Researching Before Writing with Syntha Spide

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About Syntha Spide

I’m a 27 year old girl from Novi Sad, Serbia. I finished nursing school but never worked as a nurse. Instead, I started working in the automotive industry. I love learning languages, drawing, painting and writing. I mostly write poems and short stories which I regularly post on social media along with some of my paintings and drawings.

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How And When Did You Get Started Writing?

I taught myself how to draw and paint back in 2018. As for writing, I’ve been a big storyteller ever since I learned how to write, but it wasn’t until two years ago that I started sharing my work with the world. The reason for this is because for a long time, I was afraid of failure and criticism, or even ridicule. It took me a lot of courage to finally beat my fear.

What Does Literary Success Look Like To You?

To me, success is being able to overcome life’s obstacles and make something you can give to the world. Waking up every day with a dream, a new goal that you know you can accomplish by believing in yourself, and being surrounded by those who also believe in you, plays a very important role in becoming successful.

What Actionable Tips And Tricks Do You Have For New Writers That They Can Apply Now On Their Journey As Budding Writers?

Research your area of interest. Connect with other creators and learn from their work. Practice a lot in your spare time because you need to be determined in order to succeed. Set up small goals which you can easily achieve to boost your confidence, and slowly start giving yourself bigger and harder challenges. Share your work on social media to get feedback and therefore learn from your possible mistakes and get better at what you’re doing.

What Are Common Traps For Aspiring Writers?

The most common trap is believing you will never succeed because other people tell you that. Prove them wrong. The only ones who can’t succeed are those who never try. It’s also very important not to compare yourself with anyone else. This is your work, your raw idea, and if it seems too different from what’s already out there, that’s not a reason to panic. New things keep the world moving forward, so you are already on a good path because you made up something entirely new.

If You Could Tell Your Younger Writing Self Anything, What Would It Be?

Don’t be afraid to start doing things only because someone said you’ll fail. Don’t listen to anybody and do what you always wanted to do.

What Are Your Favorite Books? Fiction And/ Or Non-Fiction?

The Harry Potter series and everything from Neil Gaiman.

Anything You’d Like To Plug?

I recently posted my first short story on Medium and I’m looking forward to regularly post for readers to enjoy.

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