1001 Writing Prompts About Bullying

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Everyone has been bullied at least once in their life, as bullying can take place everywhere and can come in many forms. It can be considered as a major epidemic, as it has been affecting plenty of people for centuries and causing psychological and physical harm.  

There is nothing positive that could come from a bullying experience. But, one thing you could do about it is use your experience to create original pieces of writing, like short stories, self-help books, and essays, to bring awareness. 

If you are interested in writing about bullying but does not have any idea where to begin, check out the writing prompts below for some inspiration:  

  • Write about a time when a friend stood up to a bully.
  • A friend is being bullied, how do you help him/her?
  • Write about who experienced their most heartbreaking moment in life.
  • A bully changes his/her ways.
  • How should children react if victims of bullying
  • A bully gets away in something they have done.
  • The bullies are also being bullied.
  • A child learns to avoid bullying.
  • Write about bullying someone in school.
  • How to deal with bullies.
  • A bully feels bad and wants to change.
  • Write about a child who likes being part of a group, even if his or her own personal talents aren’t being discovered.
  • A bully realizes the pain he has caused others and makes things right.
  • Something happens that helps someone who’s being bullied.
  • An attempt is made to befriend the bully.
  • One day a person stood up to a bully.
  • Someone who’s being bullied decides to stand up for themselves.
  • A teacher helps a child being bullied by another child at school.
  • A bully is really sad for bullying a child.
  • Write about a bully who learned to be nice.
  • The main character is a bully and it is their story.
  • A character in your writing feels lonely. Write about why they feel lonely.
  • Write about getting picked on for no reason.
  • I bet you can come up with a bunch of others.
  • Write about the feeling when bullies do something or say something.
  • One person gets bullied, but they have some pretty loyal friends.
  • A bully realizes that what she/he is doing to others is not right.
  • A mother and daughter have a fight when the daughter starts to wear the same outfit as her mother.
  • Write about the moment a bully realized he or she is also being bullied.
  • Dan needs to avoid the bully otherwise he would get injured or killed.
  • Does modern technology cause disrespect?
  • Write about how to deal with bullying.
  • Everybody at school is bullying somebody at school.
  • Write about an imaginary bully.
  • Write about the effects of bullying.
  • Write about a teacher who believes in you.
  • The friends who never bully anybody.
  • Make up a persuasive text to stop bullying.
  • The bully learns a lesson from bullying.
  • Other than the bully, who really started the problem?
  • A boy bully got bullied one day.
  • Bullying goes in a small village.
  • Bullies don’t run away fast enough.
  • Write about how bullying affects the bully’s family.
  • Her/his confidence tells her/him that everything is going to be okay.
  • What are some alternatives to bullying?
  • The bully is bullied back.
  • Bullying happens at middle school
  • write about bullying on a bus.
  • A child bullies somebody at school.
  • A person interrupts a bullying situation by acting brave.
  • Somebody is being bullied. Is there anybody who can help?
  • Another child helps the person who is being bullied.
  • A child tells a parent the secret of being bullied.
  • An adult tries to run away from his/her past.
  • A bully apologizes to a person he/she bullied.
  • Write about a time you felt bullied.
  • Write about how you have overcome bullying.
  • A teacher is ignoring the
  • Someone is bullied at a place the child will not go to
  • A teacher is being bullied by students.
  • Someone decides to drop out of school.
  • A girl makes enemies during a volleyball game.
  • A person confesses to being a bully.
  • A child is being bullied at home.
  • Someone finds a creative way to stop somebody from being bullied.
  • A child pretends to get bullied so somebody will be nice to him.
  • Write about how you feel when a close friend gets bullied.
  • An illness makes the victim feel bullied
  • A bullied person and a friend find an escape for their own safety.
  • What did a bully act like when he was a little?
  • Everything about bullying in highschool.
  • Write about a time you bullied other kids.
  • A teenager steals his best friend’s girlfriend and then he is being bullied for that.
  • Write about dealing with bullying.
  • Write about bullying at school.
  • Write about somebody who always stands up for the victim of the bully.
  • Write about a time when you were the bully.
  • What do you do if someone bullies you or your friends?
  • Someone tries to become a bully, but can’t.
  • A child who is bullied understands how the other person feels.
  • A school is being bullied by another school.
  • Someone who gets bullied makes amends.
  • The people around the child feel so bad that they don’t want to know that he/she is being bullied.
  • Somebody is being bullied because of their race or sexual identity.
  • Write about a twosome or trio of bullies who learn how making fun of others is wrong.
  • A kid is suffering from bullying.
  • Someone gets bullied at school.
  • A bullied person draws a comic of their situation.
  • A child has a special talent.
  • A female victim overcomes her fears.
  • Write about how to cope with bullying at school.
  • A student knows a bully.
  • Many schools have zero tolerance for bullying. Write about a case where the bully did not get in trouble for his crime.
  • The parents of the bully stand up for their child.
  • A kid gets bullied for being afraid.
  • Write about a child who was bullied one day, but survived and decided that if necessary, the next time something like that happened, s/he would give the bully a taste of his/her own medicine.
  • A student who finally stood up to a bully because of a teacher’s encouragement.
  • A good friend bullies somebody else.
  • Describe a piece of writing you admire that would encourage somebody who is being bullied.
  • A friend does not stand up for a friend.
  • Over the summer, someone stopped bullying.
  • What would you do if someone was bullying your friend, or sibling?
  • Bullying makes a child feel sorry for themselves and leads to pain.
  • Write about a child who is bullying others.
  • A teacher gets beat up by his students, and nobody cares.
  • Write about the characters’ ways to deal with a bully.
  • Write about getting bullied at school.
  • Write about something you would do if you were the teacher, is it something different than what you would do if you were the pupil?
  • Describe a person who had been bullied or how the person feels about being bullied.
  • What has happened to your childhood if you have been bullied.
  • People continued bullying to follow directions without thinking.
  • You find the bully’s diary.
  • Write about when you got bullied.
  • Write about the importance of good friends.
  • Ways to tell if your child is being bullied.
  • A bullied person erases all the mean comments written on the back of his hands.
  • A kid is bullied about their height.
  • You have discovered that the bully is being bullied.
  • A person learns their dog is being bullied.
  • Write about the bullying behaviors over the years.
  • A person who was bullied tries to do something to change their life.
  • A friend saves someone from a bully.
  • A child is bullying others at school.
  • It gives one a lot of Idea’s for
  • An adult who was once bullied wants to pay their bullies back.
  • A story about how a bully eventually apologies.
  • Bullying is when someone forces another person to do something that they don’t want to do.
  • Write about a parent who is bullied.
  • Write about Person A that got bullied by Person B but Person B didn’t know person A was being bullied.
  • You get bullied at school.
  • A child witnesses a bullying incident in person or on the internet.
  • A bully who became a good friend told everyone that the victim was going to beat him up. At the end of the day, the bully came to the victim for help.
  • The world would be a nicer place without bullying.
  • Write about a person who was being bullied because of a disability or a special attribute.
  • A child is bullying at school.
  • Don’t let something stay in the past. Love your scars and don’t worry about what others might say because what is really important is to be useful to others. If you have a big scar on your face or body and you will pretend that it doesn’t exist, others simply might have ignored you, something that you will regret having done.
  • Write about an important piece of advice that somebody gave you to cope with bullying.
  • A woman was bullied so much it made her life miserable.
  • Discuss a bully realizing they are being such.
  • A bully finds out that the victim’s family is going through financial hardship.
  • How does the character feel about being laughed at?
  • Mom wonders if she should tell the children on her bus to stop bullying.
  • A bully is bullying somebody and somebody knows it.
  • Write about somebody being bullied.
  • Write about when to stand up for somebody who is being bullied.
  • An adult helps someone who is being bullied.
  • A kid put a stop to bullying at their school.
  • Why do we bully other children?
  • Write about what you would do if you were being bullied.
  • Write about a bully who has been bullied in the past.
  • Write about a bully in history.
  • A person gets bullied by another person.
  • A student who is being bullied turns the situation around.
  • Write about how to handle bullying.
  • Write a story about a bully who reforms.
  • But action from school changed the life of a child.
  • A student wrote a poem about being bullied.
  • Victims of bullying try to make friends with bullies.
  • A girl is in conflict with herself.
  • A bully backs off from the person.
  • There was something that made you feel bad when you saw a bully in the field.
  • A bully gets bullied in school.
  • Write about bullying at school.
  • A child has been bullied at school and now he/she is trying to commit suicide.
  • Write about being picked on by your big brother or sister.
  • A boy and his brother get bullied.
  • A bully who just doesn’t get it.
  • Write about a sad childhood.
  • A person will stop bullying when they realize the damage it does.
  • A parent throws his/her child to the school bus because his/her family doesn’t have money to pay transport fees.
  • Someone that you respect stands up to a bully one-on-one.
  • You are being bullied but no one believes you.
  • Write about a best friend of someone who got bullied.
  • Somebody stands up to a bully.
  • A boy deals with his fathers death from bullying
  • About a child that helped another child who was being bullied.
  • The father doesn’t care about his children’s behavior which caused bullying in secondary school and he ‘s threatening from police and is wanting to lock up his children which made bullying.
  • Summarize how you would respond to a bully that bothers your non-existing friend.
  • Write about someone using the internet to bully.
  • Write about when a school gets sued because somebody got injured.
  • Write about standing up to a bully.
  • Write about a bully who got out of prison.
  • Convince somebody they are a bully.
  • A child is bullying others and nobody stops him.
  • A child being bullied learns to stand up for her/himself.
  • A person is always lagging behind in everything she is doing.
  • Write about a good solution for bullying.
  • A person leaving their boss is being bullied by their ex-boss.
  • Bullying in the Media
  • Write about a bully who gets bullied.
  • A bad friend is bullying someone and how the friend feels.
  • A good friend has just been bullied and needs some advice.
  • Bullying becomes a problem online, in chat rooms.
  • You are afraid because you got bullied.
  • A child is being bullied at school. What does a parent do? What does the parent of the child do? What does the school do?
  • A child is being bullied at school. A child is being bullied, but nobody believes him/her.
  • A friend sympathizes with someone who is being bullied.
  • How do you think some people bully others?
  • A bully in your school got bullied and now they’re nicer.
  • It is the money that is found possibly or the things you lose when you’re bullied. Your values and your point of view about life can be hurt and you carry it everywhere for the rest of your life and they find it in you. You’re like a walking store. And you build up walls. Sometimes your walls get cracked. Other times there are holes in them. But the point of all this is that the silent ones will find a way to fight back even if it’s a fake apology you will hate the bully forever. Maybe they’ll be nicer next time. Kids have a weird way of saying sorry. They put you off and try to hurt you one more time. Bullying is when somebody hurts someone to be the better person. It also comes with rumors and gossip. Always being honest is the best bet. Always there and always understood when you’re picked on. Never leave somebody. Gossip is like a knife. It breaks friendships. and makes you vulnerable. Even if you have a
  • A frenemy turns evil.
  • A bully changes his or her behavior because of a friend’s actions.
  • A bully teaches another child respect.
  • A person wants to make bullying stop.
  • Write about what happens if the parents become bullies.
  • Write a poem about the topic of bullying.
  • Bullying pushes people away from other people.
  • Why do kids bully other kids?
  • A mother is upset because her child is bullying others at school.
  • A child is bullied at school because of a physical feature.
  • Write about a bully who is punished
  • Write about this girl’s thoughts when someone she met from Facebook came to school.
  • A teacher is being bullied by a student.
  • Write about how someone got bullied in high school.
  • A person is claiming they are being bullied when, in reality, they disguised what was really happening.
  • A bully only wants to help, and in the end, people are helped.
  • A person who is bullying at school has changed.
  • A writer falls in love with bullying.
  • One child is being bullied for having special needs and not being as good at sports as her brother.……
  • Things you do not want to hear if your friend is being victimized by a bully.
  • A student’s heart is filled with revenge after being bullied.
  • The bully changes, and they become nice.
  • Write about how important friendship is.
  • A child gets a letter from a bully.
  • Write about bullying done online with smart phones and computers.
  • Bullying is a crime.
  • A child finds out that bullies can also get bullied.
  • A bully preys on a weaker person.
  • A teenager gets pushed around by older people.
  • A student stands up against a bully.
  • A little girl or boy or older
  • Write about bullying from the position of someone who is bullied any time by somebody else.
  • Write about the worst bully you ever saw or heard.
  • Two kids are fighting.
  • A boy just gets beat up by fighting a bully.
  • A person takes a stand with bullying.
  • People bully others to make them feel less about themselves.
  • Describe a time when you were bullied.
  • The bully isn’t a villain.
  • Write about the bullying someone did to you.
  • My son is being bullied at school because his father is in prison.
  • Overcoming bullying.
  • How does it feel to get bullied?
  • A person outgrows bullying.
  • A kid starts to bully in school when nothing was done about it.
  • A peer is being bullied.
  • A man remembers being bullied.
  • People are going to do bad things, are those things when being slow at math?
  • Three people talk about bullying each other.
  • A mean boy asks a girl to be his girlfriend, but she refuses and he/she starts to beat her up.
  • Write about a bully who is punished for bullying.
  • People bully because they are cowards.
  • A teacher is the bully
  • Describe the reactions of kids who witness bullying.
  • Do you have to know someone being bullied to help them?
  • Write a story about bullying.
  • A student’s friend gets bullied.
  • A kid gets bullied and he finds courage in a book, music or in nature.
  • Write a page about bullying.
  • A school encourages students to be nice to each other.
  • A bullied child thinks about bullying.
  • People bullies after school when no one is watching.
  • You have witnessed somebody getting bullied.
  • A child videotapes the bullying.
  • A bully apologizes for their actions.
  • Someone is running a band in the school.
  • Write a story about different people getting bullied.
  • Someone has a nice time with a kind person in a new country.
  • How would you feel if you were the bully?
  • Write a letter to an adult you’ve known for a long time and let them know how they helped you out  when you were bullied.
  • Write about a bully who became a kind person.
  • Someone who gets bullied in school tries to make herself better.
  • Someone is covering the fact that they’re being bullied.
  • Write about a story when someone bullied you.
  • A bully who befriends a girl who he once tormented.
  • The bully realizes he/she made a mistake.
  • Write about a friend who was bullying someone else.
  • Your family rescued a dog you named Courage.
  • A friend tells somebody to be nice.
  • A parent discovers that their child is being bullied by another.
  • A bully tells the people who they were bullying that they are wrong.
  • A man is beaten up by students for giving them notes.
  • Write about someone who got bullied by someone younger.
  • A teacher tries to stop a bully.
  • Bullying happens at times.
  • Someone realizes that they are bullying someone else.
  • Someone encourages his/her friend who was bullied.
  • Write about a fictional bully.
  • Write about a good friend who supports someone who got bullied.
  • A child gets bullied home because at school they are the bully.
  • Write about how to destroy bullying at school.
  • Write about a child who is being bullied for his appearance.
  • Write about a bully who learned to be nice.
  • A piece is written about a town where bullying happens and the problems that are faced by the people living there.
  • A child is being bullied at home.
  • Write about a time when you were able to stand up to a bully.
  • Write about how bullying will never make someone feel good.
  • A person who is being bullied finds a way to overcome the problem.
  • The decision to stop bullying
  • Write about a child who bullied another kid or was mean to someone.
  • What would it be like if you were a criminal and got bullied?
  • A group of teens decide to help a kid being bullied.
  • A bully tries being nice.
  • A person peers at you from behind a tree and you don’t see her/him. It’s impossible to run away because the trees are too green and large. When the person steps out of the bushes, s/he’s a better-looking version of you with cool clothes.Make a leaf.
  • A bullying victim feels very lonely.
  • A friend gets bullied because she doesn’t get the latest fashion.
  • You have been trying all your life to get yourself over the bullying that was done to you.
  • Bullying is nowadays a very common problem in schools and on the internet too.
  • Someone really very naughty is an example of a big bully .
  • A hippo is being bullied by a lion.
  • Write about being bullied and being that kid who stands up for others and tries to help.
  • A school cop stops a bully.
  • Write about the moment when a character helped your main character to overcome his/her bullying.
  • Write about what David did to solve his bully problem.
  • Bullies get bullied during games at school.
  • A really neat invention.
  • Do you know someone who got bullied?
  • What would you feel if you were bullied?
  • Write about how a child being bullied can get help.
  • One day, a child finally got a chance to bully someone.
  • At times words batter a person down.
  • A bully is being bullied.
  • People tell the child being bullied to commit suicide.
  • The point of view of someone who bullies.
  • Write about someone who’s scared to tell their parents that they’re being bullied.
  • A bully crosses a line.
  • When somebody is being bullied they try to solve the problem by appeasing the bully.
  • Write about a child who got bullied by different people on the Internet.
  • Someone bullied you but then realized the wrong thing about bullying.
  • People who are bullied try harder to change their appearance or to improve themselves.
  • Write about a child who wants to stop bullying.
  • A school got rid of their bullies.
  • Write about your best bullying or anti-bullying advice.
  • Write about a person who bullied you.
  • Write about a symbol that would symbolize that bullying is wrong.
  • Write about a kid who has been bullied in the school or online.
  • Write about when somebody is belittled to another.
  • A boy being bullied.
  • A friend stands up to defend a child who is being bullied.
  • A bully tries to make friends with the one he or she is bullying.
  • Write about a childhood bully you knew.
  • Kirsten finds a new friend.
  • A student has been left out of a party.
  • A bully has no friends at school.
  • A child who is being bullied asks their parents for advice.
  • A character is a bully.
  • A child is hiding their own feelings of being bullied at school.
  • A parent feels bad about bullying someone at a younger age or as a child.
  • Write about a time that you were bullied or you witnessed somebody else be bullied.
  • A kid is bullying other kids in order to fit in.
  • Bullying affected my life.
  • Someone gets grounded for using magic.
  • Whether you’re in the school district of …
  • Write about what you would do to a bully.
  • A group of kids in a confined space tease somebody else.
  • Someone tries to interfere with a bully’s job.
  • A child’s dream is working hard to be better than anyone.
  • Write about a time you got bullied.
  • Write about the worst/angriest bullying situation.
  • Someone doing something kind for someone getting bullied.
  • Someone being called “gay” because he and his friend are dressed in the same clothes.
  • Someone is moving to a new school, the new school is bad.
  • Write about what happens when one person stands up for a friend who is being bullied.
  • Another child kills a bully to protect somebody.
  • A child is the bully and another one is suffering.
  • A kid ignores somebody who is lonely and bullied.
  • To avoid teasing, a child stays home from school and eats too much chocolate.
  • Write about why bullies comfort those who have caused bullying.
  • What motivates someone to write about bullying experiences?
  • Do bad things happen to everyone?
  • A girl remains friends with a bully even when the group has rejected her.
  • A mean girl finds an excuse to bully somebody.
  • A cool person who is always with his or her friends even being pulled into bullying by his or her friends.
  • A homeless person is being bullied.
  • A bully apologizes to his victim.
  • Write a note from a kid to a parent about being bullied at school.
  • Write about a quiet child who got bullied.
  • Describe a day in the life of a bully.
  • Bullying is a bad thing to do to others.
  • It’s okay to be an outcast if you’re popular somewhere else.
  • Describe someone who decided not to see bullying.
  • A poster on a wall.
  • Write about the word bully.
  • A close friend of someone who bullied a bully.
  • Write about what you do when someone is being bullied.
  • A group of friends get in trouble and they have to go see the principle.
  • A bully apologises for the way they treated someone.
  • A grown-up tells her/himself the importance of kindness while others are being bullied
  • If you could make a wish for anyone who got bullied, what would it be?
  • What is it like being there with the person getting bullied?
  • How to help or support someone who was bullied.
  • Write about a man who was bullied as a child.
  • A boy has a brother that was bullied at school. They do not get along well.
  • A child who was bullied goes and seeks revenge.
  • While most of your descriptions focus on empathy, you may want to return to the emotions of the bully, the bullied or third party observers.
  • The main character is a bully and decides to change.
  • A bully regrets bullying someone.
  • Write about a time the person was bullying somebody.
  • Write about being or knowing a bully.
  • A student stands up against bullying.
  • A kid wants to know why someone is being bullied.
  • A child who bullies another child is punished by his dad.
  • A kid bullies another kid for drawing.
  • A bully is horrible to you.
  • You want somebody to get hurt because of what he/she did.
  • Write about someone who is treated unfairly.
  • Write about something that happened to you that you never told anyone.
  • A bully regrets hurting another.
  • Write about a secret bully.
  • It is hard to make friends, when all he does is fist fight with people.
  • Young children are bullying each other.
  • Write about how school bullies try to hide their true feelings.
  • Describe something you did to stop bullies.
  • A flock of birds bully a lone bird.
  • Write about what happens when people learn how to stand up against it.
  • Write about a time that you got bullied.
  • A girl is bullied because she has red hair.
  • Someone is trying to build up a person’s confidence after a person feels bad about themself.
  • Someone who is being bullied doesn’t want to go to school anymore.
  • Write about what it feels like to be bullied.
  • Write your own idea of bullying.
  • How would one handle bullying?
  • A child who hears other children doing badly when others talk about the particular kind of bullying.
  • A child is being bullied at the playground.
  • The bully is getting bullied.
  • Write about why a bully should stop bullying.
  • Professional bully’s story.
  • Write about a typical day at work.
  • Write about what a friend would do when a friend is being bullied.
  • Write about two people who are being bullied by the same person or people.
  • A person apologizes for being a bully .
  • Write about a time you got bullied.
  • Bullying at school for two people
  • Bullying leads to bullying.
  • People that look alike tend to bully each other.
  • A family gets bullied and wants to move.
  • Write about a bully who learned to be nice.
  • It is about time for someone who has bullied others to understand what bullying feels like.
  • Bullying is everywhere.
  • A new student tries bullying.
  • Write about when someone bullied you.
  • Write about being bullied at school when you were a kid.
  • A story about a time an adult helped you.
  • Write about how someone has bullied you.
  • Your child is bullied at school, write a diary entry.
  • Write about how a bully tried to make up with somebody they had bullied, but got turned down.
  • What a child actually has to say about being bullied.
  • A bully hurts himself to scare his victims.
  • People who are bullied also experience bullying at home.
  • A child is being bullied at home.
  • A single girl is being bullied at school.
  • What will the school do?
  • Write about a place you feel uncomfortable.
  • How a school bully learns that they need to set a better example.
  • Write about how a parent deals with a child who has been bullying.
  • Write a letter encouraging a child who is being bullied.
  • Why does the neighborhood bully your friend?
  • A child becomes a bully due to his or her environment.
  • Write about a group of friends who are all being bullied.
  • A kid gets bullied by a parent.
  • When a person bullies others, it is because he or she has issues.
  • A hot girlfriend dumps a guy because he was abused when he was a child.
  • Make a list of physical and emotional symptoms of being bullied.
  • Someone picks on a person of a different nationality.
  • Somebody stands up for a person being bullied.
  • An adult at work bullies another employee.
  • Someone who is being bullied can’t tell anyone.
  • A boy and his girlfriend have fought.
  • Write about why people bully.
  • Somebody discovers that they are psychic. Use the word ‘Hope’.
  • A bully gets their comeuppance.
  • Write about a bully and someone they teased.
  • A special day for somebody who got bullied.
  • What happens when people bully each other? People should not bully others or pick on them.
  • A student gets revenge on the bully.
  • Write about someone who was a bully but now regrets their actions.
  • Bullies use Facebook/ texting to bully.
  • Bullying against a player on a sports team.
  • A teenager is being bullied by their parents.
  • Discuss ways in which parents can support their bullied child.
  • Write about being the new kid in school and being bullied.
  • Write about a kid who is bullied for being different.
  • What would you do if you got bullied?
  • When someone says sorry for bullying you, how do you feel?
  • A parent is being bullied at work.
  • Write about how bullying can sometimes happen in a nice way.
  • A kind kid stands up to the kid who is bullying.
  • A child gets caught being a bully.
  • A parent tries to rewrite their relationship with their child after bullying happened to the child.
  • Someone who is being bullied is not going to school.
  • A girl is being bullied at school.
  • Write about the effect bullying has on how a person grows.
  • A person no longer wants to be a bully.
  • The truth to why they were being bullied.
  • A child is being bullied at school.
  • A girl is being bullied because she is not as popular as the other girls.
  • Write about a bully who changed.
  • Someone is being bullied at the workplace.
  • Write about a nighttime meeting.
  • A former bully helped a child understand what they did wrong.
  • A child doesn’t tell anyone at all about being bullied.
  • A person tries to help someone else who is being bullied.
  • Your own inner bully wants to take the place on the stage of the talent show.
  • A bully joins a group of people and does something good for them.
  • A group of bullies are all nice to their significant other one day.
  • Write about someone who is bullying but later apologizes.
  • The boy/girl who coined the term “Bully” feels sorry because bullies lie, cheat, and steal.
  • A child is the target of bullying.
  • Write about bullying through different forms of technology.
  • How should one react when being bullied?
  • A bully befriends someone on the bus.
  • Write about a bully who doesn’t want to be a bully anymore.
  • A child who gets killed or shot by drunk drivers got bullied.
  • A parent writes their child a note to cheer them up because they are being bullied.
  • Write about another way you could handle a bully.
  • Talk about what it’s like being bullied.
  • A child learns to stop bullying.
  • A bully at school causes a lot of damage.
  • Write what bullies are and how they find their victims.
  • A child bullies a child.
  • Write about a bully who learned the true meaning of a bully.
  • Write about a bully who learns to feel guilty.
  • A child acts as a bully at school.
  • People who are being bullied get supported but do not handle it.
  • Bullying in “Roald Dahl’s Matilda”.
  • Bullying a child will have terrible consequences.
  • A kid witnesses a bully.
  • A child finally stands up to a bully.
  • Because of being bullied, a person makes friends with a bully.
  • Someone feels like ending it all because he or she is being bullied.
  • A child used to be bullied, but uses kindness to change a bully’s behavior.
  • A kid might lose his best friend because of something bad the kid did.
  • Write about a senior citizen who bullied others when he was young.
  • A parent being bullied at work.
  • A girl’s friend takes part in bullying and then apologizes.
  • Write about bravery.
  • A bully has a bad day at school.
  • Write about someone who has been bullied, what happens to him/er and why he/she should not be bullied at all.
  • A friend is having a problem with that bully.
  • A child has stopped bullying others.
  • Listen to what a friend had to say about being bullied.
  • A boy bullies a girl over the Internet. How does the girl react?
  • Write about a person who has been bullied and became famous/successful.
  • An adult is being bullied at work.
  • If your child gets bullied, how will you react?
  • A person experienced bullying.
  • A child and an adult who has the problem of being bullied speaks about how to stop a bully.
  • Write the story of a person who bullied somebody.
  • Bullying is no longer tolerated.
  • A student is copying work from another student and they are both being bullied.
  • A bully has no friends, but nobody tried to help him.
  • When you see two people bullying each other.
  • Write about how you react to bullies and bullying.
  • A child makes friends with a popular child and finds out s/he is being bullied.
  • A person is making fun of a bully.
  • Write about how to care for coward bully friends.
  • A child is being bullied at school.
  • A bully tried to make friends with her victim.
  • A bully is being bullied.
  • Write about a friend who bullies somebody else to act tough but got gropt instead.
  • A bully uses somebody else to do their tasks.
  • An adopted dog dreams about the time she mistreated her dog before he was adopted.
  • A student spreads a rumor for fun that somebody is being bullied
  • How does the world treat “bullies”?
  • People treat someone differently because he or she is different.
  • What a person can do when being teased.
  • Write about a bully who chooses to be nice instead of mean.
  • A bully is really sorry.
  • A child is being bullied at home.
  • Write about a child who got bullied once and never was again.
  • Why are some people more popular than others?
  • You are delighted that you made friends with someone who is being bullied.
  • Recount how a child was killed as a result of bullying.
  • Write about the schoolyard bully.
  • Write a poem about bullying.
  • Write about someone going through a rough time after being bullied.
  • A parent or guardian is being bullied.
  • Editors argue over trigger warnings.
  • The scene where somebody got bullied.
  • Why don’t people stop when someone is being bullied?
  • A girl is being bullied at school. A boy is being bullied at home.
  • Write about what others could have done to help his or her friend.
  • Someone is bullied because of something they can’t help, e.g. being born into a poor family.
  • A friend saw his best friend get bullied. Write about his feelings.
  • A bully changes his behavior.
  • A child dies from being bullied.
  • Write about someone who got bullied and came back.
  • Write about someone bullying a person who is mentally retarded.
  • A community stands up to a bully.
  • Bullying is tough not just for the one who gets bullied but also for the one who controls the bullying. Because it drains out their energy. Their strengths. And also their smile.
  • A child sees someone being bullied and does something about it.
  • Someone is going on chat, and gets bullied on there by people saying bad things that are not true. The person at home is crying badly. The person at home logs off and goes and talks to his sister and tells her about the bullies on there.
  • A bully apologizes to someone they have hurt.
  • Write about what people are doing in order to stop bullying.
  • Write about the reasons somebody bullies others.
  • A child stands up to a bully.
  • When somebody is being bullied in school,what is being done?
  • Another child does stop the bullying and helps out the victim who rebuffed, ignored, or was afraid to talk.
  • A person decides to no longer be a bully or quit bullying others.
  • A child finally confronts the person who bullies him or her.
  • People are being cyberbullied, but can take different stands on it.
  • Write about what the child thinks about bullying.
  • Describe a child that’s very anti-bullying.
  • A bully threatened to hurt someone, and the person went to the principal and reported it.
  • Write about a bully that only rhymes with good stuff.
  • If two people love each other, they can get over their differences. What about bullying?
  • A parent chooses not to protect their child from being bullied.
  • The biggest question bullies and victims ask is why?
  • Think of a time that you knew somebody was being bullied but you could not stop it.
  • Someone stands up for somebody who got bullied.
  • A BIG bully bullies a smaller child.
  • A person who bullies other people learns how to become nice to others.
  • You agree to help because you know someone is being bullied.
  • A friend stops a bully from being mean.
  • Write about what you would do if you saw someone being bullied.
  • A person tells another person that they are going to get beat up by a bully.
  • A kid is being bullied at school.
  • A king is an excellent ruler.
  • What happens when children are bullied at school?
  • When strangers bully you.
  • A bully decides to be nice to someone who is being hurt by the other kids.
  • There are four types of child bullies. Pick one and write about them.
  • A kid is never bullied.
  • Write about what can happen when someone teases someone else.
  • A character says “Boys Will Be Boys” after seeing bullying.
  • When dealing with a bully, it is best to remain calm.
  • A teacher is being bullied by her students.
  • How do you deal with bullying?
  • A dream to survive with bullying.
  • Bully students at school learn about character and kindness.
  • A father steps in to help stop bullying
  • Describe your teachers at school.
  • Write about a character that is getting bullied.
  • Write about a time when you were bullied.
  • A child is being bullied in a public place.
  • A rapper is bullied by another rapper.
  • A sister beats up her brother after he takes her bike.
  • A popular boy/girl abuses his/her power over people who are more low profile.
  • Bullying rumors are spread around a school.
  • A kid gets bullied in school
  • You get bullied in middle school.
  • A girlfriend convinces a boy to stop bullying.
  • Write about what a person can do if they’re getting bullied.
  • Read complaints by or excuses from those who confess to bullying.
  • The bully changes.
  • Write about a teacher who is being bullied by students at school.
  • Write a short poem about bullying.
  • Somebody uses social media to respond to bullying.
  • Write about what someone who got bullied did.
  • A father goes to the school because his child is being bullied.
  • People who are being bullied have a lot in common.
  • Bullying shouldn’t exist anymore! Write a story about bullying in the past.
  • Write about just starting a school year and you are a bully or get bullied.
  • About someone who wants to be a bully.
  • Someone that appears cruel is actually nice.
  • Another child becomes friends with the kid who’s bullied.
  • A teacher deals with a child who is a bully.
  • Write about someone who bullies and someone who gets bullied.
  • Write about what a bully looks like.
  • Write about a day when you were bullied.
  • A child gets a bully at school.
  • A person becomes a counselor for a victim of bullying.
  • A child acts as a bully.
  • Bullying in school story.
  • High school students need advice about what to do if they’re being bullied.
  • A bully is teased because they cry.
  • Write from the bully’s point of view.
  • What if a student befriends the bully?
  • Another person acts badly because of someone else that bullied them.
  • The format is written from a first-person point of view and it includes sentence structure. People should also include emotions and feelings in their work. The text is flexible.
  • Write about a recent incident of bullying.
  • How do people get bullied?
  • Compare a bully and a kind person.
  • People just don’t understand the bully’s situation.
  • An experience of a bullied child.
  • Do you know somebody who got bullied? Describe this person.
  • A child deserves to be bullied because they are mean to others.
  • Write about someone who stands up to a bully on the playground.
  • A bully understands his actions and realizes that he is wrong.
  • Write about how the world will get better for people who were bullied.
  • Write about when you helped someone who was being bullied.
  • Bullying can be stopped in schools.
  • Be descriptive of a bully who tried being nice, but his act of kindness seemed fake and weird?
  • A bully who is rich finally got what he deserves, but not before he got another bully to do his dirty work.
  • Describe the best gift someone gave you.
  • What happens if a child has an interest that the school bullies also have an interest in?
  • Describe what a bully yearns for.
  • Write how somebody stood up to a bully.
  • What do people say when they are being bullied?
  • Write about a bully who wasn’t aware that he bullied people.
  • Write about a child who has experienced being bullied.
  • Write about how someone stops being a bully.
  • Write about your bully experience.
  • What does their parents do to stop it?
  • A child decides to commit suicide after being bullied by their peers again.
  • Write a story about what life is like being bullied.
  • Someone gets bullied about their clothes.
  • Someone is crowned to be the king/queen of the troublemakers. Many people admire him/her, however he/she doesn’t want to be bullied.
  • Bullies find ways to get people’s attention.
  • A child watched a big bully getting arrested.
  • Bullying happens at games.
  • Write about how your character changes after being bullied.
  • Are you being bullied? Has someone that you know destroyed your day. Write about it.
  • Write about what it feels like to be bullied.
  • Write about getting back in the school hierarchy after being bullied.
  • A child fears being bullied.
  • Write about a person who is taking or has taken revenge on a bully.
  • Write about a parent that cares if his or her child gets bullied.
  • Write about a school that has lots of bullying.
  • Write about the life of people who bully.
  • Write about a bully who is a hero in disguise.
  • A child is being bullied at school.
  • A bully is getting picked on.
  • Two siblings that are very different have to work together to accomplish a goal.
  • A parent gives their child advice on how to deal with bullying.
  • A friend is bullying somebody else.
  • Someone who was called mean names in childhood tries to make amends.
  • Bullying at school.
  • A person is being bullied for their looks.
  • A man/woman can’t stand someone and feels humiliated just by the thought of him/her.
  • Another child cheers them up.
  • A parent is on Facebook bullying a child.
  • A bully becomes friends with his victim.
  • A child wants somebody to play with.
  • Write about what could be the consequence when someone is bullying another kid.
  • Think about why a person would start bullying.
  • How does bullying affect children?
  • Do you think bullying is good or bad?
  • Write what you think the bully is like.
  • Write about a bully who learned to not be a bully.
  • A parent tries to protect her child who is being picked on.
  • Write about someone who was hurt by bullying.
  • Write about bullying from the bully’s point of view.
  • Write about the person who started bullying.
  • When you see people being bullied, don’t turn away.
  • Write about when bullying happens.
  • Write about a child being overprotected by the grownups in their life. The child has a day of fun and freedom from this overprotection.
  • A child is friends with a bully.
  • A bully learns to stop bullying.
  • A child turns into a bully when he’s being bullied.
  • A parent is treated like a child.
  • A child tattle-tell on another for bullying.
  • Write about a person who ends up becoming bullied.
  • Make a list about the difference between boys and girls.
  • A bully is being bullied.
  • Bullied children can grow up to become bullies.
  • Write about when you encountered a bully.
  • Write about a bully who was bullied.
  • They tell somebody about the bully and get help to deal with it.
  • Write about a time you were bullied and how it made you feel.
  • The problem of bullying is starting to be solved.
  • Write about a bully who is nice to a child.
  • Write about a cheerful person.
  • A young child gets bullied on the bus.
  • A bully gets revenge on the person who bullied them.
  • A boy and a girl who are bullies become best friends after they find out they are siblings.
  • A parent is being abused by a person that they knew a long time ago.
  • A child is horribly bullied.
  • Why is somebody getting used to it?
  • A person gets bullied at their job.
  • A kid being bullied at school wanted his parents to know and ask you about how to deal with it and how to avoid it from now on.
  • A story about someone who tries to stop bullying.
  • A missing child is rescued from a cruel biological parent.
  • A bully is helping the children to raise their self-esteem.
  • A person thinks that she/he is better than the others.
  • Write about being bullied at school and the hopes and dreams of the child.
  • Write about a conflict between 2 students who are bullying each other.
  • A bully will get bullied meaner.
  • A girl is being bullied on the playground.
  • Bullying affects the person who is being bullied physically.
  • A parent is bullying their child.
  • Somebody gets bullied at school.
  • Write about making friends with a bully.
  • Write about a child being mentally abused.
  • A mean kid is not allowed to act mean around a certain adult.
  • A bully is trying to figure out the problems in bullying somebody else.
  • Bullying is not good.
  • A child is also being bullied in school, but by family.
  • A girl blames herself for the bullying happening to her friend.
  • Write a letter to a friend who is being bullied.
  • A mother helps her daughter get a new start.
  • You’re a friend to a friend who lives with the effects of bullying.
  • How to Stop Bullying.
  • A girl whose friend is bullying her.
  • It is possible that one child is feeling like a bully.
  • A bully is bullied.
  • A man is bullying a woman.
  • A child sacrifices himself for someone else who gets bullied.
  • How would you reach your depressed friend who is being bullied?
  • Why do people gang up on others?
  • Write about a bully who realizes being mean was wrong and tries to apologize to the person they insulted.
  • If you don’t choose your words carefully, you can be a bully, too.
  • A cruel person that is bullying will learn how to act nice.
  • A boy and a girl bully the same person.
  • Someone ended up being more serious and kind or just acting friendly.
  • A teacher is teaching his/her students not to bully or make fun of others.
  • Write about a student defending a girl being bullied.
  • What do you do when you are being bullied?
  • Someone tries to survey people about bullying.
  • Things done to the cause the person to be bullied
  • Write about a kid who stands up to a bully.
  • Someone’s being bullied and he doesn’t know what to do.
  • Describe someone who is really nice to everyone.
  • Does traditional bullying differ from cyber bullying?
  • A kid pays pranks to those who bullied him.
  • You bully your siblings.
  • A bully gets teased about something he/she can’t change.
  • Write about someone who tells a bully to stop bullying.
  • A person is being bullied.
  • A father bullies his son.
  • How can you help if somebody is being bullied?
  • A bully has a secret.
  • A bully ends up in jail because of what they did.
  • A child gets bullied but the teachers do nothing to help.
  • Write about standing up to a bully.
  • Someone is being bullied because they are a vegetarian.
  • A child is bullied at home.
  • A bully doesn’t know he/she is one.
  • Bullying is usually seen in school, but sometimes it can happen in the office.
  • A bully tells some lies to somebody but then these lies are revealed.
  • A struggling new student is constantly being bullied.
  • Write about the emotions a person would have if they got bullied.
  • A timid child puts up a fight against a bully.
  • Write about times you have been bullied.
  • 2 children are bullied at school.
  • Who do you go to when you feel like you are getting bullied?
  • A student watches a bullying scene.
  • A child has been bullying the wrong person.
  • Both kids and parents can help stop bullying.
  • How does a child feel being called a nerd?
  • I get a bully off my back.
  • Write about an event that you will never forget, or when your work will later shine.
  • Your friend gets bullied for being in the band and drummer.
  • Someone you know is being bullied and you don’t do anything.
  • A parent knows his/her child is an effective bully.
  • Write about a girl who was the bully.
  • Write about bullying that happened on your street.
  • A person does something different or something that nobody has ever done before.
  • Someone hurt your feelings, so you acted like a bully.
  • A child who gets bullied is beat up one day.
  • Seeing someone being bullied.
  • A bully apologizes to a victim.
  • A person has an unusual way to avoid being bullied.
  • A child is being bullied at junior school.
  • A bully shows kindness by giving books to the person who’s being bullied.
  • Report about a child who confides to a school bully.
  • A young person struggling to cope with bullying.
  • How does a bully become such a horrible person?
  • A teacher stops the bullying.
  • Have you ever been bullied?
  • Bullying causes anger that cannot be controlled.
  • Write about the bully who worked hard to change.
  • A character was a victim being bullied and then he became the bully.
  • Describe a scene where someone got bullied like mistreated.
  • A bully wants themself to stop bullying people.
  • Write about a kid that wanted to be friends with a bully.
  • A friend is a victim of bullying, what they do.
  • Bullying is a problem in my school.
  • A famous person has been bullied throughout childhood.
  • Bullycide.
  • Why do you think the world is so terrible?
  • Write about what you would say to someone who is being bullied.
  • Bullying is wrong. Name some effects of bullying.
  • A kid who bullied a lot is sad when his own child bullies others.
  • A grown-up got bullied.
  • Write about the way to deal with a bully.
  • A person who bullies overcomes being a bully.
  • A child comes to school and threatens to beat up the bully.
  • How would you handle it if your children are being bullied?
  • When somebody supports somebody who got bullied.
  • Write about a kid being bullied.
  • I understand my parents sometimes bullied me, but what if they give advice to me while playing the game?
  • A father has his son who was being bullied.
  • Writing about a child who was being bullied makes a new friend after six weeks.
  • Describe a bullying incident, including the bully and victim.
  • A child refuses to help a bully.
  • A boy or girl bullies a peer or bullies a teacher.
  • Write about what scares you.
  • As a child, you get bullied at school.
  • Bullying is not nice. Be nice to others!
  • What is the opinion of another kid towards bullying?
  • A person handles being bullied badly.
  • Write about a bully who transformed.
  • Bullying at work.
  • Students stop bullying by having them overfeed on unhealthy food.
  • A bully realizes his faults and learns to become a nice person.
  • Hear the main character’s response to a friend about a bully at school.
  • Write about a grandparent who shows love to your character that bullies you.
  • Someone who sees another being bullied.
  • a bully is having a bad day and is looking for something to break such as a window and stones, but he accidentally breaks something he cares a lot about.
  • A boy is exploding with anger.
  • About a girl that is always picked on.
  • Write about a person who has been through bullying stuff, getting back at the bully, and feeling better.
  • Writing about a person positive to someone who is being bullied.
  • A parent protects their child from the bully’s threat.
  • An adult who has been bullied in the past tries to help a new victim.
  • The best way to avoid bullying is to be respectful.
  • Write about someone who stands up for someone else getting bullied.
  • A child or woman with bad clothes or hair gets bullied.
  • A bully gets bullied.
  • Write about a time someone bullied someone on the Internet.
  • Write about a bully who is forgiven or punished.
  • Tell about a time you got bullied.
  • A very smart person is bullied, and nobody sees it.
  • A bully feels guilty about his/hers actions.
  • A bully wants to prove that he is wrong.
  • A person who bullies others tries to change their ways.
  • Does being a bully make you feel sad?
  • A child gets bullied while playing soccer.
  • After seeing a nasty comment that someone told you, what can you do to deal with the problem?
  • Write about a bully who became friends with everybody.
  • Write about your experience of being bullied.
  • Tell about somebody who bullied everybody.
  • You Bullied somebody
  • Write about how you felt when you got bullied.
  • A little girl gets her mom to change her bullying nickname.
  • A bully is left on an island forever.
  • Write about what happens when two bullying friends become enemies.
  • The teacher was bullied.
  • Write about when you first started being bullied.
  • How to stand up for a kid who gets bullied.
  • Write about someone you know who was bullied.
  • A child hears a nasty rumor at school.
  • Write about your view about bullying.
  • There is a person who is very sad because of t/rude people.
  • Write about the bully’s feelings.
  • A bully has been crying after being bullied.
  • Write about a bully who got bullied back.
  • A teacher who was bullied struggles through it.
  • Write about a situation in which somebody felt alone.
  • Author interviews three school kids’ parents about bullying.
  • What if you believe somebody is bullying’ but you didn’t know?
  • someone writes about how teachers can prevent bullying.
  • Bullies getting bullied themselves.
  • Someone’s allies are bullied.
  • A bully gets his life changed and turns into a good person.
  • Write about how friends help each other.
  • A kid who bullies another for being different is feeling regretful.
  • A peer is being bullied by a teacher.
  • Write about what would help a bully to change their behavior.
  • When somebody is being bullied somebody else defends them.
  • A good friend stands up to a bully in the cafeteria.
  • Imagine a day when everybody is nice to you.
  • Bullying can remove someone from work.
  • Write about one or even two bullying cases you experienced.
  • A bullied child stops the bullying.
  • I get into a fight every two weeks.
  • Write about a person who got friends by helping another person.
  • Write about a bully trying to befriend somebody.
  • A child is at the library after school attempting to ride out the pain of bullying.
  • A story is written about a kid who nobody liked.
  • Ask someone who is/was being bullied how it feels like.
  • Someone gets bullied who doesn’t deserve it.
  • 6.  A character who bullies others discovers that he is being bullied by a parent.
  • A person who is feeling depressed knows that his family will help him with his sadness.
  • Write a letter to a teacher about someone else who is being bullied.
  • What do you do if someone gets bullied?
  • A person gets angry over getting bullied.
  • Write about a kind form of bullying.
  • Write about a character who is changing their opinions about bullying.
  • Write about you being a friend to a friend who got bullied.
  • Write about why it is wrong to bully others.
  • A child who is bullied respects/admires the bully.
  • Write about a bully who cares deep down about others.
  • Someone called his friend, they both went and helped the one who was being bullied.
  • Someone thinks that bullying is cool.
  • Write about a bully who learns to be nice.
  • A teacher helps stop bullying.
  • Write about how you reacted to being bullied at school.
  • A child moves away from the place he used to live.
  • A bully has a family member with some physical or mental difference.
  • People who are bullied have a lot to offer and should not be underestimated .
  • Why does someone bully someone else?
  • A friend tells their friend to stand up for yourself.
  • Write about somebody who was bullied.
  • People bully others on the internet.
  • Someone is cruel to your child and you do nothing about it.
  • A famous author writes a book about bullying that sells a billion copies.
  • A child gets bullied because of the way he delivers the speech.
  • A person being bullied, writes to their favorite author asking for help.
  • You get a letter to write a eulogy for someone who got bullied.
  • A bully discovers he or she cannot bully his or her mother.
  • A child questions things and finds the answer.
  • Did the bullied child do anything to enrage the bullies?
  • A child is being bullied at home.
  • Someone who is being bullied can sometimes do something to stop it.
  • Write about a school bully who was afraid to be bullied.
  • How do you think the bully feels about the situation?
  • There is a bully at a school. Write about the bully and the person he/she bullies.
  • Someone settles a conflict between two people who are bullying each other.
  • Bullying is when someone says mean things to someone else, when people insult each other.
  • A single parent deals with their kid getting bullied.
  • All the people make fun of a person for the results of his grades.
  • A kid takes a side in a bullying incident.
  • A child dies because of bullying.
  • A character faces bullying because of his special talents.
  • A bully apologizes to his/her victim.
  • Everybody is falling over when a kid yells “he smells!”.
  • Write about a bully who regrets what they did.
  • Write about avoiding bullying.

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