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About Toni-maree Rowe
I currently live in Auckland, New Zealand with my Cornish born and bred husband, two teenagers, a crazy dog and a reluctant cat. Although I grew up here in New Zealand I spent a number of years in the UK, where I studied for a MA in Archaeology at Exeter. After which I moved to Cornwall and eventually met my husband. My time in Cornwall was spent teaching archaeology in the adult education sector, as well as working on a long term research excavation at Saveock Archaeology. After a brief holiday in New Zealand the husband decided he wanted to move to the other side of the world and in 2005 we did just that.
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Contents [hide]
How And When Did You Get Started Writing?
As a youngster I was always writing stories of one kind or another but as a teenager this was left behind thanks to some unkind words by an English teacher…in the early 1990s I dabbled with journalism but quickly came to the conclusion that the cut throat world of newspaper journalism was not for me. University beckoned as I struggled to decide where my life was heading. My first proper soiree into the published word was slim non-fiction book ‘Cornwall in Prehistory’ written with my then students in mind, to give them a general introduction to that particular topic. When we moved to New Zealand, I became a stay at home mum, which should have kept me busy enough, so I began my novel writing career and thus was born The Adventures of Sarah Tremayne…and a blog…and a few articles for the odd magazine here and there…
What Does Literary Success Look Like To You?
To be honest, I’m not sure. By regular standards I am not a successful writer but I don’t let this stop me. I love to write, it is my thing, my jam and I will not let the small fact that no one has heard of me or I haven’t reached the best seller list stop me from doing what I enjoy. I do get a little thrill whenever someone reaches out to say they have read something of mine and how much they enjoyed it – like the mum who emailed me to say she had read my blog and now her and her children are going to use it as part of their home learning with field trips. That was a special moment for me.
What Actionable Tips And Tricks Do You Have For New Writers That They Can Apply Now On Their Journey As Budding Writers?
Don’t ask me, I’m still learning too…
What Are Common Traps For Aspiring Writers?
There are a lot of writing gurus out there who will tell you what you should be doing, seriously there are not enough hours in the day for all that. If you do want to go down that path choose one or two who resonate with your own style and don’t try to be someone that you’re not.
If You Could Tell Your Younger Writing Self Anything, What Would It Be?
Have faith, you are good enough…
What Are Your Favorite Books? Fiction And/ Or Non-Fiction?
Do you want the long list or the short one? Fiction wise I am a huge fantasy fan and of course at the top of my list is J R R Tolkien, followed by the wonderfully quirky Terry Pratchett. Non-fiction – anything by Irving Finkel and Stephen Fry are my current favourites.
Anything You’d Like To Plug?
As I mentioned before I have a blog –
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