Writing Every Day With Rachel Rener

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About Rachel Rener

I went to school for Psychology and Neuroscience, while also focusing on languages (I’ve studied 8). After graduating, I decided to make excellent use* of my degree and move to Japan, where I taught English. I later ended up in Istanbul, working in both teaching and pharmaceuticals.

When I came back to the States, I worked a variety of oppressive desk jobs in advertising and translation until I abruptly quit to write my debut fantasy series, The Lightning Conjurer, which was a total whim and not something I had actively planned to do.

*Sarcasm alert! On a side note, wouldn’t it be great if there were a font specifically for indicating sarcasm in text? I’d personally opt for candy-apple green and italic.

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How And When Did You Get Started Writing?

I’ve written my entire life. Projects ranged from a horrific and far too detailed essay on Ebola that my science teacher turned over to my English teacher to a melodramatic soap opera that I penned in HS that shall never see the light of day. I also had a fairly popular blog while in Japan that focused on fish heads and singing toilets.

What Does Literary Success Look Like To You?

I don’t ever want to be famous or in the spotlight but I’d love for my characters to be.

What Actionable Tips And Tricks Do You Have For New Writers That They Can Apply Now On Their Journey As Budding Writers?

Write every day. Ignore people who harp on you about the latest writing “trends” such as eradicating all adverbs. Always hire an editor. Take critical feedback, particularly from other writers and authors.

What Are Common Traps For Aspiring Writers?

Feeling like they have to plot everything out ahead of time. Thinking their first draft is amazing. Expecting to have 100k followers in a few weeks or so. Arguing with readers who don’t absolutely adore their debut novel. The traps are thorny and numerous. Luckily, there will always be veteran authors out there to help them out.

If You Could Tell Your Younger Writing Self Anything, What Would It Be?

Commas should be used like red pepper flakes – sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. Except for Oxford Commas. Those are non-negotiable.

What Are Your Favorite Books? Fiction And/ Or Non-Fiction?

Anything in the contemporary fantasy genre with roaring heroines, a lawful magic system and a touch of romance. I’m also a huge nerd for books on little-known facts, like ‘How do Fish Sleep’? (Fun fact – fish don’t have eyelids but they do slip into a low-power mode to rest.)

Anything You’d Like To Plug?

The Girl Who Talks to Ashes is my most recent darling – it’s a bit of a genre mash-up that dabbles in fantasy, time manipulation, mystery/juvenile sleuthing, converging storylines, complex family dynamics, and high school hardships. It also has a pinch of horror (nothing too grotesque, since I’m a baby) and its fair share of quirkiness.

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