a letter to an influential person
  • Write a humorous job letter.
  • Write a song, then write a parody of that song
  • Use satire to comment on how people get addicted to media
  • Write a funny letter to the editor of your local newspaper
  • Be Devil’s advocate in an engaging blog post.
  • Using the Reluctant Hero writing trope, write the story about a modern day office loner who saves the day.
  • Write about someone who has recently gone through a dramatic change in their life
  • Write a parody about advertising and products pushed on us to buy, sell or try on.
  • Write a funny poem about a house guest
  • Parody the animal-rights activists over intelligent design for apes
  • Write about internet trolls
  • Create a newspaper article describing “if it wasn’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.”
  • Write a funny story about yourself or living out a happy moment
  • Write a funny letter to the editor for a local publication
  • Create a funny article detailing cat care
  • Write a story about a brand or product
  • Start a poll among your friends about something funny. Write an article about the results of the poll.
  • Compose a funny six-word memoir
  • Write a story about an individual relocating to the rural American West
  • Write a funny fake ad for a product
  • Write about a tall tale that has happened where you live
  • Critique the attention-getting devices of a tv show or movie
  • Write a funny obituary for someone you know
  • Write an argument between an animal shelter and a dog owner
  • Write a funny movie review
  • Create a funny sketch about a hot topic or recent event.
  • Write about the view of someone you know who doesn’t believe in global warming, consumerism, etc.
  • Write a funny high school story with social commentary
  • Write about a vacant office space.
  • Write a funny response to an invitation
  • Write a story about a set of two parents who constantly blame each other for their children’s problems
  • Write about something strange in your neighbourhood.
  • Write a funny children’s book
  • Create an ode in a humorous way to a villain from a movie
  • Comment on the popularity of Disney theme parks
  • Satirize an infomercial
  • Write about the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to you or someone you know
  • Write a diary entry by a regional political candidate
  • Write a funny, but believable, obituary for a little known writer or historical figure
  • Write a mock ad for an event where you’d like to share your new products
  • Create a mock medical report
  • Create a satire story about a conflict currently in the news
  • Write an informative article about phobias
  • Write funny title ideas for books or movies that already exist
  • Write a poem or a song about something you loved when you were a kid
  • Note that it is not too hard to essay writers cheat the truth if you must, but joke telling is a different game.
  • Write a funny epitaph for a loved one.
  • Write a funny restaurant review that’s actually about the food and not the waiter
  • Write a funny obituary for a famous person
  • Write a humorous letter to the editor
  • Compare the consequences of a popular note-taking app with a pen and paper in their natural environment by pretentiously writing down notes on a 3-inch by 5-inch notecard.
  • Create an unauthorized autobiography of someone you don’t like
  • Write a funny advertisement for a product you know somebody would use
  • There’s more…
  • Compare yourself to a past president of the United States of America
  • Write a news story about something in your life
  • Create a funny job application satirizing your current imagined job
  • Write a funny story about a celebrity acting rudely in public
  • Write a funny email summarizing your day
  • Write about your least favorite character from a TV show
  • Write a story about a local politician
  • Write a sketch about a fabricated police chase
  • Write an article for a fictitious newspaper about things you would like to see in the world.
  • Write a story about an accidental foodie experiment gone wrong
  • You just won a lottery! What are your dreams?
  • Fictionalize the ways animals behave
  • Write a story about an inventor trying to patent their product
  • Write a funny children’s story
  • Write an opinion article about proposed legislation
  • Satirize the formula for a romantic comedy
  • Create a mock lottery ball machine
  • Parody a movie trailer, television commercial, or advertisement
  • Write about a famous professional who is being phased out
  • Write an animal’s complaint letter to humans for ruining their lives
  • Make a list of excuses for not watching the Winter Olympics
  • Write a satirical opinion column on a topic you care deeply about
  • Write a funny letter to your congressman
  • Satirize the use of reality TV for moral edification
  • Satirize something popular in the news
  • Create a creative/unique commercial for a product
  • Comment on your recent trip to a wedding
  • Write a parodical short story or poem
  • Satirize a popular literary, television, or movie genre
  • Create an office memorandum about relocating people to off-site branch
  • Make a clever point in song format
  • Write an adaptation of Facebook posts into a story
  • Compose a funny contract/Proclamation or advice column
  • Review a movie parody
  • Write a letter to the editor about an issue that is controversial
  • Write an article in defense of a controversial “outlaw” company
  • Write what you think the next viral video will be.
  • Create an infographic that explains your attitude toward social media.
  • Construct a satirical letter either in support of an idea or a person, or in opposition to it.
  • Write an article about frivolous lawsuits Write a blog post that will only appeal to a small demographic
  • Write a funny script or dialogue for a funny movie or TV series
  • Write a story from the point of view of someone of the opposite gender.
  • Satirize a news site by creating fake news
  • Write a speech as if it is being given at the Republican National Convention.
  • Write a tongue in cheek appreciation of your local plumber
  • Write a funny essay about America’s pop culture
  • Write about an experience where you were the funny one among your friends
  • Write a funny parody about a famous book, like Harry Potter.
  • Write a magazine article profiling someone who doesn’t believe in reality
  • Write a speech for a funny politician
  • Write about a parent who is fed up with their overachieving child
  • Write an advertisement about a product you need, but don’t have the money for.
  • Write a funny letter to your future self
  • Make a point about current civil or political unrest through satire
  • Write a funny article that recommends a new kind of pet for the pet-loving family.
  • Incorporate your pet into a fictional story
  • Satirize the use of media in politics
  • Squire/Knave/Rascal
  • Write a story as if a pundit were making predictions about the future based on their observations
  • Create a poem about politics.
  • Write about what it’s been like to move to a new town/city
  • Imagine the worst invention you can think of for the future. Let your imagination run wild.
  • Write a funny episode based on a current book series
  • Write a fictional minute-long radio spot
  • Write a funny speech by a delusional or radical political leader
  • Write a funny story, describing an outrageous experience you have never had.
  • Write a fairy tale or fable with a modern satire twist
  • Write a story about a very poor person becoming rich
  • Write an amusing essay on how you should hate sweaters but love Christmas
  • Write about a comic incident that happened to you
  • Create a funny profile of a politician who may or may not exist
  • Explain a current event in a crazy new context
  • Write the advertising copy for a strange new product
  • Write a fabulously fake historical event that people in the future may believe really happened
  • Write about the ways of current generations from the perspective of dinosaurs or cavemen
  • Use several different media when you write a blog post, from your perspective about a recent vacation
  • Write a funny article about an unfortunate incident
  • Submit a mocking parody of a popular song
  • Write articles for the back page of a tabloid newspaper
  • Write a parody of the most common failed New Year’s resolutions
  • Write a debate on an argument you find particularly offensive
  • Satire is simply meant to point out an absurd element of society. Satire writing is humorous. It mocks society and the things it does. Often the target is institutional, moral or educational. See below for satire writing prompts.
  • Write an obituary with a funny twist
  • Write a statement for a satirical poster
  • Write a parody of any famous work
  • Compose a manifesto of an influential person
  • Write a story about a successful politician
  • Write an article about the best way to clean your car
  • Write a letter to the editor in frustration over a recent historical event
  • Tell a funny tale about something that was made by a multi-organization committee
  • Write a story about an expert who’s wrongly imprisoned for fraud.
  • Write a funny anecdote from a childhood memory
  • Write a tongue-in-cheek complaint about a trend you dislike
  • Write a story about a time you bribed someone.
  • Create a funny concluding ending for a fairy tale
  • Write a funny story about living in a different state/country. Compared to your current state/country, what is different? What is the same?
  • Write a blog post that makes fun of stereotypes
  • Write a social criticism about something you dislike Write a satirical fast food review
  • Create an advertisement about something that should cease to exist
  • Write about an awkward, funny or uncomfortable experience that you have had in your daily life
  • Write a poem about a person you know.
  • Write about a stereotypical “X” such as a teenage girl.
  • Write a spoof article about a current trend
  • Write a story made up entirely of quotations
  • A great way to practice your satire writing skills is to take articles written for popular publications such as the New York Times or the Atlantic and write your own version of the article. You are trying to create a new perspective of an old topic. Once you’ve read the article and figured out what the writer is trying to say, undermine that perspective.
  • Write a funny fictional summary of a documentary you’ve seen
  • Write a fake uplifting news story for a sick person
  • Write a cruel poem with an ironic punchline
  • Write a funny traveller’s diary.
  • Write a list article about a strange obsession
  • Create a rant blog as if you were a famous millionaire or world leader.
  • Write a serious article about someone who has been in the news recently for something they’ve done.
  • Choose a famous talk-show host and craft their bio in the form of the host.
  • Write a piece to persuade people to change an idea, practice, or habit
  • Write funny captions for Facebook or other social media sites.
  • Create a phenomenal commercial for a product of your choice. Write one that you would buy.
  • Think of a popular phrase, and adapt it to a different situation
  • Write a funny review of a recent restaurant or bar experience
  • Write an answer to someone’s personal ad
  • Write an alternative shop name for your local supermarket Write a parody poem or rap lyrics for a popular song
  • Write a funny opinion piece
  • Write an article to convince people to drink more water
  • Write a country song about a topic trending in the news.
  • Write a scene involving a drunken party
  • Satirize futile attempts to prevent public domain works from going into the public domain
  • Write a comedy sketch for TV with 4 main characters with 5 lines of dialogue each
  • Write about a recent sporting event and make up the officials’ report of what happened
  • Create a fake flyer for an event at your school
  • Write a funny first-person account of a stereotype
  • Write a funny story about a day in parliament
  • Write a letter to the editor in response to a common political topic
  • Write a funny obituary or eulogy
  • Write a Parody of a recently popular song or movie.
  • Write a book review using sarcasm and humor
  • Use your skills with a satirical infographic
  • Create a collection of back stories that explains your own celebrity behavior.
  • Create an infographic that suggests a “better” way something could be done
  • Write a funny advertisement for something that doesn’t exist.
  • Write a funny sports commentary about your school, state, or local sports team.
  • Write a paragraph about a workplace you’ve been to
  • Write a funny story about shopping for a fridge.
  • Satirize a hobby or interest
  • Collect positive praise you’ve received and write a fake interview between a reporter and you.
  • Write a news article about a controversial event
  • Write a fake product commercial
  • Write about a holiday in a humoristic way.
  • Write a funny travel story Use this article about the National Parks Service for inspiration
  • Create a political ad lampooning a candidate
  • Write a narration of your morning routine
  • Write a funny epitaph for your favorite fictional character
  • Write a story about President George W. Bush
  • Write a mock interview with a well-known politician
  • Write a funny commercial aimed at a specific target audience.
  • Write letters between people that don’t like each other
  • Satirize an ad or product.
  • Write an article about the weather
  • Write a funny obituary for a movie star
  • Write a funny news story about a current event
  • Write an article criticizing the use of science in education
  • Create fake personal ads and print them in a magazine
  • Write an eJuice label about a fictional, popular flavor of eJuice
  • What happens when disaster strikes a recreational softball game?
  • Write a funny poem
  • Write a political speech in the style of a famous actor
  • Write the best and worst case scenarios of a company’s new product announcement
  • Write a resume for a famous historical figure.
  • Create a list of funny ‘teen lingo’ and how to decode it
  • Determine which news articles have recently driven the most website traffic.
  • Take any other writing prompt and give it a twist or add a funny twist to the argument.
  • Carry an invention to extreme
  • Write about the influence of the media on people
  • Write a story about the trials of the politician’s life, especially before they decided to run for office.
  • Write an anonymous letter to a company to address a major problem
  • Write a narrative piece from the point of a politician you don’t like
  • Write about a famous person’s experience on vacation
  • Write about famous celebrities in a place you’ve never heard of
  • Write a story about something crazy done by an animal
  • Write a funny speech or conversation between a politician and his or her advisor.
  • Satirize a social belief.
  • Improvise a speech from a perspective of someone you disagree with.
  • Answer a few questions using humorous answers
  • Inspired by The Onion for writing satirically?
  • Write a funny letter as if you were traveling through the lands of Narnia.
  • Write a funny letter to the editor of a newspaper about an important issue in society
  • Below are some websites which provide satire writing prompts.
  • Write a commercial for a product or service that doesn’t exist
  • Write about a great first date you had.
  • Interview someone using a wacky personality
  • Write a very serious novel, and include three sentences of literary nonsense.
  • Write a story about two people conversing at a party
  • Satirize a website by creating funny posts about it on the blog
  • Write a funny poem for friendly critique.
  • Susie runs for President of the United States – create a political campaign advertisement for her
  • Write a dialogue piece between several people at a dinner party
  • And remember to let your students make mistakes. As we say with writers, “Giving up makes giving in.”
  • Write the speech a politician in a comedy movie
  • Make fun of inequality.
  • Write a letter to someone from someone else
  • Make a comic strip about an important meeting, such as a board meeting Write a funny undelivered letter about a current event or historical event.
  • Write a fake letter from one American to another , satirizing the idea of American exceptionalism.
  • Post a story about a recent event that doesn’t have the right information in it – publish your own version and give it the right information!
  • Write a funny story about household chores
  • Write a story about a something abstract, like The War or true love
  • Write up a funny story about a fictional street
  • Is there anything that’s really bothering you/bothering you about people in general?
  • Brainstorm a list of fake headlines you could generate from a certain news story.
  • Write an article satirizing the death of a famous person
  • Write an alternative ending for a popular movie Include comically absurd elements in your story.
  • Write a letter as if you were a civil servant to a different branch of the government, complaining about an issue
  • Create a funny dialogue between two characters that have opposing views on a serious issue
  • Have a bit of fun writing your own version of a popular nursery rhyme
  • Satirize award acceptance speeches
  • Create a satire about a news story in a country other than the one you live in or another geopolitically significant region
  • Create a parody newspaper with ridiculous news stories
  • Write a funny poem or limerick
  • Generate a list of characteristics which would make up the definition of “cool”. Refer to the list from time to write a funny story
  • Make a list of the most common items found in a house, e.g. toasters, socks and see how many of them can be repurposed in a humorous manner.
  • Write an angry letter to a company about a negative experience
  • Start a fake blog post about a new topic.
  • Write a top five list parody
  • Write a story about children with a very special talent
  • Write a fake advert for your product of choice. Choose a time period in the past or present and write about it satirically. Write an entertaining bio for someone you know but would rather not be remembered for.
  • Write an ad for something repulsive
  • Write a Letter to the Editor that mocks the main voice of the newspaper
  • How would a celebrity handle being in prison?
  • Write a fake ad for a product
  • Turn an advertisement into a story.
  • Write about something in which you wish would stop happening.
  • Write a funny sitcom 1st episode / episode summary.
  • Write a one act play about a current politician
  • Write a funny report on a recent conference you attended
  • Pen a parody of a favorite superhero website
  • Use one lame, tired joke and make it work, or write a commentary about lame, tired jokes as a whole
  • Write a limerick about a topic that you know well enough to be humorous
  • Write a funny letter to someone famous
  • Write a logic debate between those in favor of global warming and those skeptical of global warming
  • Create a parody advertisement for a product you’d like to see.
  • Write a parody of a well-known corporate company/brand
  • Create a fictitious job listing for a real company
  • Get inspiration from today’s headlines
  • Take lyrics from a popular song and turn them into a satirical poem
  • Create a parody of a company logo
  • Parody the life and legacy of an influential figure
  • Write a mock movie poster for a an upcoming release
  • Create a funny story of someone who makes you laugh uncontrollably
  • Make a fake advertisement for a fictitious product and make it look like an actual advertisement
  • Write a story about convincing your friends that something is good, when you know it is terrible
  • Dialogue-based story about a day in the life of a politician
  • Write an advertisement for a new television show
  • Place yourself into an historical event
  • Make fun of someone you know
  • Write a funny answer on a job application form
  • Write a funny story about how you won the lottery
  • Write a funny film review
  • Write a funny advertisement
  • Write a funny ad about an upcoming event
  • Write a reply to overly emotive Facebook status
  • Right a letter from Santa to a child
  • Write a medical excuse
  • Write a funny party poster
  • Write a parody of an ad campaign
  • Write a funny, satirical article featuring a sports team
  • Write an editorial exposing high-ranking corruption
  • Write a children’s story satirizing the American education system
  • Write a funny poem dedicated to satire writing
  • Discuss the differences between men and women
  • Is there a current issue or news article that you could write about in a funny way?
  • What is a funny observation you have made about growing up?
  • Satire the current financial crisis
  • Answer the question, “If you were given $1000 with no strings attached, what would you do with it?”
  • Write a funny scripted conversation from a movie or TV show.
  • Create a list with the first item being funny and each successive item less funny.
  • Make fun of a time when you resorted to a public forum to try to resolve a problem
  • Create a hypothetical museum showcasing the horrible items you’ve created.
  • Write a funny sports article
  • Satirize Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.”
  • Write about a politician, or one of the infamous political parties in your country
  • Write a parody letter from a famous person
  • Analyze a political candidate in satire
  • Create a Work in Prose
  • Write a romantic comedy that skews feminist causes
  • Write a parody about your religion, company, school, or organization
  • Write an amusing news article that reveals the hidden facts
  • Write microfiction based on a photo prompt
  • Write a letter complaining about one of today’s big issues
  • Create a fake memo from a person in a bureaucracy
  • For your serious writing, what subjects do you usually like to write about? Which ones might you not be interested in because it may not be able to include much humor?
  • Write a funny script for a short film about a celebrity
  • Write a satirical tweet to a celebrity
  • Write a fantasy story using popular celebrities in a fictional world
  • Write poetry using hyperbole and satire to criticize modern society
  • Write a blog in the voice of someone you know or historical figure
  • Satirize the idea of the movie critic
  • Write an article about a business that visited your hometown.
  • Create a parody to ‘The Russian Aggression’ by Hi Guess the illuminati
  • Write an article about planning a vacation for animals
  • Parody a pop music song or a recent video
  • Write a podcast episode where each guest can only respond using clips from a meme soundboard.
  • Dig up some famous quotes from Google, turn them upside down and write how they came to that way.
  • Write a poem telling a story about a funny interaction
  • Added more active twitter conversation practice
  • Write a short story about a fake emergency announcement on TV
  • Write a letter from a famous historical figure to a current one
  • Write a satirical sales brochure for a product. A medical device, for example a fake machine to cure some condition or another
  • Write a mock job interview for someone famous
  • Create a funny made up marketing campaign
  • Satirize a business website you frequent and how it adds value to your life
  • Satirize a popular public figure – in particular, a politician, a well-known author or artist, or a pop star, as a way to draw attention to his/her faults. Challenge your readers to look at the story from the public figure’s point of view.
  • Make a list of upcoming trends you’ve seen
  • Write a comic about a problem product
  • Create a short story about a historical figure.
  • Write a humorous weather forecast for the weekend
  • Invent a story of how a political party or organization will sell something.
  • Write an article in defense of a politician or celebrity
  • See if you can tell a true story making it sound as though it were satire.
  • Write a story about a popular politician using satire
  • Write a funny account of an awkward moment
  • Write a satirical review for a product you don’t like
  • Write an advertisement that draws attention to a societal misconception
  • Create a fake obituary about someone you don’t like
  • Write a funny first-person blog about Internet memes
  • Write about the topic of bullying in your personal style How would you satirize a current event your kids’ teachers have been talking about? What is your vision of “breaking news”?
  • Write a satire column
  • Satirize a famous movie
  • Satirize the content of a billboard or google ad
  • Create a news article about a child who does something stupid or funny
  • Write a short story about a snow day
  • Copy the format and structure from successful material and use it for something different and new
  • Write a letter from a disgruntled client to a company that failed to provide the desired product or services.
  • Write a short story from the point of view of an animal/character in a work of fiction
  • Satirize the famous line, “The pen is mightier than the sword”
  • Write a funny love letter
  • Sketch an incident based on a current web-based meme.
  • Write a funny description of yourself
  • Write a funny announcement of coming of a new Christmas toy or game
  • Create a funny parody advertisement for a new product
  • What would a “Dumb and Dumber” version of Cinderella be like?
  • Write a funny letter to the editor of a newspaper
  • Write a funny estimation report
  • Write a humorous love letter.
  • Write about the crazy sales you’re seeing in stores and online.
  • Imagine you are a brand and speak from the Company’s point of view.
  • Write about a person you dislike
  • Write a story about someone whose traits and habits annoy you.
  • Sketch a humorous situation that you personally have experienced or witnessed.
  • Write a satire of a first-year college student
  • Write a one-paragraph story about a sarcastic roommate
  • Super-size all the foods and tell your customers the exact amount of calories they’re eating
  • Write a funny parody of a popular story or movie you’ve seen
  • A list of satire writing ideas can be used for articles at a magazine. Such activities and ideas help writers to bring out their individuality, thinking skills and great storytelling perspective.
  • Satirize a trend, fad, or pop song
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation about something you’d rather not talk about to a group of your peers
  • Imagine your life as a standup comedian – what’s the joke?
  • Write a funny review about a recently opened restaurant
  • Write an open letter to the person or entity you fear most
  • Write a funny essay about something you did as a child
  • Write a funny tweet or a mock celebrity tweet.
  • Write a funny paragraph where the end of each sentence is a new paragraph.
  • Characters in a Sitcom
  • Satire novels are extremely popular forms of satire, because they allow people to escape faraway worlds like never before. So, write your own satire novel
  • Watch a comedy show and pay attention to what jokes the comedians use. Write a satirical piece based on a comedy scene
  • Write about a time when your organization is threatened by an outside force.
  • Write a short parody of a famous novel about an earlier era
  • Write a humor piece about some absurdity in modern life
  • Predict how a future technology will impact future generations
  • Writing prompts can be useful to practice writing and to go through a creative exercise.
  • Create a list of common character flaws in stereotypical male and female personalities
  • Write a historical satire
  • Write the news story as it would be if the opposite were true.
  • Write an anti war satire
  • Satirize the habit of driving collection cars
  • Write a funny story about a selfie you took
  • Write a funny take on one of your government’s laws.
  • When writing satire, it is best to first know who your audience is. You can do this by asking yourself who will read this story or by doing research about your audience.
  • Create a TV show pilot for a sitcom about the workplace
  • Write a hundred word essay on a black topic the same length United States Constitution
  • Satirize a facet of popular culture
  • Write a funny poem about a social or political issue
  • Write a funny advertisement for something you’d never buy
  • Parody something real
  • Write a funny signed advertisement
  • Create a comic strip or graphic novel
  • Write a funny article about a recent event that has changed the world.
  • Mock sensationalist local news items
  • Write about a celebrity snagging the wrong Rolex at an auction
  • Can you draw an endnote?
  • Write an announcement about someone simpleminded in sports, music, or television
  • Write a parody song or poem
  • Write a story from the perspective of someone described as “other”
  • Pull a story out of current news that you are going to make funnier
  • How would a news reporter describe the people from your town?
  • Create a list article on something immoral
  • There are a variety of ways you can use satire writing prompts.
  • Write a proclamation from a dictator.
  • Write a parable about an Internet subculture
  • And even if you don’t manage to turn a prompt into a masterpiece, don’t let that hold you back. The more you write, the better you’ll get.
  • Fake review of a tech product featuring ridiculous and useless features.
  • Design a satirical bumper sticker
  • Satire can be a fun and entertaining writing style. It is used to make a critical point under the guise of writing a humorous piece. These are just a few ideas to get you started.
  • Make a speech for one of the candidates.
  • Write an article in which a politician argues against vaccinations
  • Imagine if everyone was forced to speak in rhyme in your hometown for a day. Write your version of the aftermath.
  • Satirize a specific aspect of a certain country or culture
  • Write a blog post with a grandiose emotional hook
  • Have some new job that’s not all it’s cracked up to be or you do the job for a weird boss that sends you over the edge.
  • Write a funny poem about your current relationship
  • Describe the worst game you played
  • Do a “mock movie review” about a current movie that your audience is interested in
  • Write a movie review on women’s liberation
  • Write a series of Facebook statuses that best sum up a friend
  • When writing satiric poetry, the writing prompt need not be a traditional form, or even a series of complete sentences. It can simply be an obsessively detailed and overly worded diatribe against a recent topic that could be avoided by a simple statement. Seldom does satire come in “traditional” forms.
  • Be funny about a recent event in history
  • Use comedy to explain why a celebrity committed a crime
  • Make a parody of a much-viewed art gallery
  • Create a funny college course description
  • Write a parody of real life conversation between two distant relatives
  • Write a sarcastic tech review for a fake product
  • On social media, write a poem that would fit naturally composed by a teenage girl.
  • Write a funny piece about a famous historical event
  • Write a humorous opinion column about how you would eliminate an advertisement and how people would react to it
  • Make fun of yourself either satirically or seriously. It’s up to you!
  • Write an apology
  • Write a funny poem or song
  • Write a mock contemporary painting.
  • Write a funny letter to the editor of a newspaper
  • Write a funny letter to an anti-vaxxer
  • Write a dream job description for a web designer
  • Make fun of an overused phrase, word, or saying
  • Create a piece of text from an US President, meant to sound like he was blindly trying to imitate Abraham Lincoln
  • Write a review on a local restaurant’s new appetizer.
  • Create a spoof of animal lovers and animal rights activists
  • Write about a recent education program
  • Write a one-page satirical poem
  • Write a funny review of the most boring book you’ve ever read
  • Turn a familiar phrase into self-satire
  • What would your favorite television show look like if it were about you?
  • Write a review of something you rule over
  • Create a character who is possibly the worst in show business, such a celebrity style guru.
  • Write a funny letter between two of your fake characters
  • Write a satirical book or movie review
  • Write a funny letter to a friend or a pen pal
  • Write a story about a small business owner. How do they feel about their job? Are they successful?
  • Or write a funny poem about a popular politician.
  • Fictionalize an important historical event
  • Write a humorous music review
  • Have fun with a parody about a famous work such as a movie
  • Write an advertisement for your product.
  • Write an eulogy about a celebrity
  • Write a story about why you got fired from a job.
  • Conduct an interview with a tourist.
  • Write a story about a popular politician
  • Write a funny job resignation letter
  • Find a hilarious photo providing the perfect jumping off point for a funny piece, or write a funny caption
  • Create a funny advertisement for products you are disgusted with.
  • Write a funny television commercial
  • Write an ironic, slightly mean review about a restaurant you really like.
  • Create a funny review for a restaurant you’ve recently visited.
  • Write a funny poem about the use of mobile technology
  • Write a funny message from your future self to your younger self
  • Write a short story about a recent scandal
  • Take a TV show related to your subject and create a parody with a better script.
  • Write the testimony from the police officer who pulled you over
  • Write a mock business presentation about a controversial topic
  • Write an op-ed for a news website on a topic relevant today
  • Write a story about a funny pet
  • Make a list of all the things you dislike about a company
  • Create a Redneck Manifesto
  • Write a parody of an internet meme and explain why / why not it worked.
  • “Think before you speak. To improve your mocking.”
  • Satirize another element of everyday life, like work, shopping, politics, education
  • Name your own new law
  • Write a letter from one person to another
  • Write a funny recipe for a delicious food you would like to eat.
  • Write a funny letter from a friend to a slimming center
  • Write a parody of a popular children’s story or fable
  • Write about the media’s excessive invasion of reality television
  • Write a parody song about a current event
  • Write a dialogue between two people from different religions
  • Create a satirical song
  • Write in the voice of an employee who works for a big business in the 21st century.
  • Write about an annoying celebrity fan
  • Make up, and write a story, about a celebrity you hate.
  • Write a funny editorial about a recent event
  • Write a product review mocking a popular product
  • Write a comedy scene based on a real world situation
  • Choose a viral YouTube video that is going around and make an epic parody
  • Explore propaganda as it relates to American media and government
  • Create an advertisement explaining that false advertising is not as bad as people think it is.
  • Write a funny narrative essay about starting high school, college, or university
  • Write an article about becoming famous
  • Comedy screenplays are typically full of comedic irony and are used to parody existing genres of film or television. Comedy writers have to be very knowledgeable about their target genre, as well as current filming techniques and filmmaking technology
  • Write a funny skit about a current issue.
  • Satirize a crowd-sourced selfie posted to the Internet
  • Write a funny message post to a friend
  • Write a job application for a single mother
  • Write a fake apology letter from an angry person
  • Write an infomercial about a faultily useless invention
  • Writing satires in the form of personal letters
  • Write a funny paragraph about your idea of a good business idea.
  • Write a blog article about the horribleness of speed dating.
  • Write a “How To” on an elaborate prank or urban legend
  • Write about the use of vacancies in a shopping mall as sites for a political rally
  • Write about the love life of a star athlete
  • Write an exaggerated, over-the-top advertisement
  • Write a satirical story about a fictional sport
  • Satirize the healthcare system
  • Fight back an employer in creative ways against shoddy business practices
  • Write a funny poem
  • Write about wet conditions
  • Compose a humorous poem about a dead serious topic
  • Write a satirical op-ed for a popular newspaper
  • Pretend you are God and write your own commandments for society
  • What are some long lasting effects from a custom?
  • Satirize a noted public figure
  • You may also create a comic strip about a prominent politician.
  • User-Friendly Writing Tips
  • Write an editorial on a recent political event
  • Write a satirical essay about how you were bored at work today.
  • Write a funny article about recycling
  • Write a funny letter to “Dear Abby”
  • How about a satire about a trendy product?
  • Write flash fiction based on a recent scandal
  • Write a funny dialogue for two opposing characters in a play
  • Write short articles about a few famous people or characters from a TV show or movie
  • Write a story about how technology is ruining relationships
  • Write a fictitious dating service ad
  • Create a company ad or commercial that’s entirely false
  • Write a satire about food
  • Oscar night or the world series – write a funny review of the show
  • Create a fictional breakup email by/to a celebrity
  • Write a funny list of movie genre titles
  • Pick a company going out of business, and write a sarcastic tweet about it.
  • Invent and advertise an odd product line Give reasons why the product line should succeed
  • Write a parodic cover letter for a nonexistent job
  • Write a funny conversational exchange between a customer and a fast food worker
  • Make a funny lawyer commercial
  • Write a rant about something you despise or hate
  • Write a satirical column about sending your kids to school
  • Write an animal fable including an honest surprise for the reader
  • Write a funny or satirical text message that you would like your friend to send
  • Write a ridiculous tagline to go along with an existing product
  • Write about a political climate in a media other than your native one.
  • Write a scene taking place at a nightclub or bar
  • Write a parody about your industry and profession
  • Invent an infomercial
  • Write a self help book that you would never actually follow.
  • Sum up one of your recent tweets into an article
  • Satirize the environmental movement
  • Write a story about a group of people in order to satirize a current event
  • Write a fake personal ad for your friend
  • Write a funny interview between a politician and a voter pushing their own agenda.
  • Write a story about a time the school bully/the boss of a place you’ve worked is away.
  • Write a warning label for a product
  • Write a funny essay about an incident at a public event
  • Use satire in your blog.
  • Write a movie review of a flashy Hollywood movie
  • Write an advertising slogan for an unusual product
  • A series of interconnected fictional stories embedded in a single work of art.
  • Write a parody of Proverbs
  • Create the screenplay for the ‘worst movie yet!’
  • Make up a tabloid story about a prominent person you don’t like.
  • Write an article from the perspective of your favorite superhero or villain
  • Write a list as if on a QVC commercial
  • Analyze political cartoons using critical reasoning
  • You probably won’t want to use all of them for your PPTX presentation. You want to take advantage of the visual size of the PowerPoint page. One long paragraph seems fine in an email, but is difficult to follow in a presentation. Three paragraphs may work fine in print, but will feel overwhelming on a PowerPoint page.
  • Write a letter from the main character of a popular book
  • Write a funny police report
  • Write a satire article about a popular hobby or interest
  • Compare the food in a famous book to food eaten around the world
  • Sketch out a plan to help make an established politician more desirable to voters
  • Write a funny book blurb
  • Write a funny biography about someone you know.
  • Write about a young entrepreneur who “invents” a new product for accessing the internet.
  • Satirize a familiar super hero.
  • Tell a historical event from a mocking perspective
  • What is the profile of an entrepreneur? Write about a memorable fictional entrepreneur.
  • Use satire to make fun about a habit you hate
  • Write about an entrepreneur
  • Write a sad event in history from a satirical perspective
  • Write a disturbing short story about two friends who wire-tap each other’s lives
  • Write in the point of view of a spammer
  • Sometimes as a lab, the students are required to write about a blog or thread they find at 4chan’s /b/ board
  • Create a funny rhyme about a an old song title
  • Write a funny diary entry about your recent events
  • Write the biography of a famous person who writes her autobiography.
  • Having gender issues? Write about a woman who is transitioning to a man, or a man who is transitioning to a woman.
  • Create a funny story about a celebrity asking for money
  • Write a funny replacement of the lyrics of a popular song
  • Create a cartoon show special segment for a news program
  • Describe yourself as a superhero
  • Write a funny love letter to yourself
  • Create a fake product description
  • Comment on the foolishness of fighting
  • Write an editorial op-ed about controversial social topics
  • Satirize the idea of choosing a particular profession
  • Learn more about what a writing prompt is and how to best utilize them in this article.
  • Have politicians and religion always used the same scare tactics?
  • Write a funny piece about what you did on a Saturday morning
  • Create a mock academic piece about an interesting new discovery
  • Write a short poem using sarcasm
  • Write a satire about a common stereotype you are aware of
  • Write a funny sitcom treatment with some ridiculous characters.
  • Write a story telling how, when, and where you first got pregnant. Then edit your story using a symptomatic writing prompt. Circumvent your point of view.
  • Write a funny list post
  • Satirize the shock journalism style of Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, or Fox News
  • Satirize the use of “food porn” in advertisements
  • Create a poem or song about a piece of technology that you use
  • Write a mock advertising white paper about a revolutionary invention
  • Write about a conversation between two customers in a restaurant.
  • Create a story about a horrible new trend that is taking over video games Destroy online gaming ambition
  • An act of terrorism has taken place. Write a satirical sketch about how people reacted to it
  • Write a business memo to customers who keep calling to ask the same question
  • Make fun of popular Facebook or Twitter trends
  • Write a book review of a book you have not read
  • Write a funny obituary for a celebrity
  • Make a comic strip out of a news article about a current event
  • Write a letter to a dead president
  • Take something political, moral or ethical, that a lot of people hold sacred, and create your own religion, god, or cartoon character that thrusts it in a new and different light.
  • Write a parody of any famous product
  • Write a story about a recent tragedy from a comical perspective
  • Make a list of the most ridiculous superpowers
  • Satirize the latest anti-drug commercial
  • Write a funny movie advertisement
  • Write a funny movie review
  • Write about two countries going to war with one another.
  • Copy the introduction of a well-known work of fiction and then change the names of the characters. Invent a new ending for the story.
  • Review an amusement park in a satirical way
  • Write a journal entry by a robot or a character from a sci-fi film or novel.
  • Draw up a list of rules for students who are about to start college or university
  • Create a fake press release for an absurd product
  • All crime is the fault of women
  • Write a satirical TV news “broadcast”
  • Write a funny conversation between three coworkers making fun of each other.
  • Act out a scene where two people that you know can’t agree
  • Write a critique/commentary about a current fashion or clothing trend.
  • Write a spot on interview question for a customer service job
  • Write a funny chat between yourself and a friend
  • Write a funny birthday card for a family member or friend
  • Create a funny conversation between two strangers
  • Write a humor article about the topic you are studying for an upcoming exam.
  • Write a funny food section for a newspaper
  • Create a newspaper mock-up about individual freedom and government policies on healthcare, safety, banking, etc.
  • Write a funny advertisement for a product
  • Write a dialogue between a slave master and his slave
  • Create a fake interview between a politician and or corporate executive and a charismatic interviewer
  • Write an article about a new law or local government decision.
  • Edit existing inspirational quote or poem to include a topical joke, e.g. personalize the quote to fit your own life
  • Write a piece about something happening in your community or locality
  • 11. Pure Illusion by Mellie Price
  • Write an obituary celebrating the life of a politician’s pet
  • Write an amusing, yet informative, memo to your boss
  • Write a spoof article in the style of a newspaper editor or magazine publisher
  • Write a fun little story about a cranky old man
  • Create a science-fiction about an absurd innovation
  • Write a funny parody of an opinion columnist
  • Write a story where a speech at a basketball game causes the entire crowd to erupt
  • What Was Satire Born From
  • Imagine a world where horses have become the national animal of your country
  • Create your own meme and share it with your friends
  • Write about time travel using a time machine you designed
  • Use some of the satire writing tips and tricks to take a dig at the way formal writing is taught
  • Create a mock advertisement and post it online
  • Start a disaster using the news headlines or world news
  • Satirize the excess of political correctness
  • Write in the voice of a popular TV or movie character
  • And discuss how popular magazines impact us on an everyday level. Are they a positive or negative influence of society?
  • Create a tour guide that’s um… off.
  • Complain to a company about a service you struggle to use Create a list of plausible lies
  • Satirize an operating system, program, or internet site
  • Write an article for a tabloid newspaper
  • Write a funny background profile for a celebrity
  • Comment on the sensationalism of the entertainment news.
  • This next chapter will focus on flash fiction. The prompt below is a step towards writing a novel without a well-defined plot. Don’t be afraid of memory artifacts and writing from personal experiences.
  • Write a parody of the Jack the Ripper London murders
  • satire essay night comics –
  • Fictional customer visits a fictional fast food restaurant.
  • Invent a new video game full of satire
  • Write a guide to conception and pregnancy
  • Write a movie review for a movie you have not seen
  • Argue either for or against a favorite debate subject
  • pretend to be anyone saying anything
  • Write a funny summary of an important historical figure
  • Write a funny advertisement for an exterminator
  • Create a brochure/pamphlet for a funny new TV show or food
  • Writing and reading satire can be highly entertaining and opens you up to an entire new way of expression and thinking. Whether or not you use humor in your everyday life, using satire can be a fun way to stimulate the imagination and challenge both inside and outside of the box thinking.
  • Write an essay creating a parody of Sarah Palin
  • Create a video of a new TV series
  • Write your own version of a major news story.
  • Deride something you dislike
  • Create a mock ad for a product or service, includes the product they’re selling and a micro website.
  • Create a funny gossip column about a popular celebrity.
  • Write a story about a visit to the mall or another large shopping establishment.
  • Create a fake interview with a politician
  • Write a short history about a future civilization made famous by robots
  • Write a hilarious poem
  • Create a news story about an outrageous topic.
  • Write a political allegory or in-joke that only a select group of people will understand.
  • Write the “new-and-improved” ending of a well-known children’s book
  • Make fun of a product.
  • Use cut-out-n-paste and create a text conversation between two unrealistic people who are not using correct grammar and/or spelling
  • Write a poem mocking a popular song
  • Write a story about a large group of people who are united in their complaints or beliefs
  • Turn your favourite song into a funny rant
  • You can host your satire on a blog or on the web using a short story hosting site or directly on a website, like on this site.
  • Plug in to the power of trends
  • Write a lighthearted story about someone who has unrealistic expectations
  • Write a funny weather report
  • Write a funny dialogue between 2 or 3 people revealing intimate secrets about them
  • Satirize corporate mission and values statements
  • Make up a recipe for something entirely fictitious or absurd
  • Write a funny award acceptance speech
  • Write a satirical piece based off of the ideas of some philosophers or theorists
  • Write an introduction to a celebrity autobiography
  • Create an overview of psychological conditions among famous celebrities
  • Create a mock Facebook post or tweet by a friend or a celebrity
  • Write about a situation or event that you’ve witnessed recently
  • Analyze the headlines of famous satirical papers
  • Write a story about an accidental terrorist
  • Write a letter to a friend, but make it sarcastic.
  • Write a story about a local celebrity
  • Write a funny letter to the editor of a newspaper.
  • Write a funny news article about celebrities
  • Make fun of the world with a satirical comic strip
  • Create a magazine advertisement
  • Write a funny letter to the editor
  • Write a poem about global warming
  • Create a funny letter from an internet troll
  • Write a news report about the latest craze to come back
  • Use satirical approach to write a project proposal
  • Write a fake letter from a cultural icon to sent parents about an upcoming concert for their band
  • Write a joke for a politician
  • Create a cheat for a school exam
  • Write a funny ad for a new product
  • What effects would happen if crop circles appeared overnight in a local farmer’s crop field?
  • Write about someone who’s had a bad hair color experience
  • Create an advertising slogan for a used car
  • Write a funny poem about a job that you’ve held in the past or one that you wish you could hold
  • Take a common expression and reverse its meaning
  • Convince your partner to take up a new hobby using a funny means
  • Write a funny fake advertisement
  • Satirize a multibillion dollar corporation
  • Write a laugh out loud dialogue between two teenagers
  • Satirize something being sold in a local store
  • Write about something serious from a humorous perspective
  • Create a humorous letter to the editor of a newspaper
  • Overcome fear and write through the discomfort of writing from an original perspective. When writing, write an uncomfortable idea, a great fear or strong conviction, an unpopular or impractical opinion supporting a strong point of view—anything that may make you feel a little queasy.
  • Write about a difficult boss or coworker you’ve worked with
  • Write a funny review on something you don’t like
  • Write a funny post about something or someone gone viral on the internet
  • Use satire to write about the sports you love and the sports you hate
  • Write about a common trend in a creative and funny way, i.e. the genius bar at apple, impossible hamburger in asia
  • Write a gossip piece about a celebrity of your choice
  • Make a funny comparison between objects or situations
  • Write a funny review of something you just bought
  • Write a description of an imaginary place
  • Make a fictitious, innovative invention
  • Price is Right Parody
  • Write a funny jeering review of a popular restaurant or bar
  • Compare two things you know a lot about and explain why they are comparable.
  • Make a toilet paper advertisement that would really sell to your demographic
  • Compose an editorial on the state of education in your community
  • Write a funny advertisement.
  • Write a mock letter to the editor
  • Write a funny story about your boss or boss’s boss. Write your funny side of a conversation with a customer service – show that you have a sense of humor.
  • Make up statistics about something and people will believe them
  • Superhero comics have grown exponentially in popularity in the past few decades. Why? Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Would humor be an important attribute for a superhero?
  • Make fun of government officials
  • Write a one-sentence story
  • Write a fictional story about any controversial topic you’d like
  • Write in a funny anagram
  • Write a cheeky reason on why something is or isn’t popular
  • It is imperative to understand how satire works before attempting to write an article. Once it is determined that the writing will be satirical in nature, it is important to familiarize oneself with the style, preferred writing qualities and to gather more ideas for satirical writing. The most important step in being able to write a satirical article is to accept the fact that satire writing is not about facts or truth, but the attitude it creates in the mind of the reader.
  • Write a humor piece about a political movement
  • Write a list in the form of a tell-all paragraph by a disgraced politician
  • Write a satirical story describing the current economy of America
  • Satirize an annoying habit of yours
  • Write a parody rap about an important issue
  • “Create” a popular viral “meme”
  • Write the obituary of a well-loved television show
  • Write a joke about computers
  • Write a parody of a scandal caused by a social media post
  • Satirize an inanimate object – such as a mobile phone
  • Write an introduction speech for someone.
  • Write a funny television ad for a market that hardly exists
  • Humour in Advertising
  • Give an insider’s look at a famous organization
  • Imagine you are a crime reporter. Write a news story that starts with a chase scene and ends with an arrest
  • Use humor in place of graphic description in your writing
  • Write a funny travel log about a place you’ve never been
  • Imagine a confusing conversation with Siri
  • This is the type of SATIRE writing you will have to write during your exam.
  • Take a social issue and change a critical aspect of it.
  • Write a scene from your life as if it were a sitcom
  • Write a satire piece on your favourite topic
  • Create a “How-Not-To” epic poem
  • Write a funny movie or show review
  • Comment on gossip and rumor mongering in any industry, high or low
  • Write an article about a celebrity that doesn’t exist
  • Write a cocktail recipe for a favorite drink
  • Write your own funny recipe for a common dish
  • Write a satirical piece on a book you’ve recently read
  • Write about a recent or breaking news story
  • Write a funny poem about a current figure of authority
  • Create a funny dating profile
  • Evaluate a piece of art – was it worth the money and the hype?
  • Tell a story about a hilariously run-in you had, preferably with someone famous
  • Write a “letter” to someone you don’t like but you wish you could change.
  • Write a Mock Call Out Letter for a local business
  • Create a funny personal review about a store you’ve been to.
  • Make a statement about a social issue
  • Write a letter from someone to someone bringing up an important issue
  • Make fun of infomercials
  • Satirize a politician in your country
  • Create an anti-commercial that makes fun of consumerism
  • Or a politician
  • Write a funny sketch about something you hate doing
  • Create your own funny nursery rhyme
  • Write about a politician with a hilarious plot twist
  • Write a funny dating description
  • Imagine what the world would be like if a certain pet or animal trait were to be more effective than humans.
  • Write a comparison of the random thoughts in the head of two different people
  • Think of an everyday task or activity and create a satirical version of it using clowns
  • Write an amusing description of your workplace and co-workers
  • Dedicate a cartoon, column, or video to a cause you’ve believed in.
  • Write a funny article about an important person in international news
  • Write about a social problem through the eyes of a person never affected by it
  • Create a humorous list
  • Write a funny letter from a character in a novel or famous work of fiction
  • Write a fake post as if the blogosphere
  • Write a funny dialogue between two characters
  • Write a TV guide review of a popular movie
  • Write a parody introduction to a speech by someone in the public eye
  • Write a scribing prompt about an unbearable work situation
  • Write an offensive thesaurus entry for a word
  • Create a letter complaining about your favorite product
  • Write a review for a movie you’ve never seen
  • Design shirts for a band or movie that no one would ever wear.
  • Write an op-ed piece about a controversial issue, such as capital punishment.
  • Write a funny speech for a politician
  • Write a funny post for a social network
  • Write a political poem
  • Create a story that highlights political or religious ideologies Become a humor writer
  • Write a crazy story that blurs the line between real life and satire
  • Write an article on the war on drinking
  • Describe a TV show that doesn’t exist
  • Pretend you and your friends created a truly awful holiday. Readers of your satire can figure out the most ironic false celebration of the year.
  • Digital media can be a great training ground for budding entrepreneurial ventures. Use your pop culture knowledge to deliver humorous looks at new media startups.
  • Write a post about posters
  • Review a restaurant through the eyes of a contestant on Top Chef
  • Comment on a news story or activity in your community that you see as problematic or just plain weird
  • Write something sarcastic about a big political leader
  • Write a comedic horror story
  • Write a horror parody such as a story about Hollywood actors complaining about dress code while on set
  • Watch a recent popular film and look for satire in it. Write a satire review!
  • Write about an animal being drafted into the military
  • When was the last time you laughed out loud AT yourself?
  • Write a funny weather forecast from the future
  • Write a story about how the dating scene has changed
  • Have a water cooler conversation on something interesting that happened at work or on a promotional training you attended.
  • Write a fake college application essay
  • Comment on a public figure’s hypocrisy from a first-person viewpoint
  • Write a satire Part Two or continuation of a story.
  • Write a piece of satire or parody of a political candidate
  • What famous historical character would fit in today’s world?
  • Have fun signaling your superiority by making fun of popular culture
  • Comment on a current event or trend
  • Write a novel version of the scene in the movie Austin Powers where the character Dr. Evil’s wife calls him “Mikey.”
  • Write a funny ad or article for a publication that is mocking advertising trends currently.
  • Write a letter from a fictional character to another fictional character
  • Make some academic writing funny
  • Write satirical poetry
  • Satirize an animal
  • One post I’ve seen floating around the penwrite community suggests that students begin by picking a story from the newspaper that they can riff on.
  • Improvise a funny skit using witty jokes and humorous banter
  • Oddly enough, the use of cults and the supernatural to increase public outrage played a significant role in the election of Donald Trump. There was speculation that Hilary Clinton’s “conspiracy theories” were a factor behind her losing the election.
  • Write your own headline about something unusual happening in the news, create a photo to go with it.
  • Write a fake restaurant menu
  • Improv a dialogue between two cosmetics customer service reps
  • What topics could you satire?
  • Write a blog post detailing the author’s decision to do something hard and the challenges in following through.
  • Write a funny excuse or reason for getting out of doing something you don’t want to do
  • Write a story detailing the misadventures of a happy-go-lucky person
  • Write a letter to a corporation
  • Write a funny story about a typical day at work
  • Write a scene in which your protagonist bemoans housework
  • Satirize over-the-top storytelling
  • Write about what someone considers to be the perfect meal
  • Writing about a controversy is something you recently read about.
  • Write a sitcom based on your school or workplace
  • Tell of a fictional world where animals have established human rights
  • Write a funny poem.
  • Create a board game in the theme of a historic war or two would-be world leaders
  • Write a funny speech for a politician/celebrity
  • Write a funny obituary for a celebrity
  • Write a funny book review over a recent bestseller
  • Write an obituary for popular items, like fashion trends
  • Write about the conflict between managing a business and a family
  • Write a funny poem
  • Do a Tabloid Style  article about your ex.
  • Write the transcript of a talk show as if it was a real-life appearance of a politician or celebrity.
  • Let two celebrities battle over movie rights to an existing novel
  • Pretend to be an impoverished socialist, when you are actually a greedy capitalist.
  • Write a skit for a university or high school play
  • Write a review mocking the cuisine of another country
  • Create a fake etiquette column
  • Write a travel log about a phenomenon in a big city like Los Angeles or New York.
  • Write a funny open letter to a celebrity

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