1001 Writing Prompts About Civil Rights

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Ever since Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to move the back of the bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955 sparked the modern civil rights movement in America, people have been created stories about institutionalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement, and racial segregation. This includes The Help by Kathryn Stockett—a historical fiction novel that tells the story of African Americans working in white households in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s—and Let the Children March by Monica Clark-Robinson—a children’s picture book set during the Birmingham Children’s Crusade in 1963.

Even though it is already the 21st century, there is still a need for racial equality in the country today, so stories about civil rights are still needed. If you are interested in writing some, here are some writing prompts that could hopefully inspire you: 

  • Write from the point of view of an African American during the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a story about the first black American in Air Force One.
  • How does the Civil Rights Movement compare to the Gay Rights Movement? Write an essay comparing both movements.
  • Write about two people from two different circumstances defining the  word “peace.”
  • Write about how to define people based on their membership to an ethnic group.
  • Write about the destruction of Jim Crow laws.
  • Write a letter that your family sent to the civil rights movement.
  • Write about a time when the local government intervened and made a change in your community.
  • Write a poem about what you have learned and what you still need to know.
  • Write about freedom of speech. Write a story about the founding fathers and what they fought for.
  • Write a fictional story about being in the Civil Rights Movement or undertaking a civil rights action of your own.
  • Write about your experience participating in a Civil Rights protest.
  • What do you think of Emmett Till? Make a story about his life.
  • Write a toast/speech about your commitment to social justice.
  • What is personal integrity? What is your experience with the concept?
  • Have you ever taken a stand for something you believed in, even if you were alone?
  • What is the importance of knowing who you are?  Write about heritage.
  • Write about someone who made a difference.
  • Write about the struggle for equal justice.
  • How can the civil rights act change the future?
  • How does war affect killing racism?
  • Do you believe affirmative action is fair? Why or why not?
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • What are your child’s civil rights?
  • Write a story about a Civil Rights violation not mentioned in this list.
  • Write about why civil rights is important.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about Rosa Parks
  • Write about a hero in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a poem about a civil rights event.
  • Write a story about the Freedom Riders.
  • Write about the segregation of students.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Describe a situation of injustice that has happened to a friend or family member.
  • Write about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s nonviolence.
  • Day of Empathy
  • Write about the first time you were discriminated against.
  • Write about the divide in opinion between those of faith and those of the military.
  • Write a letter to your future grandchildren about the progress of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about different ways certain minorities are treated. How do they cope with it?
  • Write about what race means to you.
  • Write about a Civil Rights Leader you admire or love.
  • Write about your experiences.
  • Write a story about a childhood experience.
  • Write about Rosa Parks refusing to go to the back of the bus.
  • Write about sitting down lunch counters as a form of nonviolent protest.
  • Write a text message conversation in which you discuss a situation of racism with a friend. Your friend secretly has a grudge against you and the dialogue between you two escalates into a heated debate. The police get called by an unknown stranger.
  • Write about any of the songs from the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about what your community can do to diminish racism and prejudice.
  • Write about unfair laws and how they affect the main character.
  • Write about a blind activist / a self-taught educator.
  • Change your setting and write a story about what might have happened if a Civil Rights leader never impacted his or her community? Will anything ever happen if these leaders never existed?
  • Write about a contemporary or historic injustice in America.
  • Create a dialogue between two people who disagree about the outcomes of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a time where you tried to stand up for something you believe in.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write about marches taking place during the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a current protest in the world today.
  • Write about Rosa Parks or a civil rights activist.
  • Write about being a part of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story of the Civil Rights movement that takes place in your town.
  • Write about your personal connection to history, or being inspired by having a connection to history.
  • Write about a part of history that brought people . Write a poem.
  • Write a story about how someone in your family inspires you to have civil rights.
  • Explain how the work of African Americans and other people of color affected or influenced the progress of civil rights.
  • What civil liberties does your country guarantee?
  • Write a story where everyone is given equal rights.
  • Write about one of many important leaders.
  • Write a narrative based on an African American in your family.
  • Write a story about Gandhi’s non-violent movement
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write about a moment when you saw systemic discrimination.
  • What is an activist? What is someone’s definition of activism?
  • Write an alternate ending to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about an act of community service.
  • How does prejudice affect other people besides the person being discriminated against?
  • How prominent was the civil rights problem at the time of your creation?
  • Yolanda White’s students at Ivy Elementary School in Memphis, Tennessee are excited to learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Write your favorite scene from Alice Walker’s novel “The Color Purple”.
  • Write about getting your rights back… sometimes to get them back, you need to take them back.
  • Tell a story about your favorite civil rights leader.
  • Write about segregation.
  • Write about the memories of a family member such as oral history.
  • Write a short story in which anachronistic languages are used.
  • How did the women in SNCC change national opinion? How did they change their own lives?
  • Describe an event that happened to you or a friend in which someone expressed true tolerance.
  • Write about a Mother who is taking her family across the country on the underground railroad.
  • Write your own version of a well-known civil right’s song.
  • Write about an important part in history that changed with a decision like Brown v. Board of Education.
  • Write a story about Emmett Till’s murder.
  • Write a poem about being in a civil rights movement.
  • Write about a Civil Rights leader you admire.
  • Talk about a current social issue and how that reflects personal freedoms.
  • Write about the Civil Rights Movement in your community or state.
  • Write about the story of Rosa Parks
  • Write a story about a specific civil rights battle.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about what you are personally doing to prevent racism in your life.
  • Write about how your school handles racial segregation.
  • Write about where you fit in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about someone who stood up for their rights.
  • Write about a Civil Rights leader that does not receive as much attention as historical figures like
  • Write a story about forgiveness.
  • Write a story about an African-American’s involvement in a humanitarian cause or historical event.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Your community seems to have gotten very upset.  The sight of a police car infuriates some people, others have been spreading rumors about what community members did at the meeting last night. You have to choose-write for the people who are angry or write for the people who have been hurt by the rumors.
  • What is racism?
  • What is the problem in Salem, and how do the characters fix the problem?
  • Write about a historic event in the struggle for women’s rights.
  • Write a true story about another civil rights activist.
  • Autobiography – Why are you an activist?
  • Write about Black Lives Matter.
  • Write about a time in your life when you experienced racism.
  • What is freedom and how does it affect different people?
  • Write about a person against discrimination.
  • Write about a historic site in civil rights history.
  • Write a story about a historic civil rights leader.
  • Write about a person who inspires you to fight for civil rights.
  • Write a list poem involving the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a list of Bad things Americans did to Japanese Americans during World War II.
  • Write about “standing up for what you believe”, including in confronting and standing up to racism
  • Write about a historic event in the Civil Rights movement like the march on Washington or desegregation.
  • Write about the importance of freedom and equality.
  • Write about racism, segregation and discrimination.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about the freedom of speech.
  • When trouble strikes, who helps you?
  • How do you make your contribution to peace?
  • Write a story about Malcolm X.
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • What does reverse racism look like?
  • Write about Rosa Parks’ legacy
  • How important is legislation in improving peoples’ lives?
  • Write a piece about the University of Alabama integration protests.
  • Write a post/short story relating to a lesson you have learned through racism.
  • Write about the racial makeup of your neighborhood.
  • Write a story about Malcolm X.
  • Write a story incorporating the word freedom.
  • Write a story about your own courageous act to help someone.
  • Do you recognize what is segregation and what is inequality?
  • Write a scene about Rosa Parks refusal to give her seat on the bus.
  • Write about something you wish you could change.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about Martin Luther King Jr. and instances of courage in your life.
  • Write about Apartheid during South Africa’s peak years.
  • How did Dr. King’s life affect you?
  • Write a story about a present day Civil Rights leader.
  • Write about people who overcame adversity.
  • Discuss Rosa Parks. Describe events surrounding her arrest the events following her arrest.
  • Write a story about voting rights.
  • Write a poem dedicated to a civil-rights leader.
  • Write a story about a person in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about racism, prejudice, or discrimination.
  • A Word from Author 2 Author Mentor
  • Write about going back in time and working for Dr. King.
  • Write about what freedom means to you
  • Write about prejudice and discrimination.
  • Write a letter to a magazine or newspaper urging others to fight for your rights as an equal citizen.
  • Write a story of dedication to a cause
  • Who is your most favorite female this year?
  • Write a poem about the importance of civil rights.
  • Write a poem about the current protest today.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement, particularly the marches, protests and demonstrations.
  • Write about one of the rights Americans have, that many people in the world don’t have.
  • Write a newspaper article about a historic event in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about some of the peaceful protests taken part in during the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about making a difference.
  • Write about a civil rights figure.
  • What would your life be like if racism was eliminated?
  • Write about the African-American civil rights movement.
  • Write a song about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a poem about feelings, fears, or hopes connected to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a letter to someone on the opposing side communicating tolerance and acceptance.
  • Write a fictional story about an activist for civil rights.
  • Write about the American Justice System.
  • Write about courage as demonstrated in the Civil Rights movement, civil rights leaders in your family or neighborhood.
  • Write a list of how a series of small events can lead to bigger events.
  • Write about equality, justice, and human rights.
  • Write about race.
  • What do you think slavery would be like today?
  • Write about a family member who participated in the movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about a symbol of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a time you had to choose between what you wanted to do and what you thought was right.
  • Write about three events in your life. Tell which one had the most influence on your life and why.
  • How can people build bridges to cross racial and cultural gaps?
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about a civil rights leader.
  • What civil rights issue is most pressing in America right now? Why?
  • Write about sit-ins.
  • Write about a fictional character who set off the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about what racism means to you.
  • Write a letter from a civil rights activist to a modern day news station or newspaper.
  • Write a scene in which a man defends his rights.
  • Write a story about inequality.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • If you wrote a play about Rosa Parks, what would it be about?
  • Write a poem foretelling the future for equal rights, so we won’t have to remember past history.
  • Write about individual prejudice.
  • Write about a historical civil rights event that was covered up, and write about the damage it caused.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about how racism has affected your life.
  • Write a story about a dream
  • Write about an identifiable event within the civil rights movement with your families involvement in it.
  • Write a dialogue about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a summer of love getting peace ready.
  • Write about a famous civil rights leader in the news.
  • Write about the importance of a person’s civil rights.
  • Write about what inspired the freedom riders.
  • Write your own letter from Birmingham Jail.
  • Write about segregation or integration.
  • Write a story about another important individual, male or female, who led the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about your grandmother or great grandmother and her stories of life during the segregation era
  • Write a story
  • Write about being on the wrong side of History.
  • Write a story about a woman’s rights.
  • Write about injustice in history. Is it harder to say something when you see injustice all around you?
  • Write a letter to the president about gun control laws.
  • Write about the Bill of Rights and how it applies to you.
  • Write a haunted house story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about a turning point in the Civil rights movement.
  • Write about a historic figure who did not get his or her “due.”
  • Write a story similar to “Howl” by Allen Ginsberg.
  • Write a story about Malcolm X or Rosa Parks.
  • Write about similarities in human nature.
  • Write the story of an activist from the Civil Rights Movement
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about what Dr. King would want the United States to do now to eradicate racism.
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a time you have experienced unjust treatment or discrimination.
  • Write about the challenges and advantages facing immigrants.
  • Write about a civil rights activist you admire.
  • What are your thoughts on people dying for a cause? Why would they do that?
  • Using dialogue, write about a personal conflict the main character has with a friend or teacher about a civil rights issue.
  • Write about how a Civil Rights Leader has inspired you.
  • Write a time travel story going back to the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a civil rights activist you admire.
  • What does equality mean to you?
  • Write a poem about tolerance.
  • Write about Mothers who make a difference.
  • Write about civic activism in your community.
  • Write about a time you felt out of place.
  • Write about a time when you experienced prejudice.
  • Write about a civil rights leader.
  • Write about a time you or someone you know has been discriminated against.
  • Write an African-American child’s point of view that is not necessarily related to civil rights.
  • Write about a time when you feared for your life.
  • Write a story about someone who inspires you.
  • Who is the most important civil rights leader in your life? How did they influence your life?
  • Write about strife and prejudice towards somebody who is different.
  • Write about a famous protest in the civil rights movement.
  • Write a story about a front-line non-violent protester.
  • Write a story about a march participant from any state.
  • Write about a current event in the news that you think is important.
  • Write about someone who has sacrificed for the rights of others.
  • Write about Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a personal fight for civil rights. What did you do? What was done to you?
  • Write a dialogue between a person who disagrees with Dr. King and a person who agrees with Dr. King.
  • Write about how the Civil Rights Movement began.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • What did Martin Luther King Jr. change?
  • How do you feel about what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri?
  • Police brutality. Write a scene about the famous beating of Rodney King.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write about a civil rights leader in your community. Where do you live? What is his or her legacy?
  • Write about segregation.
  • Give a first-hand account of a historic event in the Civil Rights movement.
  • When someone believes they are perfect How does race help or hinder achieving their “purpose”
  • How has the media portrayed the Civil Rights movement?
  • Write about a civil rights hero who is not well known.
  • Write about a time you changed your opinion based on someone in your life.
  • Write about Stonewall.
  • Write a mock letter from Jefferson to a slave, or vice versa.
  • What is a community? What can a community do?
  • Write about an activist you respect.
  • How do you challenge a cultural belief?
  • Write about freedom of speech.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a time when you stepped up and helped someone who was being hurt in some way.
  • Write about an experience you’ve had in which someone else handed down a prejudicial judgement.
  • Write about the times when you felt hurt because of racism.
  • Write about human rights in your country or region.
  • How do you respond to people’s aversion to migrant workers? How do you cope with the feelings you inspire?
  • Write your own non-fiction article/book about the Civil Rights Movement. Use magazine /journalistic writing formats.
  • Write about the misconceptions surrounding violent groups. Think of creative solutions for the two groups to meet.
  • Writing about literature
  • Write about an unforgettable person.
  • Write about a family affected by a prison system.
  • Describe the causes of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about the freedom riders.
  • Write a scene about your best friend.
  • Write about a person from another country who has impacted your life.
  • Write a poem about being different.
  • Write about a time when someone talked back to discrimination.
  • Write about a period of segregation.
  • Write about someone using their freedom to do something significant or important.
  • Write about a time someone gave you a helping hand.
  • Write about a historic non-violent protest.
  • describe your idea of a dream world and how the people in it might interact with each other. maybe have most of them with disabilities but that have the same rights as everyone else
  • Write about the Civil Rights Act.
  • Write a narrative or short story from the point-of-view of a Civil Rights activist.
  • Write about a conference in Alabama.
  • Write about the dream of equal rights.
  • What does freedom mean to you?
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a short narrative poem describing a story about the Civil Right movement
  • Write a story about a child freedom rider? How does segregation affect this child?
  • Write about an act of civil disobedience.
  • Who in your family influenced you the most? What was their story?
  • Write a story about an incident in the Civil Rights movement you were not a part of.
  • Write a protest poem.
  • Write about a non-violent protest that changed the world.
  • How has your family been affected by racial prejudice?
  • Write a character with a racial identity crisis.
  • Write one of your own ideas.
  • Write about segregation.
  • What is equal access?
  • Write about meeting a real historical figure.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write a poem about democracy.
  • Write about someone told by their parents to speak up and speak out.
  • Write about “Folk Heroes of the Past” in the United States
  • Write about things that show your support for freedom and equality
  • Write about a fictional character who is a civil rights activist.
  • Write about Rosa Parks
  • You have a friend who makes racist jokes. What do you do about it?
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about a time you showed that you were a civil rights leader.
  • What were some of the biggest obstacles in the way of civil rights changes?
  • Tell a story in verse.
  • Write a song about racism.
  • List some rules a government can and cannot make.
  • Write about both the triumphant and tragic parts of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • What does it mean to be free?
  • Write a story about how you have participated in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about coming of age during the Civil Rights movement.
  • Online Resources
  • Writing prompts are a great way to learn and review and help students write better!
  • Write about freedom and perseverance.
  • Write a story about Andrew Young.
  • What is your favourite civil rights leader and why?
  • How do you feel that the Civil Rights Movement has influenced the way that America is today?
  • Write about a civil rights violation.
  • In your opinion, what makes a “civil rights disaster?”
  • Write about your favorite movie or book on the civil rights movement.
  • Write a scene in which there is a protest.
  • Know any nuns because of your upbring?
  • Write something based on riots.
  • Write about racism toward women.
  • Write about Freedom Summer.
  • Write about a Civil Rights leader who is important to you.
  • Write about yourself or someone close to you becoming a better person.
  • How would you react if suddenly you could no longer use the washrooms where you normally use them?
  • What is social justice and what does that mean to you?
  • Write about a time you stood up for someone or something.
  • How do people find the courage to change?
  • All who serve are equal – write about those who serve their nation.
  • Write a story about a Civil Rights protest you attended or participated in.
  • Write about “freedom riders.”
  • Make up a fictional account of a historic event in the United States civil rights movement. The author would not exist.
  • Write about a time your community came together.
  • Who inspired you the most during Civil rights?
  • Write in your point of view.
  • Write about freedom in America.
  • Write about injustice.
  • Write a story about the fictional character, Rosa Parks.
  • Write story about the last days of Dr. M
  • Write a story about an injustice in the United States.
  • Write about the struggle of being different.
  • Write about journalism and civil rights.
  • Who were the leaders in the Civil Rights movement? Write a story about them.
  • Write a story about slavery.
  • Write a letter to your ethnicity encouraging them to support Civil Rights Movements.
  • Write about a current man or woman fighting for Civil Rights.
  • Write about a time when you saw true injustice and sat by silently.
  • Write about a Rosa Parks moment.
  • How can a single person change the world?
  • How did you overcome obstacles?
  • Write about what Martin Luther King Jr accomplished.
  • What are liberties and freedoms? How did the founding fathers address this topic? How do we today address this topic?
  • Write about discrimination again immigrants, refugees, ethnic groups, other races, religions, or genders.
  • Write a poem to get across a message about non-violent protest.
  • Write a poem about growing up and facing the bigots in your town.
  • Write a story about Malcolm X.
  • Write about segregation.
  • Is your character a racist or someone who works against racism?
  • Write about an individual who has strongly influenced you. How have they inspired or changed you?
  • Write a story from the perspective of a Black Journalist.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks’ decision.
  • Write the line of history that you keep reading in history books, but what happened before and after?
  • What is apathy and why is it bad? Give two examples from your own life.
  • Write about a current civil rights issue.
  • Write about a time when you stood up for racial equality.
  • Write a short story about someone you admire.
  • Write about where you were on this day and to consider the impact the Civil Rights had upon your life.
  • Transcribe an interview with someone who has experienced racism.
  • Write about your favorite civil rights activist.
  • Write about the evolution of a character’s sense of humanity or ability to love.
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about a current political opportunity to pursue true equality for an underrepresented group.
  • Write about the recent murder of Emmett Till.
  • Writing about civil rights meant something to you.
  • Write about the role music has played in the Black Lives Matter Movement.
  • Write about Rosa Parks and her actions that she took in history.
  • Write a story about a young person at the time of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about someone you know who showed courage.
  • Tell about a time you stood up for what you believed in.
  • Write a diary entry from a character’s time in the Civil Rights movement.
  • List everyday conflicts you hear between people from different backgrounds.
  • Write about someone you admire who was involved in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about Rosa parks’ stand.
  • A poet writes about political issues.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Describe non-violent protest and write about a person who was committed to non-violence.
  • Write about the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution.
  • Write a story about the Freedom Riders.
  • Write about someone who chose not to make a difference in the Civil Rights movement
  • Write an autobiography about a civil rights activist.
  • Write your own story about something relevant to the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a time where you or someone you know was treated differently because of ethnicity.
  • Write about Rosa Parks resistance.
  • Write about the black-power movement or the student movement.
  • Write about today’s civil rights movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write about injustice.
  • Write another story about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about people fighting for freedom in your home country or in the country you grew up in.
  • Write about how the Civil Rights movement affected the future when you were born.
  • Write a story about a modern hero who opposes segregation, such as Rosa parks or Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Write about civil rights for a specific group of people.
  • Write a nonfiction paper about the Civil Rights movement
  • Write a creative story about a famous Civil Rights activist.
  • Write about a fault in the American justice system.
  • Write about non-violent ways to deal with anger.
  • Write a list of the most significant events in a country regarding the Civil Rights movement in that country, and then write a story that involves that list of events.
  • Write about segregation.
  • Write about disadvantages to being an African-American.
  • Write about one injustice in women’s rights.
  • Write a story about some kids struggling for a civil rights issue.
  • Write about an injustice
  • How can people make a difference?
  • Write a letter to someone who took part in some event in the Civil Rights movement.
  • What is freedom?
  • Write in the voice of someone who, like you, grew up in a racist community.
  • Write about a civil rights leader.
  • Write about a foreigner’s reaction to what is being said about America.
  • Write a speech.
  • Who was the Rosa Parks of your family? Describe a time they used non-violence.
  • Discuss the Civil Rights Act in terms of your life. Describe how it has impacted you.
  • Write about how nonviolent protests affect people.
  • Write a letter about a Constitutional right. What rights do you value?
  • Write a story about a private act of racism.
  • Write a short story about a girl’s efforts to become an editor, but runs into racism. End with her finding the right editor.
  • Write about a letter from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Write about a time you’ve/someone’s faced discrimination.
  • Invent a character who transitioned from one race to another and has to deal with the day-to-day.
  • Write about a time when you experienced racism.
  • Write about a time that you believed in what you were doing and were on the right side.
  • Write a character sketch of an African-American woman or man who has struggled to win his or their rights.
  • Write about the Klu Klux Klan.
  • Think about a fortuitous twist of fate in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about someone who burned books to control their population.
  • Write a story about Nelson Mandela.
  • Write about a group or a person who influenced the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write about a group of people who are discriminated against in your community. How would they like to be treated?
  • Write another story about Selma.
  • Share a fictional story of a character or family or friend who experienced the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a violation of your civil rights.
  • Write about a Civil Rights Movement event in your home region.
  • Write a story in verse about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Who are your heroes in the struggle for civil rights? How have they helped inspire you?
  • What should we do to stop racism?
  • Write about a time when you fought for your rights.
  • Write about a current event in the issue of same-sex marriage.
  • Is equality possible?
  • Write about a civil rights era activist or leader, and how s/he inspired others.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about racism today.
  • Write about what you would teach your kids about equality.
  • Write about a stereotype you’ve seen in the media.
  • Write about a moment when you choose courage over fear.
  • Write about people you admire in the Civil Rights movement. How did they show courage? What gave them the courage? Did they have role models?
  • Is there political violence now over civil rights issues?
  • What do you think? How could you tackle these matters in your young adult novel?
  • Write about a Civil Rights Activist in the 1960s.
  • What does freedom really mean? How is America expressing these ideals? Write about a historic event in America’s fight for freedom.
  • Write a biographical story of Nat Turner, the leader of the violent slave revolt.
  • Write a poem or an essay using a dream as its topic and inspiration.
  • Write about a problematic time in the past.
  • Write a story about an African-American attempting to register to vote.
  • Write about tensions between the North and the South after the Civil War.
  • Write about a moment when you experienced discrimination.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Brilliant ideas about Real Civil Rights Issues.
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story that was created by an anti-civil rights activist.
  • Write about Emmett Till and his killer.
  • Write about how rights are supposed to be protected.
  • Write about a time that you or someone you know acted out of love or came close to it.
  • What does John F. Kennedy’s call for civil rights mean to you?
  • Write about the role the Freedom Movement played in the history of a human rights movement in another culture.
  • Write a story from the perspective of someone who didn’t stand up for his rights.
  • Write a story about a police brutality case.
  • Write about patriotism.
  • Write a memoir in which you discuss race relations.
  • As a playwright, write a script about the current issues facing people of color, past present and future.
  • Write about segregated areas in the time of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Write about a fictional meeting between Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
  • Write about the Act of Congress which prohibited racial discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
  • Inclusionary practices, Schools desegregation, busing and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 all had an effect on society.
  • Write about somebody being beaten and see what the person communicating his opinion a few days or weeks after the attack.
  • Writing about Communities of Color
  • Write a story about a protester at Woodstock.
  • Write about a family member or friend who has recently discovered they are gay.
  • Write about something that you must confront.
  • Write about a pledge that you would make for the future of civil rights.
  • Do you think protesting is a good way to make a cause heard?
  • Write a comparison and contrast essay about Dr. Martin Luther King and Malala Yousafzai.
  • Write about an oppression endured by a person or a group.
  • Write about segregation, racism, prejudice, and ignorance.
  • Write about an ongoing situation in the present day on race or equality.
  • Write a letter from a southern mayor explaining to the governor why it is necessary to have desegregation and how to accomplish this.
  • Describe an important, local historical-cultural site.
  • Write about how the Civil Rights movement has changed the United States.
  • Write a poem about a historic event in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a letter to an incarcerated person.
  • Write about a personal struggle for Civil Rights.
  • Where is the line between civil rights and freedom of speech?
  • Write a character who supports LGBTQ rights.
  • Write about a time when you questioned your faith because of what was happening around you.
  • Write about any work of art that portrays the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about the bravery of Civil Rights activists.
  • Write a story about the people who lived in the south during the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about someone famous who helped the black civil rights movement.
  • Write about efforts to improve race relations.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement in a parallel universe.
  • Write about the Voting Rights Act.
  • Write about a road trip anyone took to participate in this significant movement.
  • Write about discrimination in your school, workplace, community.
  • Write in the perspective of a person during a dehumanizing moment.
  • Write a story featuring an African American woman writer. Write a story about President Obama.
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • What does it mean to tell the truth? Write an “Ode to a Black Man”
  • Write describing a time when you were impacted by a violation of human rights.
  • Write about Rosa Parks’s defiance.
  • Write a fantasy story that deals with racial issues.
  • Write about a Martin Luther King Jr. speech you remember.
  • Write a story about a historic Black man or woman.
  • Write about creating change. How did you do this?
  • Write about the roles of men and women in this cause.
  • Write a story about what could happen if racism came back into society.
  • Write about Rosa Parks and how she changed things.
  • Write an essay about a civil rights figure.
  • Write about Rosa Parks, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Write about a civil rights rally.
  • Create a persuasive speech to convince people they should work for civil rights.
  • Write about a time when you felt like the enemy.
  • Write a letter to your ancestors discussing their daily lives. Have them share what life was like before and after the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a letter as though to a friend who is against Civil Rights.
  • What are you doing every day to fight back?
  • Write a story about the youngest person who took part in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a poem in support of civil rights.
  • Write a story about someone who changed the world.
  • Write a story about two opposing points of view and how they affect people.
  • Write a story about your personal experience with civil rights.
  • What if you had created an event that changed history?
  • Write about your pride in your ethnic identity.
  • Start a story about segregation and end with integration.
  • Rise up and declare your freedom
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about a time when an injustice occurred based on race or gender.
  • Write about the principles of non-discrimination and the War on Terror.
  • Justify a non-violent response when confronted with police violence.
  • Compare the Civil Rights movement to today.
  • Write about a “Freedom Ride” or a similar civil rights action.
  • Write a story that touches on the history of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a significant moment in U.S. history which occurred during your birth year.
  • Write about a time when you wanted to stand up for a cause but did not.
  • Write a story from the perspective of a Civil Rights leader like Martin Luther King.
  • Write about racial profiling. Name three or four examples. Who is affected by racial profiling? How do you feel about racial profiling?
  • Write a story about a woman in the Civil Rights movement, such as Diane Nash, Ruby Bridges, or Rosa Parks.
  • Inspired by Malcolm X’s thoughts, tell a story about a person dedicated to justice and self-aware of the difficulty in pursuing it.
  • How do you define liberty and equality? What is treating all citizens fairly?
  • Write about the goals of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a historic event that happened at a protest.
  • Why did we need a Civil Rights movement? Who were the leaders?
  • Explain difficult situations.
  • Write a scene from a Civil War battlefield.
  • What can you do to help others out?
  • What was your reaction when you heard about the Martin Luther King Day Bill becoming law?
  • Write about Rosa Parks’s famous moment. or African Americans today.
  • Write about an important leader of the Civil Rights movement, for example, Rosa Parks.
  • Remember all sides. Everyone has to give up something for others to pursue their dream. No event is a completely negative or positive outcome.
  • Write about a time you questioned authority or showed disrespect to an adult.
  • Write about the prejudice you face today.
  • Write about a famous civil rights leader.
  • Write a story about the Freedom Riders and other activists.
  • Why do people fear the unknown?
  • Write about William C. Gannett
  • Write about going to school alone and seeing all the stares you received because of who you were.
  • Write about violence and injustice.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks or the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • What are modern day civil rights issues?
  • Write about segregation, and schools and buses
  • Write about a 19th century protest.
  • Write a love story about a black couple in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa parks.
  • Write about the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about the Black Power movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write about voting rights.
  • Write about the history of school segregation.
  • How important were television, news media and social media in shaping the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement in your area.
  • Talk about a time when people across a particular group were divided.
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about overcoming a major obstacle or hardship.
  • Do we need a Civil Rights Movement today? Why or why not?
  • Write about a problem people face today. How this problem affects people. How people are standing up for a solution.
  • Write about someone famous in the Civil Rights movement.
  • When you think of an African American elderly couple, what comes to mind?
  • Write a story about the railroad industry, an industry that even in the early 1960s was the nation’s largest employer.
  • Write about one of your heroes of the Civil Rights movement. Who were they? What did they do? How did they influence you?
  • Write a poem about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about an example of Civil Rights abuse.
  • Write about an event in the History of the Civil Rights movements that changed your life.
  • Write about justice and human rights.
  • Write about any aspect of the Black Panther movement.
  • Write about how war and attempted genocide has affected your people in the past.
  • What are your opinions on civil rights today?
  • Write a story about an activist from your hometown.
  • Write about a person who has demonstrated civil rights, non-violence, or peace.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write a story about non-violence.
  • Write about the first time you recalled hearing about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about the relationship between a civil rights leader and their cause
  • Write about a white person’s encounter with a Civil Rights movement protester. What does this encounter mean for the white person? What does this mean for the Civil Rights protesters as a whole?
  • Write a story about a community organizer and how they organized.
  • Write about a moment in a historic event.
  • Write about one of the many different civil rights movements.
  • Write about Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, or Chief Tecumseh.
  • Write a letter to your red-headed great-grandmother 10 generations back about why you support civil rights.
  • Did women have a role in the Civil Rights movement? Did they take part in sit-in demonstrations and voter registration drives?
  • Write about a family that is of mixed race.
  • Write a story about yourself at one of the crossroads of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • What is a personal experience that you’ve had while struggling for your rights?
  • Write a piece about the women in the Civil Rights movement
  • Write about a teacher who taught you something special.
  • Write a letter to your local or federal legislators about any debate you feel strongly about.
  • Write about America today. What are the differences from the time of the Civil Rights movement?
  • Write a poem inspired by the Civil Rights Movement.
  • How does religion play into social justice?
  • Write about a time you observed racism.
  • What do you know about the Civil Rights movement?
  • Write about a historic or famous person that supported the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about a random person or famous person who inspires you. Perhaps that person is very courageous, or a doer of good deeds or a leader.
  • Write a letter of one of the women’s leaders.
  • Write about segregation.
  • What do you think of today’s fight for civil rights?
  • False, negative beliefs about minority groups.
  • Write a poem about different kinds of bravery.
  • Write about someone who’s had an experience similar to Rosa Parks or the Greensboro Four.
  • Write about symbols in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks going to jail and inspiring others to fight for civil rights.
  • Write an essay about a mayor or police chief and their dedication to a city or town.
  • Multicultural literature that includes Civil Rights.
  • Write about racism in a contemporary setting.
  • Write a story about a more recent leader in the moment – someone who fought for civil rights within the last 100 years.
  • Write about a member of the civil rights movement. Who are they? How did they contribute to the movement?
  • Write about being different.
  • Write about a kid your own age doing good.
  • Write about how Dr. King taught civil rights as a non-violent protest.
  • What does it look like to pay it forward?
  • Write a poem about an important figure in the civil rights movement.
  • Write about an early civil rights leader such as Harriet Tubman
  • Write about the Golden Rule.
  • How have things changed? How have they stayed the same?
  • What do you do to stand up for your rights?
  • Write about an African American family member.
  • Write about a civil rights organization that is working today
  • Write about a modern-day struggle for civil rights.
  • Write about a social melting pot or cultural melting pot.
  • Write about someone who is intolerant of a certain group of people.
  • Write a piece that shows how a modern teenager might handle the Civil Rights Movement given past history.
  • Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam was a segregate civil rights movement. It differed from the mainstream Civil Rights Movement because of its separatist views. How was it different? What lessons did the Civil Rights movement learn from Nation of Islam for future events? Was it a mistake to not accept them?
  • Write about Rosa Parks refusing to move from her seat on the bus.
  • Write about a leader or an organization active during the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about an act of treason.
  • Write about President Lyndon B. Johnson and the Civil Rights Act.
  • Write a story about an oppressed race.
  • Write an alternate history story where the Civil War was never ended.
  • Write about the symbols of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Who inspired your feelings about civil rights?
  • Write about someone who fought to enforce civil rights for all.
  • Write about someone in your family who emigrated from another country. What motivated them to leave?
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus.
  • Write a story about non-violence.
  • Write about a time when you stood up for someone else
  • Write about an event in history that changed your worldview.
  • Write a poem about what it means to be a soldier.
  • Write about voting rights in your neighborhood.
  • Write a paragraph about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Write a dialogue between a white person and a black person about civil rights.
  • Write an essay analyzing “Letter from Birmingham jail.”
  • Write about a prayer.
  • Write about an attribute of Rosa Parks.
  • Write a speech for an advocate of racial change.
  • Write about two “privileged” groups vying for rights.
  • Describe how hard it is to live with a loved one that drinks
  • Invent characters who attend a peaceful sit-in at their local Woolworth cafeteria.
  • Write about the Women’s Right movement.
  • Write about Rosa Parks, who changed the course of history with her courageous walk to freedom.
  • Write a story about an event at Selma or Montgomery.
  • Write about the legacy of Rosa Parks
  • Write about a form of racism that something caused.
  • Write about a time when you felt powerless
  • Write about a modern-day activist.
  • Write about your culture.
  • Shall not be infringed…Shall not be infringed… Shall not be infringed. -From the Pledge of Allegiance-
  • Write about “invisible” people and experiences that restore humanity
  • Write about a civil rights character. Feel free to write a sequel or a prequel to a story
  • Write about someone your parents felt required courage.
  • Write about racial integration on a college campus.
  • How can people help fight against human rights abuses?
  • What is your opinion about the war in Iraq?
  • Write a story from the point of view of a kid during Civil Rights.
  • Write about segregation.
  • Write about something in the past that is still true today.
  • Compare and contrast the Civil Rights Movement of today with the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s.
  • Write about how you would inspire fear in discrimination.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks, a well-known historical figure in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a historic event in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a conversation between a white and black person.
  • Write about being empowered to make social change.
  • How did Malcolm X affect the black movement? Write a story about him.
  • Write a story about brutality.
  • Write about an everyday act of heroism you witnessed.
  • About How to Be a Writer
  • Write about a fictional family that is faced with segregation when they move to a new town.
  • Write a story about someone integrating schools.
  • Write a story about a topic you know a lot about. For example, you majored in business.
  • Write about a time period in your life where you identified as a minority.
  • Write a story about someone using moments and actions in life to protest or plead for civil rights.
  • How do you educate others about the Civil Rights movement?
  • How did the Civil Rights movement impact your life?
  • Write about an issue related to civil rights, such as a current campaign, or a current issue such as global warming or healthcare reform.
  • Write an essay about a time in history where you saw a great injustice like racism.
  • Write a short story, poem, letter, or opinion piece supporting or arguing against affirmative action.
  • Write about a time when you were a victim of discrimination.
  • Write about a time when you were persuaded by someone to have a different opinion.
  • Write about human rights. In what ways are human beings all equal?
  • Write a scene between a teacher and student about civil rights.
  • Write about a civil rights protest or demonstration from your community or hometown.
  • Write about a current issue involving Civil Rights.
  • Write a story about discrimination.
  • Write about immigration issues.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • How has your school been affected by desegregation?
  • Write a story of a family’s experience in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a haiku about your hero.
  • Write about a fictional character who is part of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about social equality.
  • Write about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about one of the methods used to protest by members of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write about a civil rights leader you admire.
  • Write about an event during the civil rights movement that you find hum
  • Write about a time you were mistreated because of the way you were perceived to be different.
  • Write about a famous activist in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a poem about inspiration you can find from the Civil Rights movement.
  • A group of armed police officers entered Ben’s home late one night. The officers said that they were searching for illegal drugs, but after they left Ben realized that the officers had searched for any objects related to civil rights. How did the officers conduct their search?
  • Write about how racism affects you or someone you know.
  • Write an alternate history Civil Rights story.
  • Write a fictional story about an event in the life of a modern civil rights activist.
  • How can one person make a difference?
  • Write about how a civil movement has impacted your life.
  • What’s the difference between walking softly and walking humbly?
  • Write a letter from an elderly, veteran freedom rider to a younger person.
  • Write about a place in history that was a key battleground in the Civil Rights Bill. Write about a piece of legislation that helped the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a speech conveying the importance of equal educational opportunities and treatment for public school students.
  • How do we show we are equal?
  • Write about a modern leader, role model, or hero that inspires you.
  • Write about freedom.
  • Write about acts of discrimination you have witnessed.
  • What would you have done at the bus station on that fateful day in Alabama?
  • Write a story about a freedom rider. Write the story from their point of view.
  • Write about segregation/integration.
  • Write a story about segregation in the South.
  • Write a narrative story about your time when Mary Cunningham, a civil rights listener from Silver Spring, Maryland, listened to the words of Martin Luther King Jr. over the radio.
  • Write about a mentor.
  • Write a story about a historic person that worked for civil rights.
  • What motivates people to participate in protests or rallies or any kind of movement for change?
  • Write about a child of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about your own Civil Rights experiences.
  • Write a story about students protesting for Civil Rights.
  • Write about racism today. Write about the lessons you still have not learned
  • Write about your current opinion about a past issue dealing with civil rights.
  • What is a Civil Rights leader doing today that most of the public doesn’t know about?
  • Write your own Martin Luther King, Jr. speech.
  • Write about what it meant to “cross over” or “cross the line.”
  • Write a story about the Freedom Riders.
  • Write about your grandparents or ancestors. How do past injustices affect them?
  • Write about a symbol of oppression such as a water fountain.
  • Write about a Civil Rights event that took place during childhood.
  • Write a story about the pattern of aviators who broke racial barriers,
  • How has going to jail been represented in pop culture?
  • Write a short biography about an important figure in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story from the point of view of a slave.
  • Write a story about maintaining hope.
  • Write a poem about a struggle for freedom.
  • Why do you think books have the power to alter the course of history?
  • How would your life be different if you were discriminated against?
  • Write a story about a civil rights leader that influenced you.
  • Write about prejudice or discrimination.
  • Write about a person who protected activists in the Civil Rights movement.
  • How does your cultural identity affect your identity as a citizen?
  • Write about a landmark U.S. Supreme Court Case involving the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story about a time someone was wrongly imprisoned.
  • What do you think Abraham Lincoln thought of slavery?
  • Write a story about a real encounter with racism you have had.
  • Write a letter to a current leader in the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Write a diary entry as northern and/or southern soldiers during the Civil War.
  • Write a story or poem about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a poem about racism.
  • Write a letter to yourself from a Civil Rights Leader.
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write an obituary for Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about a peaceful protest.
  • Write a poem using the form of a delegate speech delivered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedoms.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a letter from a slave to his or her master.
  • Write a poem about a person who had a great impact on someone close to you.
  • Write about a Civil Rights icon.
  • Write about an iconic civil rights leader of the past.
  • Write a story or poem about being great.
  • Write about a time you stood up against racism.
  • Write about freedom.
  • Write about inspiration you can find in your community.
  • Write about prejudice.
  • Do you think in this day and age civil rights issues still exist?
  • Write about a time that you saw someone behaved courageously.
  • Write a letter to a friend protesting an unfair law.
  • Write a letter to someone in a time of hunger, or to a hunted person.
  • Write a story about a Civil Rights Activist who has always been a hero of yours.
  • Educational opportunities are becoming accessible. Write a story about how current advances in technology are improving educational opportunities for persons with disabilities.
  • Write about the life of Rosa Parks.
  • Write about an important civil rights issue.
  • Write a story about Augie Garrido, who was the coach of both Cal Berkeley and U.C. Berkeley baseball teams and who sent four black men to the Major Leagues.
  • Write a story about freedom to choose.
  • Write about an important civil rights conflict in the United States recently.
  • Write about a famous Civil Rights leader.
  • Write a character sketch about a civil rights activist.
  • Write about a woman who was a role model for Civil rights.
  • Write a story about the Freedom Riders.
  • Write a story about people of color.
  • Write about a time and/or place when your freedom was threatened.
  • Write a story about a famous civil rights activist.
  • Write a story about a Civil Rights activist you admire.
  • How can anybody think that segregation is acceptable?
  • Write about an act of violence in your neighborhood.
  • Write a short story about Mahatma Gandhi.
  • How has music influenced the Black Civil Rights Movement?
  • Write a poem about a civil right in the United States.
  • Write a poem about Rosa Parks.
  • Write about prejudice.
  • Write about someone involved in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about four turning points in the Civil Rights movement.
  • What is prejudice? What is discrimination?
  • Write about the fight for equal justice.
  • Write about Rosa parks. Where do you find inspiration from when writing about civil rights?
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights movement in a more contemporary setting.
  • Write a story about women’s rights.
  • Write about a current civil rights issue.
  • What is the difference between a segregated school and an integrated school?
  • Write about how the United States is setting the stage for a future with little or no racism.
  • Write about a day you remember being discriminated against.
  • Write about racial prejudice or discrimination.
  • Write about someone who worked to change race relations.
  • Write about a favorite civil rights leader.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story where your protagonist states her/his non-violent activism.
  • Write about any episode where you spoke out against racism.
  • Write about discrimination in a school.
  • What are citizens’ rights?
  • Write a story about the Civil Rights in which you participated.
  • Write about your ideas of citizenship.
  • Write about segregation.
  • Write about a demonstration or struggle for civil rights that occurred in the town/nearby town where you live/near where you live.
  • Write a story for which you go inside the heads and hearts of the characters in a Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about Rosa Parks. You can either imagine how she came to that defining moment or describe how another person inspired by Dr. King could have initiated change in a similar way.
  • Write about the conditions that the Black Panthers lived in.
  • Write about a famous Civil Rights leader.
  • Write a story from a civil rights hero’s point of view.
  • Write about non-violent protest.
  • Persuasive or argumentative pieces
  • Write about your personal freedom.
  • Write about how someone teaches others to respect others.
  • Write a story about voting rights.
  • Write an alternate historical story, changing the outcome of an event that happened in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about an historic event in African American history.
  • Write about segregation.
  • Write about a historic event in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about when you are treated like everyone else.
  • Write a character that participates non-violently in a protest.
  • How would you have reacted to the lunch counter sit-ins?
  • Write about compromise in a Civil Rights situation.
  • Write about people who helped to change the minds of others during the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about problems in society.
  • Write about the civil rights movement. Decide if you are going to write in first-person or third-person. Who or what will you write about?
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks or someone else who took an important stand to improve the conditions of African Americans living in the USA.
  • Write about laws today that serve to limit the freedoms of African-Americans.
  • Write about the role of violence in the civil rights movement.
  • Write a letter to your relatives from the past or future that were in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about the freedom riders trips in the U.S.
  • Look to your personal life for ways your own experience is impacted by civil rights issues.
  • Is there a benefit to not talking about racism?
  • Write an alternative history of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write five Civil Rights issues that the U.S. still has to deal with today.
  • Write about the schools.
  • Write a story about an important leader from today.
  • Write about what you learned about the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president.
  • Write about your experience of race & racism in America.
  • Write about segregation in the United States.
  • Write about a group that advocated for civil rights.
  • Write about a time when you experienced discrimination.
  • Write a story about you and a person of color overcoming a hurdle.
  • Write a story in which characters are fighting for the civil rights of others.
  • Write a letter from a prisoner on Death Row.
  • Write about men, women & girls. Mind your mouth.
  • Write about a fictional character who contributes to a civil rights movement.
  • There are many memorials and sculptures of Martin Luther King Jr. across the United States. Author John Green has created a supplemental Mythbusters video about two memorials in Washington D.C.. The video might spark ideas about what to include in your own statues of Dr. King.
  • Write about discrimination. What would you do to stop discrimination?
  • Write a letter from a supporter to those who are campaigning for their civil rights?
  • What does freedom mean to you? What about equality, justice?
  • Write about the Selma March.
  • Write about Freedom Riders.
  • What are other cultures’ opinions of American freedoms?
  • Write about a memory of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a poem about the 4 basic freedoms.
  • Write an alternate history where Rosa Parks did not say “No.”
  • Look at what historical figures can teach us about social justice issues.
  • Write a short story about a civil rights leader.
  • Write about non-violence.
  • Write a story about a police officer you admire.
  • Write about the Children’s March.
  • Write about something inspirational that someone else said. Then write about what you would say.
  • Write an essay about the Civil Rights Movement and church.
  • Write a character and place him or her in a civil rights movement.
  • In fifty words or less, describe the goals of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a hypothetical story about a person in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Use metaphor to describe a group or situation.
  • Write a poem about Selma, Alabama
  • Thank you for visiting Teaching Hearts and Minds!
  • Write about how you would react if the 15th amendment was voted down.
  • How are immigration and cultural changes affecting a community?
  • Write about the first time you met somebody black or Hispanic.
  • Write about the president and how they handled race.
  • What would children like you have helped with in the Civil Rights movement before reaching the age of 18?
  • Why did Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat on a bus to a white man? Who was Rosa Parks?
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks.
  • Write a story about a brave person in your life.
  • Write about the Civil Rights Movement you experienced. Write about how the Civil Rights movement affected a person in your circle of family and friends.
  • Introduce an ordinary person to her white neighbors. Have them become friends.
  • Write about living your life as your authentic self.
  • Write an alternate ending to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech.
  • Write about freedom from racism.
  • What is race relations and how do you define it?
  • Write about a historical protest. What attitudes are revealed in the events taking place in the story?
  • Write about a racial slur you’ve heard. Explain what the slur means and why people use it.
  • What is the most effective way to get folks to join a cause?
  • Write about an activist.
  • Write an essay about the modern Civil Rights movement and what the Civil Rights movement is now.
  • Write a story about Corretta Scott King.
  • Write about how the Civil Rights Movement changed your life.
  • Write about what makes someone a hero.
  • Write a story about an historic discrimination or hate crime.
  • Write about freedom for the African Americans today.
  • Write about your family history of racism, prejudices, etc.
  • Write a story that doesn’t end with a wedding. Write about something else besides forbidden love, boys that come from other planets, and young adult love stories. Put a fresh spin on love stories.
  • Write about a famous president or other leader who cared about civil rights.
  • Write an ad or speech asking for peoples’ support of the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write about a person who affected your life in a positive way.
  • Write about a time when you stood up for yourself or someone else.
  • Write a postcard to Civil Rights. What does he/she say?
  • Write about freedom.
  • Writers need to know a bit about the Civil Rights era in order to write about it. Knowledge of basic facts is necessary before using inspiration to write. Basic facts include why the Civil Rights movement started, under which president was it born, and the allies of the movement.
  • Write a scene from your future in the Civil Rights movement.
  • Write a story where non-violence is accepted as an answer to conflict.
  • How does discrimination change people?
  • Write about a judge making a difficult decision about racism in society.
  • Write a story about Rosa Parks
  • Write a poem about any civil rights issue.

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