1001 Writing Prompts About Solar System

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As an inspiration for a short story or novel, the solar system offers plenty of potential. This is because it works for any genre. Moreover, you could incorporate it into your story in many ways. For instance, you could use it as a setting for a space travel story or inspiration for a fantasy novel about traveling to parallel universes using black holes in the galaxy. 

If you are an aspiring writer who wants to write about the solar system or an author suffering from writer’s block, you’ve come to the right place for inspiration.

Here are some writing prompts to help you out: 

  •  Write a story about a father who uses the sun to extract power.
  • The girl/boy with the flashlight knocks on a door.
  • Write your own advertisement of a hotel on a tropical island.
  • Write about life in the rings of Saturn.
  • Solve a science challenge as if it is set in outer space.
  • Write a story about a comet.
  • Write about a trip to the solar system.
  • Write about life in the country.
  • Write about a problem that an astronaut would encounter on the moon.
  • The Earth and the Moon are huddled together in their fight against the Darkness.
  • The title should include the word planet
  • Write about what you imagine life is like on Jupiter.
  • Write about traveling to outer space.
  • Write about a distant planet with hostile conditions.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • Write a poem about being an atom in a giant star.
  • Write about what it would be like if your home planet was attacked.
  • Write about the day the Sun exploded.
  • Write about the life of your favorite planet.
  • An astronomer is doing his research.
  • Write about what you would like life to look like on Mars.
  • Write a story about blue giants.
  • Write about something strange at the National Solar Observatory.
  • Write about time on Neptune.
  • Write a story about a splash landing on planet Mercury.
  • Describe what a nuclear winter would be like on Saturn’s moon Titan.
  • Write about life on a moon.
  • Your character travels from the Sun to Pluto.
  • A person is living alone on a small island.
  • Write about what it is like to live in space and travel in a spaceship.
  • Write about a young boy and his dreams to one day travel into space and explore the solar system.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • Write a story set on a different planet.
  • Write about the latest discoveries about moons in the solar system.
  • Earth is hit by an asteroid.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • In her dreams, a woman journeys through the milky way Galaxy.
  • Write a poem about outer space.
  • Does water exist on other planets?
  • An astronaut dives into Saturn, he sees the lights of a huge city in its rings.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write a story about the solar system that has to do with Halloween
  • Write a poem about the sun.
  • Write about life on Europa.
  • An evil scientist invents a molecule that destroys the sun and ends Earth’s climate.
  • Write a poem about outer space.
  • Write about a conflict in outer space.
  • A vampire drives a spaceship under a huge blood-red sun.
  • All the life on a distant planet is dead.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about what the sun looks like from Mercury.
  • Write about some dust from space that is falling onto Earth.
  • When a comet comes into the solar system.
  • Write about life on Pluto.
  • Write a story about how the solar system formed.
  • Describe a day in the life of an astronaut who works on the moon.
  • What happens when a spaceship crashes into the sun?
  • As Mars Observer drew near the red planet, it lost contact.
  • Remember the solar system by writing a poem about it.
  • Our atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen, with some oxygen. What would you do if …
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a story about a planet.
  • Write about a holiday from space!
  • Write a poem about a constellation.
  • Write about the ships that travel through space.
  • A reality television show is an experiment where ten couples compete
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write about life in a human space colony.
  • Write about a spaceship that flies to mars.
  • Write an educational piece on the solar system.
  • The Solar System is being studied by a group of scientists from Earth.
  • Write about what might happen if the sun disappeared.
  • Write a story that takes place on Venus.
  • Write about your visit to various planets.
  • Write about vampires who live on Mars.
  • Write a story about a child who spends a day dreaming about being an astronaut on a space mission.
  • The sun is going down and it’s dark outside. Describe two different settings.
  • Write about the sun going out in the solar system.
  • Write a story about a rock star from outer space.
  • Write about colonizing another planet.
  • Viewpoint of someone who travels through space.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about life on a hydrogen bomb.
  • Write about when you were young and wished on a star.
  • Write about life on any planet.
  • Write about your favorite planet.
  • Write about life on a planet in a nearby star system.
  • Write a poem about the beginning of the solar system.
  • Write about the moon.
  • On what days would it be most likely for you to look up at the heavens.
  • Neil Armstrong gives a speech about what he saw on his trip to the moon.
  • Create a complex solar automaton.
  • Write a short poem about the Sun.
  • Write a story from the point of view of a planet.
  • Create a poem about space.
  • Sum Up
  • Birds migrate past the planets.
  • Write something inspired by ancient history.
  • Write a story from the point of view of a species that develops energy-meditation.
  • Write about Venus.
  • Write a poem about the solar system.
  • Make up your own space creature.
  • Write a short piece describing the solar system.
  • Write about a new disease that is affecting the people of Mars.
  • Write about multiple celestial bodies operating at once! Controversy!
  • The sun is dying and scientists are testing a new artificial sun.
  • The sun goes out.
  • Write about what it would be like to live on Jupiter.
  • Write about colonization of Mars.
  • People always have the tendency to think that outer space is lifeless. Use your imagination and write a story inspired by outer space.
  • Once there was a girl who loved the sun and moon. She visits them at night.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • You find a spaceship that is still working.
  • Write about someone who rubs the genie’s lamp.
  • Write about the first time someone saw the Sun arising in the west and setting in the east.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • A dwarf planet is discovered between Mars and Jupiter.
  • Write a story about an extraterrestrial who has been exiled from her planet.
  • Having finally saved enough money, a woman spends six months traveling to Mars to meet her new husband who moved there years ago.
  • Describe what you would take on a trip to the moon.
  • Life exists on Jupiter.
  • Explain the structure of the planets.
  • Write about your dog at the beach.
  • Write about Neptune’s moon Triton.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about life on another planet.
  • You find yourself marooned on an uninhabited planet.
  • Write to someone in the solar system.
  • Now write about life on Venus.
  • Write a report on a space mission.
  • Write a story about Jupiter Finding her Son.
  • Write about solar eclipses.
  • Ask your students to take out a sheet of paper. Tell them they will describe their planet. Ask them to take ten minutes to write about their planet. What does it look like? How does it work? How many inhabitants are there? What would they do in their spare time?
  • Write a story of adventures in space.
  • Write about life on a space station.
  • The stars from planet Earth.
  • Write a story about a journey to explore other planets.
  • A couple of kids are messing around on their bicycles in the street in front of a house on the moon.
  • Write a story about a faraway planet.
  • Write about traveling past all the planets in the solar system, which one to do you stop at?
  • Science reports on new discoveries often read…
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Someone tells the narrator a story about a place they’ve never heard of.
  • Write about an awkward astronaut.
  • You have gone to study at a university on the Moon.
  • Write about the destruction of Mars by human beings.
  • Explore what it would be like if beings from the moon came to Earth.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • Write a story about a school project.
  • Writing prompts about space – a spaceship was heading to the solar system.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Jupiter is hot and fiery.
  • Write about your favorite planet or planet that you wish to live on.
  • Write about life inside the moon.
  • Write about a planet from a different point of view.
  • Write about traveling through space.
  • The Sun is huge.
  • Write about an astronaut traveling on the International Space Station through the solar system.
  • Use the letters of the alphabet to write a story about a space traveler seeking treasures on the planets.
  • Write about a teenager that wants to be in space.
  • The solar system is made up of many different forms of matter.
  • Earth is dying but colonists travel by spaceship to another world to settle there.
  • Write a story about life on Earth in the distant future.
  • Write about growing plants on a different planet.
  • Write a story set on Venus.
  • Choose a planet from the solar system and write about its culture, practices and its people.
  • Using the sun as a character would you write positive or negative things about its character.
  • Write about life as an astronaut before going on a mission to outer space.
  • The planet Earth isn’t the only planet in the solar system.
  • Write about your favourite planet.
  • Write the opening of a science fiction novel about life on Jupiter.
  • Discover the eight planets.
  • Consider the edge of the solar system.
  • Write about what you imagine other planets are like.
  • Write about Jupiter.
  • Write about what life would be like on deep space travel.
  • Write about life on Jupiter. Have a character immigrate.
  • Write a story about the mo….
  • The student is considered the superintendent of the project after the
  • A boy dreams of a journey to another solar system.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • A small, single-seat rocket launches into orbit.
  • Write about a pink planet.
  • A mom tells her daughter about the solar system.
  • Earth is about to be invaded.
  • Write an essay about what it is like to live on another planet.
  • Do you remember your first time looking at the sky, and what did you see?
  • Describe a journey around the solar system.
  • The sun has just set into the ocean. Write about the last thing you see when the sun goes down.
  • The child who is feared by everyone…
  • 7. One For Each Finger
  • In the distant future the sky is filled with spaceships.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • A mother explains about the solar system to her young child.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • Write about the consequences of human actions taken in the past.
  • An astronaut is stranded on Mercury.
  • Write about a meteor shower.
  • Mars has two small moons.
  • Write about a solar eclipse or some other celestial event.
  • Describe the beginning parts of the Sun.
  • A human brings a pet dog with her to space.
  • Let’s do some creative writing and make up some astronauts.
  • Write a story about a visit to Venus.
  • What would you be doing if you had been sent to Mars?
  • Write a story about the lost city on Mercury.
  • A rocket ship is launched into space.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • A mother pretends her daughter is the “Red Planet Mars.”
  • A mother looks up at the moon at night.
  • Write about a Saturnalia celebration.
  • A couple has a romantic picnic on the surface of the sun.
  • A poem or song about a different planet.
  • Write about the solar system.
  • Write a love story about a character on Mars.
  • Do you think humans will be able to complete protection in space?
  • Write about a situation that takes place on Mercury.
  • Write a story about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about the collision with Earth of a meteor about the size of Manhattan Island.
  • Write about the solar system.
  • The sun comes up and the birds begin to chirp.
  • Write about life on comets.
  • A student visits a planetarium for the day.
  • A girl is going to the moon.
  • Write a story that takes place on Venus.
  • Write about life in outer space.
  • Martians attempt to communicate with earthlings.
  • Children collect rocks and build a landscape, which becomes the setting for a story.
  • Write a story that takes place on Jupiter.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write a story that takes place on Venus.
  • Orbiting high above the planet, an observatory detects a strange being heading for Earth.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • The sun is the center of a solar system.
  • Write a story that takes place when you were a kid.
  • A scientist is helping with a space program.
  • Werewolves live on Jupiter. Write about their society.
  • Write about the peculiarities of the moon.
  • The Sun.
  • Describe a day on Mercury.
  • Write about a planet in the solar system that no one knows about.
  • Write about people living in the sun.
  • Write about the Sun.
  • Write a story where your character is stranded somewhere in the solar system.
  • The Moon in a poem.
  • Write a poem about the Big Bang Theory.
  • An engineer has to land on a planet.
  • Write about what happens to the Earth after we drain its oil.
  • Write about what you would like your life to be like on a different planet.
  • Write a story about an astronaut who never dreamt that space travel was possible.
  • A man jumps at the chance to see another planet.
  • Write about traveling to another planet.
  • An astronaut whispers a goodbye to Earth as she leaves on a mission to Jupiter.
  • Write a story about a person on the moon.
  • People living on Venus build a society.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write about your, or a friend’s, imaginary planet.
  • Write about life on one of the moons of a planet.
  • Write about an off-world orphan whose parents are astronauts.
  • A photograph from space shows us the Earth. Tell the story from the viewpoint of the photographer.
  • Write about a woman becoming a space explorer in the future.
  • Write about the hot spot on Venus.
  • Write about humans colonizing the solar system.
  • An author is learning about the solar system.
  • Write about the moon of Jupiter.
  • Write about a solar eclipse.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • What is the funniest dream you’ve ever had? Write a story about what happens when you dream it.
  • Describe Mercury and its importance to the solar system.
  • Write the description of another planet.
  • Write about someone drowning in space.
  • A girl named Memphis receives a pet robot from her uncle.
  • Write about the development of the telescope.
  • Write about life in the Oort cloud.
  • Write about a nocturnal life.
  • There is a man who lives on Mercury. Write about him.
  • Write a story about the colonization of Mars.
  • The sun has died and the Earth has frozen over.
  • Write a poem about the moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about the first human born in space.
  • Write a scary story about outer space.
  • Write about life without gravity.
  • Give examples of how the solar system could have formed.
  • Write a poem about a star.
  • Write a dramatic monologue narrated by the moon.
  • A person visits her father at the nearby observatory.
  • Describe your favorite shiny object.
  • Solar energy is taking over the renewable energy market, and writes about how this happened.
  • Maybe your character lives on a planet in another star system.
  • Describe what you would write about if you had a time machine.
  • This solar system is the best one ever!
  • What about on a space station?
  • People are looking for life on other planets.
  • Write about the solar system and why it is important.
  • Explain what it is like to travel to the outer solar system.
  • A little girl is working in a lab and suddenly discovers a new planet.
  • Write about the astronauts who made the journey to Mars.
  • A group of astronauts is exploring Pluto.
  • Write about a star fight.
  • Write a story where there is a solar eclipse.
  • A young boy and his mother go camping at night.
  • Write about a family living on the Moon.
  • NASA mission control room operator chatter as the event unfolds.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • A group of astronauts travel over space.
  • A tense conversation occurs between two scientists debating the issue of climate change on Pluto.
  • Write about your favourite planet in your solar system.
  • Mars has changed color.
  • Rocks present problems for someone visiting the solar system.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • Write a story about living on a different star.
  • Mars is red, just like blood.
  • Write about your ideal place to live in the solar system.
  • Introduce yourself and someone who is an important person to you.
  • Inventory your own backyard for items that could be used in mining.
  • An astronaut is traveling through the solar system.
  • The Sun goes blank.
  • Write about outer space.
  • A faraway planet casts a unique green light.
  • Write about space exploration.
  • Share a story about two planets colliding.
  • A scientist is studying the planet that is different from Earth.
  • Write about what it would be like to live in a lunar colony.
  • Write about life on a different planet.
  • Write what the atmosphere is like on a gas giant.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • A large solar flare turns Earth into an inhospitable place, and astronauts are sent to other planets in search of a new home.
  • Earth is doing all it can but the destruction is still going on.
  • Two astronauts are performing experiments on an asteroid.
  • Write about two rocks experiencing their geological turmoil — and their eventual end.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • A child goes for a walk on the beach and tries to determine which planet the moon is.
  • Write about what life on Mars would be like.
  • A family is given the chance to travel to Mars.
  • Write a story about a spaceship heading to Pluto.
  • Write about the future of space travel.
  • A dark cloud enters into the atmosphere of Mars.
  • Write a story about a far away planet.
  • A spaceship lands on an unknown planet.
  • A space flight crashes into the moon.
  • Write a story about solar system conflict.
  • The most important scene in your story must occur in outer space.
  • Outline the daily life of a family whose main source of heat is the sun.
  • Write about a failing Mars mission.
  • Write a story that takes place on Venus.
  • Write a story that takes place on the surface of a star.
  • Which planet would you like to visit?
  • A group of astronauts are traveling on a spaceship when a meteor damages the ship.
  • Write a story about a girl who has a strange request.
  • Write about what it would be like to live in the solar system.
  • You are an ant walking on the sun. Explain to him what you are doing there.
  • Tell a mystery about what happens in the future for a group of astronauts.
  • Write a story about a miner in the solar system.
  • Write about space exploration.
  • People hiking through canyons on Mars discover a dead body.
  • Write about living in Antarctica.
  • Write about life on another planet.
  • Write a story that takes place on a planet other than Earth.
  • Write a poem about a space probe.
  • Civilization exists on Earth, Mars and in the solar system. Describe why it’s so diverse.
  • Someone doesn’t want you to write about the solar system.
  • Imagine your life if Venus was close enough to Earth for you to live there.
  • Describe the world that Jupiter characters.
  • Write about a tiny asteroid awash in space and tell the story of its life.
  • Write about being the first to discover a new planet.
  • Write a story about life on Neptune.
  • People of both genders getting ready for a space flight.
  • An astronomer stumbles upon a strange form of life on Jupiter.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a story that takes place on Jupiter.
  • Write about life any place else.
  • Tell a story that takes place on an icy planet.
  • A telescope from the nineteenth century is designed like a time machine.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Describe a story where a moon is bigger than the planet that it orbits.
  • Write about what it would be like to live on another planet.
  • Write about the other side of the Moon.
  • Imagine there was life on Pluto.
  • In an alternate timeline, man is not able to travel into space.
  • A solar system is a fascinating subject to write about. It does not matter if this kind of theme is fiction or nonfiction  because both are equally exciting. Students who love reading and writing lessons should  be willing to write  stories and essays about the solar system.
  • Your character is traveling through space on a manned mission and the ship malfunctions.
  • Write about a fish, an animal, you or a human in the rest of the solar system.
  • Write a story that takes place on a comet.
  • Write a story about life on Venus.
  • Write about the Sun.
  • List the movies that you liked.
  • Write about planet Earth.
  • Mars has many canyons.
  • Scientists have discovered a new planet. Write about its accomplishments and adventures.
  • Stories told about the universe can sometimes be fantastical.
  • Write about your birthday in the future.
  • Write about what you were told about the solar system when you were a child.
  • Someone doing a geology report explores a crater on Mercury.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • A character from any movie goes on an adventure.
  • Write a story about the battle of the solar system.
  • Write a fictional report about how life will be like if humans live on Mars.
  • Write about life at the beginning of time.
  • Write about a boy who lives on Mars, or Moon, or whatever other celestial body you like.
  • Write a story about something that happened to someone traveling through space.
  • The planets are fighting each other.
  • Think about what life could be like in the distant future on another planet.
  • What is life like on Uranus?
  • Write a story that takes place on the surface of the Sun.
  • An extremely powerful laser beam is used to cut a path through huge rocks on another planet in space.
  • Planets are traveling through the solar system.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Let’s write about Neptune.
  • Space travel through the solar system.
  • Write a story taking place on Venus.
  • Dreaming of a star.
  • Write a greeting in space.
  • Write an essay about the Earth.
  • Write a composition about comets.
  • Write a story about a religious colony on Earth.
  • Write about a science fiction character and his/her struggles in a new world.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • The entire crowd watched from a distance as the astronauts walked on the moon.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a poem about trips to the moon.
  • Write about life on an ice planet.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write a story that is told in the first person perspective of a particularly interesting planet.
  • An astronaut is in space and his spacesuit’s oxygen has run out.
  • Write a letter from Pluto to Earth.
  • Write about one of the moons of Jupiter.  Most stories are set on the planet but there are about 60 moons that scientists have given names to.
  • The sun sets over the ocean on a lonely island.
  • Describe the education of a scientifically literate extraterrestrial.
  • Write about a new planet.
  • The first humans arrive on Mars. The planet has a thin atmosphere, which humans find it very difficult to breathe.
  • Imagine what it would be like to be a primitive person living before the advent of the telescope.
  • People of the Dark Ages thought the sun went around earth. Discuss why they believed this.
  • Write about the likelihood of a group of astronauts surviving the zero-gravity.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • There is a battle in the heavens.
  • A woman is admiring Mars through her telescope in her backyard. Suddenly she sees a rocket close to the planet’s surface.
  • Write about life after the next meteor striking the Earth.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about planet Venus. Write about the travels of the Soviet Venera probes.
  • An astronaut visits the planet Jupiter.
  • The Venus Project
  • Write about life on other moons in the solar system i.e. Jupiter, Saturn, etc.
  • Write about a real or imaginary comet.
  • Finish telling your most recent story.
  • Write about a space trip to Jupiter.
  • Write a speech to persuade the senators to visit another planet.
  • Write about what a day at Pluto is like.
  • Write about the discovery of what you think is a planet on the outskirts of the solar system.
  • Write about Earth before space travel.
  • Write about a planet that has other life on it.
  • Write a poem about a shooting star.
  • Create a journal entry of an astronaut on the day of the total solar eclipse.
  • The solar system is big.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about a time-traveler who visited Pluto.
  • Write about a fuzzy creature from Neptune.
  • Write an account about the impact of the Space and the Moon.
  • Write about what life is like on Saturn.
  • Write about a person becoming an astronaut.
  • Write a story about an intergalactic mission.
  • Write a letter from one character to another character.
  • Write a story about an astronaut in space who loses a button or some other object.
  • Write a story about a science fiction setting on Earth.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • A small child hears about a dark family secret from an older relative. When the older relative tells the child about the secret, the child sighs and turns away, saying, “Nothing surprises me anymore.”
  • Write a story that takes place on an asteroid, moon or planet.
  • Another astronomer tells you about Mars’ red colour.
  • Write a story about a beautiful planet.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • A spaceman with his collecting tools travels to the moon.
  • The university campus has a planetarium.
  • Write about what it would have been like to be on the moon during the Apollo program.
  • An astronaut is in a rocket and stumbles through an asteroid belt.
  • Tell about a runaway asteroid killer.
  • Invitation to write about life on planets.
  • Write a short story where humans never existed, but another species does.
  • A group of astronauts are traveling to a planet similar to Earth.
  • For science fiction stories, write about futuristic technology.
  • Write about life on Titan.
  • Using a blank sheet of paper, write the letter A about space.
  • You find a list of all the important things that happened in the past month. Write about something that could have been on that list but wasn’t.
  • Write about living in a future with a more powerful telescope.
  • Let us write about a distant planet inhabited by intelligent beings.
  • Someone was born without a tongue and organs to taste. Write about his visit to a school for the blind.
  • Everybody in your town has forgotten the difference between night and.
  • A character is in space.
  • You’re a space traveler heading to Mars. Write your journal entry from the craft as you approach the planet.
  • Write about what it would be like to live on a giant asteroid.
  • Write a poem about “Augusta Ada, Countess of Lovelace Day.
  • What kinds of plant and animal life does Venus have?
  • A man is driving in a car. Write about what happens to him.
  • A graph nomies how much electricity is produced by various sources around the world and their amount compared to the total
  • Write about Jupiter.
  • Write a poem about Venus.
  • Mars is a frozen wasteland.
  • The sun sets and everyone looks up and cheers.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about living in space.
  • Write about being on an asteroid.
  • Two men created the world. Write a story about how they came up with the idea.
  • A memory unfolds on the moon.
  • When someone looks at the stars, they wonder what they are.
  • Write about life on a moon of Saturn.
  • Write what it’s like to fall through space.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a story in which Earth is abandoned.
  • Your character is having a space adventure.
  • Remember the first time you went to the moon.
  • Write a poem about a comet.
  • Write about your perfect day in space.
  • A comet falls from the sky.
  • Write about 10 different spacecraft.
  • Write about a comet or a meteor. Write about one that came to earth.
  • A man looks up at the moon while sitting on his balcony.
  • A spaceship lands on Neptune.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • A family visits a space museum.
  • Life under the sea.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • Write a story about discovering a new moon.
  • Flowers grow on Saturn’s rings.
  • Mars is red, Mars is bad.
  • Write about Mercury.
  • Description of “Monsters Lurking in the Solar System”
  • The moon is the full moon tonight.
  • Name five creatures that live on Venus.
  • The conditions on Venus aren’t that bad.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write about the structure of the solar system.
  • Write about a moon that is unlivable.
  • Write a story about an inhabited nebula.
  • Write about life on a moon.
  • Write a poem about the last day on Earth before a major meteor shower.
  • Write about the formation of planets.
  • Write about Jupiter.
  • Write about an object going around the sun.
  • Set a tale on Venus!
  • Write about living in a space museum.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • The crew of a spaceship hurtles through space.
  • Write about an unseen planet.
  • Write about the Milky Way Galaxy.
  • Write a poem about Mercury.
  • The sun is dying.
  • The narrator is staying the night at a friend’s house. When he looks outside his window, he notices that the satellite dish is aimed toward the sun. He watches the sun and then the moon sets. But something is wrong. The entire sky changes color and what had been the sun and the moon are now giant blue spheres. The narrator’s friend isn’t sure what the narrator has seen, but goes through his house and shuts off every television.
  • Write about an astro scientist.
  • The Sun calls to a little boy.
  • Write a story about a battle between two stars.
  • A cartoonist travels to Pluto and back in a time machine.
  • Saturn is trying to find a stream of water.
  • Write a short story about one of the moon landing missions
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about one of the moons of Jupiter.
  • Write a story about finding a life form.
  • Write about outer space.
  • the sun rises in planet mars
  • In your own words write about your favorite planet.
  • Write a story about teenagers in space.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a story about your life as an astronaut.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Describe one of the new planets.
  • The solar system is a mysterious place.
  • Write about life that exists on the moon of a planet.
  • Write about a child who dreams of flying through space.
  • Write about a far away planet named Verona.
  • Write an obituary of the Sun.
  • Write a poem about the rotation of the planets.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Describe your ideal life on a new planet.
  • Write about a scientist who travels through the solar system and studies planets.
  • A space-suit in orbit around the Earth.
  • Write about your home planet.
  • Write about watching a meteor shower outside your home.
  • A boy looks through his telescope at Jupiter.
  • Write about humans who live on the moon.
  • What does Mercury look like?
  • Write about how you might start a colony on Mars.
  • Write about life on a planet that we have not discovered yet.
  • Write about your house in space.
  • Write about life on the Moon.
  • According to NASA scientists the rings of Saturn are collisions caused by a comet or asteroid which hit one small moon which made a chain reaction and destroyed everything in its path. The debris from this crash formed a ring around Saturn. Saturn itself is bigger than Earth. It’s nearly twice the size of Jupiter which itself is twice the size of the earth. A day on Saturn is equal to about 10 hours and a year equals 29 years on earth. Saturn has many moons. A moon named Titan is 71.7 thousand miles. It’s the biggest moon in the solar system. Earth’s moon is 200 million km. The solar system is made of hot gas, ice, rocks and gases.
  • Describe conditions on Venus.
  • Write about life on a spaceship.
  • Describe the world you would create with another planet when creating your own solar system.
  • Write a story about blast off into space.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about the melting of Antarctica.
  • A probe visits Jupiter and completes its mission.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a story where something big happens to the giant planet Jupiter.
  • Write about organ transplants.
  • Someone has stolen a famous painting and hidden it under the surface of Mars.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about life forms that exist on a planet of your choice.
  • Welcome to Planet Earth.
  • Someone lives on Mercury.
  • Write from the perspective of an astronaut on a spaceship traveling to the Solar System.
  • A group of people needs to land on a deserted island. Write about what they find.
  • Nicole sat from her perch and looked out into the night.
  • There is a solar eclipse on Venus.
  • Write about life on a planet of your choice, and then write about what would happen if it suddenly changed.
  • Write about something you noticed that was different on the planet Mars.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • You’re long lost love travels through a galaxy and lands on Mars. They’ve been watching you and fall deeply in love with you. Now, they’ll do almost anything to be with you again.
  • Write about a new planet that has been discovered.
  • Distances in the solar system.
  • Write about the seven wonders of the solar system and describe them.
  • Write about the lives of people living in space or on a planet.
  • Write about a woman growing up on Mars.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • Write a story that takes places on another part of the
  • Write about what your family can do to hurt the Earth in your story.
  • Photos of animals on the South Pole of the Moon.
  • Write about a planet that is made of water.
  • Extend a book you have read with a fresh new chapter or new characters.
  • Write a story about finding an inhabited planet in the solar system.
  • A man is on a spaceship to Jupiter.
  • Write about Venus.
  • Astronomers observe a colony on the moon with telescopes from Earth.
  • An astronaut travels to Pluto and visits the ice planet.
  • Write a story set on a planet going through some type of nuclear or global warming catastrophe.
  • A robot explores Mars.
  • A boy is traveling to Venus.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • There’s a heavy storm on Jupiter.
  • Write about the solar system.
  • Write about what happened the night the stars disappeared.
  • Write about space travel.
  • The sun is cracking.
  • Write about life on Regulus.
  • Write about an astronaut orbiting through the solar system.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • An asteroid is on course to Earth. A group of astronauts are sent to divert it.
  • A newly discovered planet is being explored.
  • Write about the future colonization of Mars.
  • Write about life on the planet Venus.
  • An astronaut named Talver travels to Pluto.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • A boy loses his dog and is forced to search for it on the moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Exploring a different planet
  • Help the solar system team pick a name for the Earth’s new satellite.
  • Write about Venus.
  • Write a colorful and exciting short story about the solar system.
  • Write about a special talent of a character that comes from the huge brain potential of popular cartoons or comics.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about two scientists exploring the Pluto system.
  • Write a story that takes place on Venus.
  • Describe a trip to the planet of your dreams.
  • Write a poem about Mars.
  • Write about the legend of Chang’e.
  • Share ideas for creating a gravity-free area in space.
  • Write about a place you would visit if you were on another planet.
  • Write about life on Pluto.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • Write about why Pluto was removed as a planet.
  • Planning a trip to the planet Jupiter.
  • A scientist is very excited about the discovery of a new planet.
  • Planet Zebulon, the furthest planet away from the sun orbits around the solar system.
  • A woman escapes from Earth in her spaceship, leaving behind all that she knows.
  • Writing can help relieve stress, so pick a prompt below that you are interested in and write in a journal. No one needs to read what you are writing, unless you want them to. The idea is to express yourself.
  • Write a story that you have always daydreamed about
  • Create a poem or song that is about space.
  • Go on a space trip in the plot of the story.
  • Write about an asteroid that has knocked the Earth off its axis.
  • Write about being a life form on Earth before people discovered the planets and the solar system.
  • Write a story that takes place on Saturn.
  • Pretend you are the first person of a newly discovered intelligent species. Write a diary about your first few days in your new world.
  • Write a story about outer space.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write a story about Earth making contact with …
  • Write a story about astronauts landing on the moon.
  • Describe in detail a normal work day for an individual on another planet.
  • Write about the history of the solar system.
  • A military outpost on the moon.
  • The earth turns slowly, the stars far away, and the atmosphere quite thick.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write a story about a person on another planet.
  • What if two stars collided?
  • Write a story that takes place on a different planet.
  • All the adults on Earth died. It’s all up to the child-exiles on Mars.
  • Write about gravity on the moon.
  • Write a story about a wormhole in space.
  • A woman on a beach sits and watches the sun set.
  • An astronaut is hurtling through space after a space mission.
  • Suppose you discover a galaxy with civilizations greater than ours.
  • Write about a magic island in the solar system.
  • Write about electricity in space.
  • Write about exploring the ocean on an ice moon like Europa.
  • Write about a person who doesn’t believe in climate change.
  • Write about what it is to be an astronaut.
  • A very long time ago on Mars there was a war between two tribes.
  • George and his family are building solar panels to power their homes.
  • The planet Mercury is sometimes called “The God of Speed.”
  • Where will humans live in a thousand years?
  • Write about the role of the Moon in nature and what the Moon means to us.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • A boy and girl throw themselves at a romantic sunset.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • People are being sent to the moon in an effort to colonize it.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write a story about a young astronaut.
  • Write a letter from someone who has to be outside on Mars.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • A comet strikes another planet.
  • Write a journal entry describing what you see and hear if you are walking on the moon.
  • Enter a photo to be published in a magazine that takes place on another planet in the solar system.
  • Write about the Sun’s corona.
  • Write a story about the singularity that transforms into a planet.
  • Write about what your planet would look like.
  • My spaceship is stuck on the moon.
  • Write about life on Pluto.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write a story about living on a planet.
  • A robot and a human are exploring a new solar system.
  • There’s a planet in the solar system where everyone has one giant eye.
  • Write about the formation of stars.
  • Give your main character a special tool that allows them to travel around the solar system.
  • Write a story about a group of astronauts traveling in the solar system.
  • A girl builds a rocket ship in her garage.
  • Write a story about a strange inhabitant of Saturn
  • Decide upon an imaginary planet and then pick a specific setting on that planet. Describe this setting using sensory language. Create a sculpture or model of the world in clay.
  • Describe your ideal habitat on the Moon.
  • Write about life on the Moon.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Invite three friends to a party and prepare a spacecraft menu.
  • Just a few more prompts. Thumb up if you found it useful. Also, comment any additional writing prompts about the solar system.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • On the planet Mercury radioactive flowers grow.
  • Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have angels. Write a story that includes characters who are angels.
  • Write about a time machine that takes you through the solar system.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about the life and times of Nikola Tesla and his amazing inventions in the late Seventeenth and early Eighteenth Century.
  • Write about what you would like to see on the next space mission.
  • An astronaut watches an explosion in space.
  • An Independence Day celebration is happening in space.
  • Thinking about the Moon
  • Write an alternate history story that takes place in the ancient past or future.
  • A grief counselor is counselling the sole survivors of the people who
  • Trapped under debris, a geologist waits to be rescued.
  • A little girl looks through her telescope at the different planets.
  • Let children write about life on different planets or experiences in outer space.
  • Write about the discovery of that planet.
  • Write a story about life on Venus.
  • Write about how Venus evolved.
  • Tell the story of a space probe that lands on a planet.
  • Write about the formation of the solar system.
  • A spaceship has to traverse the solar system to reach the nearest inhabitable planet.
  • Write about the Moon.
  • A close friend is arrested for killing their unfaithful girlfriend.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about the planets in your solar system.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about life inside the Sun.
  • Mars is shaped like a skull.
  • Someone discovers a crater on the moon.
  • Write about the solar system.
  • Find three interesting facts about the solar system. Use two in your story and one for directions.
  • Write a sci-fi story that takes place in deeper space.
  • Write a story about the war between Mercury and Venus.
  • Write about Europa.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about an interesting day on Jupiter.
  • Write about a creature that can breathe in a planet or atmosphere other than Earth
  • Write about the solar system.
  • Write a verse with a planet as the subject.
  • Write about the Outer Planets.
  • A man tries to shoot down a UFO flying over his hometown.
  • Write a story about the lost planet of Lemuria.
  • Write about life on a tropical planet.
  • Write about primitive Earth.
  • Flowers are blooming at home plants.
  • Madeline watches as her father drives the rover to Gusev Crater to collect a sample.
  • Write about searching for life within the solar system.
  • She stepped out onto the green field and glanced around. It is hard to believe that this place can exist on Mars.
  • Write a story about a child who falls into a black hole.
  • Write about a small temple on the Moon.
  • Engineer a solar system disaster.
  • Summarize what you’ve learned after researching the solar system.
  • Maybe you have nothing in common with your sibling, except your love for the cosmos.
  • Write about the solar system. Write about the universe.
  • On a very cold afternoon, write about the final moments of the Sun.
  • Write a descriptive paragraph about a planet.
  • Write about a green man living on Mercury.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • A spacecraft is approaching Saturn.
  • Everyone does not support climate change. Oppose their point of view.
  • Write a poem about a planet in the solar system.
  • 3.       Create characters posed against the backdrop of a genre
  • The sun is a giant nuclear fusion reaction.
  • The Sun travels through the Solar system
  • A man from Mars visits Earth for the first time.
  • What happens when a dense asteroid hits the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Of course, at the most fundamental level the prompt can be as simple as simply asking students to show an astronaut moving through space. Artist Sophia Grojsman makes this happen in the little book, “Spaceship Ride,” by having the young astronaut ride on a small rocket.
  • Write a story about the orphaned moon of Jupiter.
  • Astronauts discover a meteor with strange writing on it.
  • Earth is under attack from a force stronger than we can even see.
  • Write a story about a structure on Neptune.
  • Write about life on the Moon.
  • Describe something you would find on some faraway planet.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • A child wonders what it would be like to live on Saturn.
  • Consider the psychological impact humans discovering life on another planet.
  • The Earth’s ozone layer is harmed by a problem in the sun.
  • Walking on the Moon or other planets.
  • A child in Mercury wakes up to see a star shining in through the porthole of his home.
  • Write about life on another planet.
  • Under solar eclipse
  • Write a poem about Mercury.
  • A king decrees that anyone setting foot on Pluto will be thrown in the dungeons forever.
  • Write about a comet.
  • Write about life on Pluto.
  • It is idyllic living on Venus.
  • Write about how you go around the solar system.
  • Write a story that takes place on Pluto.
  • Write a story about an asteroid belt in space.
  • Write about life on a distant star.
  • Life on Earth is unsustainable, so everyone is going to live on Mars and Jupiter.
  • Explain why you think the sky crossed the road.
  • A young man throws a disco ball into space.
  • Write a story about the solar system.
  • Write about the Sun going supernova.
  • Write about your least favorite planet.
  • The Earth’s atmosphere is thin.
  • A person is looking at the stars fascinated.
  • Give a description of Mercury.
  • Write about your imaginary dog on Pluto.
  • Write about a city built in the mountains of Venus.
  • Write about life on a deep space station.
  • Write a story that takes place on Venus.
  • Write what you would do if you could visit the next planet.
  • A realistic story about the solar system.
  • Write a fictional dialogue about a war on the moon.
  • Write about two people from very different cultures getting to know each other. One person comes from Mars and one person comes from Earth.
  • A mother who lies to her daughter about who her father is.
  • Write about what your favorite planet’s name means.
  • On a distant planet, an android makes a startling discovery.
  • Write a poem about Earth.
  • Describe the solar system by writing about a bright shooting star.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Write about an astronaut on Jupiter.
  • In the near future scientists discover an extra planet between Mercury and Venus.
  • Write about life on Earth.
  • Write about life on the Moon.
  • Write a story that takes place on Mars or another planet.
  • Write about the solar eclipse.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Go back to the beginning of time and write about the formation of the solar system.
  • Write a narrative that begins with the Sun.
  • An elderly widow sits on her front porch watching the sun go down.
  • Write a story about Mercury!
  • Write about life on an ice planet.
  • Create a description of the Earth as viewed from the Moon.
  • A story with starlight.
  • Share your favourite space facts.
  • Write a story about the sun.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • Movie script about the solar system.
  • Write about living on Earth.
  • Write a story about a spacecraft getting ready to launch.
  • Write a poem about Jupiter.
  • Write about a scientist, traveling to different planets for his research.
  • A new moon is about to be discovered. Describe it.
  • Imagine you have been sent to Venus on a mission.
  • Write about life on Pluto.
  • Write about a specific planet and how it could be possible to live there.
  • Write about making a mechanical man to survive on Mars.
  • At sunrise a crew member of a spaceship to Venus awakens.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • What would it be like to live in Earth’s orbit?
  • A man’s wife listens to him while traveling back from paradise.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • What scientists are working on a project about an asteroid threat.
  • Write a description of a planet.
  • Write about life on Neptune.
  • Write about a trip to visit the planet Neptune.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write a story describing what happens on the Sun.
  • Write about a solar eclipse.
  • Write about artificial satellites.
  • Write a story about a robot.
  • Write a poem about the solar system.
  • Write a poem about Venus.
  • Write about life on a moon in the solar system.
  • Write about life on the Moon.
  • A frog is sitting on a lily pad, looking up at the watery planet, Venus.
  • A reporter goes to the planet Saturn to write an article about it.
  • Write about the ice asteroid on Neptune.
  • Another planet bumps into this one causing a cosmic disaster.
  • Write about being an astronaut.
  • Write a love story that involves a spaceship.
  • Write about a meteor that hits the surface of the earth.
  • Read the full  article about the writing prompts.
  • Words can be used to define space.
  • Write a story about space travel.
  • Escaping from a disaster on Mars.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Lewis Carroll wrote a poem about the solar system.
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • Write about other planets.
  • Write about life on Mercury.
  • A scientist studies and researches about outer space.
  • Write about living on Venus.
  • Write about life on the earth in what year you feel like.
  • All the planets are aligned to cause an astrological event.
  • A family is sitting at the table eating supper.
  • A person is stuck on a spaceship and needs to figure a way to get home.
  • Imagine walking in space.
  • Robert lives in a cold, small town. There is no work. He is looking to move forward.
  • How do we know what we know about the solar system?
  • Experts say that Mars had something to do with the past history of the Earth.
  • Write about life on Pluto.
  • Write a story that takes place on a different planet.
  • Write a story about a newcomer to an off-world colony.
  • People turn to the sun for different situations – like love, health or calling.
  • Write a story about a planet that is similar to Earth.
  • The sun should be the main character in your story.
  • Write about a visit to Jupiter’s moon, Io.
  • Write about life on Mercurial.
  • Write about two astronauts on the Moon.
  • A space pilot blasts off from one planet and heads to another in order to rescue the astronauts that came from the other planet.
  • What would it be like to visit Saturn?
  • Write about life on Jupiter.
  • A girl is overcome with joy and happiness when she watches her blue planet turn red. Then we see a chunk of her planet breaking off, rocketing upward, and stopping just outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Her blue planet then becomes cloaked in red like a cloak.
  • Write a story in which humans move to Mars.
  • Write about the history of your national space center.
  • Write about life on another planet.
  • Write a poem about the Sun.
  • Teen astronomers wonder if they will ever meet people from other planets.
  • A solar eclipse takes place in the future.
  • Write a story about Jupiter.
  • Tell a lunar love story.
  • You arrive on a new planet after your spaceship is damaged. You must make repairs and search for sustenance.
  • Write a story about your being selected to be an astronaut.
  • A poem about rays of sunlight shining through the blackness of space.
  • Write about life on the Moon.
  • Write about future humans in outer space.
  • Write about what you dream of finding beneath the ocean.
  • Write a story about a giant solar flare.
  • Write a poem taking place on a different planet.
  • Create a set of directions to reach Saturn.
  • Write about life on Venus.
  • Hot lava in a crater on the moon forms a bubble. What happened inside? A small creature looks out at the creator wishing to someday see his creator.
  • Write a poem about Mercury.
  • Are there dinosaurs on other planets? Write a story about dinosaurs on Mars or Jupiter.
  • A character is bidding a planet farewell when strange things begin happening.
  • Write about a combination of two planets or solar system, eg. A different version of Neptune, Venus and Mars.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Write about what it’s like traveling through space to get to Mars.
  • Life in space is very similar to life on Earth.
  • Write a story taking place on a big spaceship.
  • Write a story depicting what life was like before humans left the planet.
  • Write about the sun.
  • Children looking up at the full moon standing outside and talking.
  • Write a story about the upcoming colonization of Mars.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • A man discovers a planet that is a whole lot like earth.
  • Write a story about Mars.
  • Write about traveling to the sun, and the heat it emits.
  • Tell the story of an animal living on Saturn.
  • Walking on the surface of a red planet.
  • Write a fantasy story about a planet.
  • Write about Venus.
  • Planning a trip out of town, city or town you know well, imagining how other life forms navigate there’ The traveler could be human, another species or time and you may change natural or man made landmarks along the way.
  • Create a day in the life of an astronaut.
  • Write about the invention of the first space telescope.
  • Write about life on Saturn.
  • Write about the possible discovery of life on Europa.
  • Thrown away by a parent, a toy robot feels lost in the stars.
  • Write about twins who are trying to decide what to do after graduation.
  • Write about the other life that exists on planet earth.
  • Write about the Moon.
  • Write a story about a problem on earth that could be solved by the power of the sun.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • Describe a spaceship floating through space.
  • Write about the weather in the sun.
  • Daydream about your dream house on Venus.
  • Describe the voyage of the starship “Expedition I” as it performs an orbit of the solar system.
  • A scientist is stargazing. He sees something strange.
  • Write about life on the moon.
  • The sun dies and the solar system stops functioning.
  • Write about how you think the dinosaurs perished.
  • An astronaut is traveling in a giant rocket to the moon.
  • Write about what it would be like for someone to live on Neptune.
  • Write a love story about people, who are not from earth.
  • Write a short story featuring a girl conducting scientific research.
  • Write a story about a different planet.
  • If you had to choose a spacecraft to travel with and visit the different planets which spacecraft would it be? What things would you learn about the solar system?
  • A dog chases a ball up a hill. Deep

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