1001 Writing Prompts About Egyptian Gods

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From Amun and Anubis to Horus and Osiris, Egyptian mythology has plenty of interesting gods and goddesses with fascinating abilities and stories. So, why not consider writing about them? 

Egyptian mythology, after all, has broad folklore that would allow you to create compelling plots, whether you are writing a short story or novel. Moreover, with the right inspiration, they could help you come up with stories for any genre you want. This includes fantasy stories similar to Rick Riordan’s The Kane Chronicles, sci-fi series like Lindsey Fairleigh’s Echo in Time, or a children’s book like Mary Pope Osborne’s Magic Tree House: Mummies in the Morning. 

If you are looking for inspiration for stories about Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, here are some writing prompts you could use to stir up your creative juices: 

  • What prevents you from executing someone who has treated you poorly?
  • You are the brother of the Pharaoh. A distant third in line you are nothing more than a trust named after your dead father. You are tasked with defending the city against King Tutankhamen the great!
  • The Pharaoh must face their greatest test.
  • What are three things you’re upset that the gods did to you?
  • What literary figure in the history of ancient Egypt would you like to meet, and why?
  • A nomadic tribe arrives and attempts to take over the Pharaoh’s reign.
  • Not enough people are being buried in the pyramids to push you down the afterlife.
  • What good traits and qualities are possessed by Isis?
  • A set of writings from the distant past concerning strange happenings from an ancient time.
  • The people of Medimnos are rebelling against their king.
  • The Gods of Egypt were many. What’s your opinion of this diversity, and why?
  • Your tomb has been raided by thieves. How do you help the royal family deal with this issue?
  • A group of slaves planning an uprising on their meager rations organize a lottery to choose the one slave who will slay the Pharaoh with a knife made of straw.
  • Your task is to create a great game for Pharaoh and his nobles to play during the long hours between smithing weapons.
  • Numerous gods are involved in the creation of the pyramids but more than one are actually part of the struggle to make sure the pyramids get built.
  • One of your subjects works undercover as a secret agent for the opposition.
  • A slave has run away to join the freedom fighters would rather die a free man than sign life away to his Pharaoh.
  • A list exists in which the Pharaoh draws seven names of followers and…
  • How would you, as Pharaoh, keep your people happy and willing to work and serve your royal family?
  • The Pharaoh has banned all worship of the Gods and outlawed any practice or token used to worship them.
  • I served as the chief engineer during the construction of the pyramids.
  • Enter yourself into a writing contest!
  • The Nile River has become polluted.
  • Your group has been sent to the desert to gather workers to build the pyramids.
  • What is the worst time in history to be a mummy, and why?
  • Is there a negative side to being a divine pantheon?
  • It’s the Egyptian New Year and you have a gift for the Pharaoh
  • Write about an Egyptian Pharaoh with a pet lion.
  • What was one thing you personally saw the pharaoh doing that made you strongly doubt he could be a true Pharaoh?
  • Write a story that requires someone to travel into drought- or flood-ridden Egypt to fill an important role.
  • The Pharaoh has made a vow with the Gods.
  • How can your knowledge of Folklore help you? Can those in any specific profession use their knowledge to avoid the wrath of the Gods?
  • One of the cities within the Egyptian Empire has become a haven for criminals, rebels, pirates, and rebels.
  • You wake up in the morning and something is different.
  • You are tasked with making a special temple to a specific god.
  • The Pharaoh is forced to work alongside his subjects.
  • What is the worst curse that you could inflict upon someone?
  • You and your village of shepherds have been invited to Cairo to celebrate your hard work and dedication with the Pharaoh.
  • What is the successful method for combatting Anubis?
  • You are an Egyptian priest.
  • What were some of the roles played by craftsmen in ancient Egypt?
  • The Pharaoh keeps demanding the people give him more and better building materials.
  • The people are asking too many questions. You have been blamed for it.
  • Your goal is to make the irrigation system in your kingdom work to the best of your ability.
  • You can’t talk to the Pharaoh about it, because he won’t listen. Neither will the High Priest. So what are alternatives left?
  • You inherit a large family fortune.
  • Make up an Egyptian Myth.
  • The Pharaoh is trying to hold onto his kingdom with one hand as a great plague works its way through the land.
  • A strange, twisted pyramid appears to keep growing out of the desert and the number of sacrifices keeps growing. Not just people, but animals.
  • A loved one has drowned – how can you honor him/her in a way suitable to your culture/religion?
  • The people in your kingdom have lost faith in your ability to ensure their continued prosperity. They’ve turned to outsiders—outsiders with technology and ideas that could forever have an impact on your society’s traditional way of life. Threats from these outsiders have the potential to cause not only factions within your kingdom, but also those from the neighboring kingdoms.
  • Write about life within the royal palace
  • You have just realized you are an immortal. What is your first act as an immortal?
  • Osiris is judged in the underworld.
  • The Pharaoh needs more money and requires everyone to pay more taxes.
  • The son of a great king succeeds to the throne only to be faced with many economic trials.
  • The ancient Egyptian people are holding a rebellion against the Pharaoh, a revolt for new ideas.
  • A powerful Pharaoh becomes terminally ill with no heir.
  • The bones of your Princess are cursed!
  • There is a famine in the land.
  • You now have power that could change the way things are in Egypt forever.  How would you use it?
  • You are chanting the spells in the Book of the Dead to appease Osiris.
  • You have been chosen by the gods to create the pyramids… if you do not succeed your family will die! Try to make sure not to kill them or attempt to eat them.
  • What would happen if you created a pyramid that only a select few could enter? Why?
  • You are the Pharaoh.
  • You are the wise teacher and the Pharaoh has asked you to tutor him in the ways of the world and the Gods behind it.
  • The young Pharaoh’s father is on his deathbed.
  • You have been summoned to meet with the Pharaoh. Something important is afoot.
  • Write a dialogue between a slave and their Pharaoh.
  • The Pyramid you’re tasked with building is home to a dark secret.
  • You are a pharaoh who receives a prophecy that says your body and blood will be sacrificed to appease the gods. How do you respond?
  • Making that kind of money, what is the worst that could change about your world…
  • Your world is filled with untrustworthy charlatans, which group is the worst? Diplomats, politicians, or salesmen?
  • The Pharaoh has run out of money. He wants to impress people with the beauty of his kingdom. He has taxed the people heavily to cover the costs of building his kingdom, without success. What will you advise him to do?
  • If you were Pyramids and how many people would have helped you to make them?
  • The Pharaoh attempts to establish a religion.
  • Write a short piece describing the probable situation wherein the cat god of the Pharaoh cares too much for the Pharaoh and the reptile deity is jealous, ending with the cat god either hurt or cursing the other deity in some fashion.
  • You are the high priest of the gods.
  • Do you choose to serve the Gods willingly, or do you reject their beliefs?
  • A plague is spreading among the Egyptians.
  • Zombie Pharaoh
  • Some of nature’s forces are stronger than any man or defy easy explanation. Lightning strikes with little advance warning, hurricanes with ripping winds sink houses and ships and tornadoes touch down, destroying everything in their paths. What is the name of the god of nature? What legends surround this god and of what powers is he or she? How does your character relate to this god? What has inspired your god to do what he does?
  • People you know are being killed, and you know who did it–what do you do?
  • You are on a team and have a limited amount of time to build a pyramid in the middle of the desert only using sand as materials.
  • You are a monster and want to eat people to power yourself up.
  • Ancient Egypt is at war with the Romans.
  • As goddess of cats, what tasks would Bastet undertake today?
  • The Gods have set a test for Babylonian villagers.
  • Your grandfather has just taken a second wife much to your shock and outrage.
  • What did the Egyptians believe the purpose of life was?
  • What kind of creatures or monsters would you put on the walls of your great palace?
  • As a priest , what would be some of your most important duties in Egyptian culture?
  • What happened at the great battle at Kadesh?
  • The First Pharaoh relied on the predictions of an astrologer and chose the exact place to build the pyramids that they would best favor him. Now, several of the pharaohs later, you are having some vision problems. You no longer think that there are any such things as astrologists, but you need to prove to the pharaohs still in power that you once had this power. What do you say?
  • The Pharaoh is so desperate that he will promise anything.
  • The Nile River is stained red.
  • The Pharaoh needs someone to work in the afterlife.
  • The Gods have asked you to do something, but you do not agree.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the people.
  • If you knew that you were going to die, how would you live your life differently?
  • How do the gods/goddesses fit into this cosmology?
  • The Pharaoh has encountered a scientific or medical conundrum.
  • A wave of mutilation is sweeping Egypt.
  • You and a friend are in a tomb beneath the entrance of a pyramid as unrest rages.  What do you discover?  What do you do?
  • What kind of society do the Egyptian Gods live in?
  • You’re a magician during the golden age of Egypt.
  • Anubis, the jackal-headed god of mummification and funerals in ancient Egypt, goes about his business. He sees a young woman walking below him in the streets—and he decides to tug at her heartstrings. Anubis has feelings for Qadesh and has for quite a while. He lets his heart win out and pursues her.
  • You have been offered the chance to be pharaoh.
  • You are the son of a powerful Pharaoh at the time that the Pharaoh moved the population center from Memphis to the Delta. Write a story about how you convinced your father to move the capital city.
  • List three common themes found in Ancient Egyptian literature.
  • All your worst nightmares, have built a pyramid in your likeness. What is it?
  • You have been named the grandfather of the Pharaoh but you do not wish to pay the price.
  • The Pharaoh has recently built the pyramids.
  • You are the Pharaoh tasked with creating the pyramids.
  • One of the Pharaoh’s family has angered his royal guards.
  • Your Pharaoh has ordered the construction of a grand library.
  • The Pharaoh tells you your people are troublesome and will not keep to the laws you have established.
  • You are a little person worshipped by travelers and merchants
  • Take your average small Egyptian home and try and figure out a way to make ten family members truly happy.
  • What do you think should have been done to fix the problems the Pharaoh’s workers faced during the building of the Pyramids? What would you have done to escape?
  • Pharaoh grows ill, and few know why.
  • What truth could have motivated the Pharaoh to risk his own life and the lives of his family to build the Great Pyramid?
  • Set and Ra have a contest where Ra uses the sun and Set uses the moon. Each has to use their source of energy to travel from Baset to Aabet, and the winner is the one who arrives first.
  • You are the son of the Pharaoh, working alongside your brother for the people of Egypt.
  • Describe what a day in the life of a tomb-robber would be like.
  • What is it like to live among and work with your fellow architects, stonecutters, farmers etc?
  • Creating a future for Egypt in a world filled with zombies.
  • What windfall would you seek?
  • If you could have a conversation with a statue from your city what questions would you ask them?
  • The Pharaoh has control of the food supply.
  • A giant meteor is heading toward Egypt. The people need to build monuments to appease the gods to take the devastation away.
  • Some tourists show up who are far from typical.
  • The Pharaoh charges you with maintaining a series of temples. She must be pleased.
  • Your best friend from childhood has been cursed – is the opposite sex or your best friend more important?
  • Your father has decreed you are to marry a princess from another province to eliminate any conflicts of interest you might develop with another Sheik’s daughter.
  • Who engineered this and why?
  • What do you imagine life in the 10th plague was like for the Pharaoh?
  • Persuade the pharaoh to go ahead with a Pyramids built out of red granite rather than the traditional white limestone.
  • A plague has come upon the people.
  • Requirements for Eternity is about modern-day teenagers who find themselves pulled into the eternal battle in ancient Egypt between the Gods and the “Dark Embrace” vampires.
  • You are a soldier in a pharaoh’s army.
  • Large collections of Egyptian writing prompts are available for sale on Amazon.
  • A Great Man makes the amulets sacred again to a new world.
  • What’s the worst punishment imaginable for your people?
  • The Pharaoh must journey into the afterlife to become prepared for taking his place amongst the gods.
  • Solitude is what most people desire most of the time, and solitude can be appreciated at any time. Your dad makes you move hundreds of miles away from any neighbors, is this better or worse than going to your grandmother’s funeral miles away where people can’t escape your sadness? How do you cope with getting success handed despite any desire for it? What is the key to a really great forest fire? Is it a match thrown into some evergreens or is it a match thrown into some people? How does knowing what has happened throughout your life make you feel at any given moment?
  • What part of the river Nile is a good place to build a royal tomb? Choose wisely- the Pharaoh needs you!
  • Something terrible happened, and you are trapped. You need to get to a sacred altar to sacrifice the Pharaoh to the Sun God so that the river may again be free to flow through and bring life to the crops and people.
  • Your village is being attacked by a vicious creature, what would you do? Who would help you? What would you do if the monster becomes a persistent threat to your village?
  • Ra has inspired the Pharaoh to invest greatly in a system of irrigation canals.
  • A famous archaeologist is powerless to stop a group of treasure hunters targeting an ancient Pharaoh’s tomb.
  • You have convinced the Pharaoh to focus on building bigger more ornate pyramids. What is the price of his descent from you?
  • You are Pharaoh, your Pharaoh has died and now you must become the next Pharaoh by either marrying his daughter or killing her to gain complete control of the kingdom.
  • To go adventuring or not to go adventuring is a hard decision. What will you do?
  • You are a scholar studying the myth of Isis and Osiris.
  • Love is in the air. The Pharaoh is planning a grand celebration, but he can’t decide what to do for entertainment. What do you think would make for an effective way to bring joy and warmth to his people?
  • You come from a distant foreign land. A messenger from your home country has brought you a gift from your father. It is a set of round sails that, when hoisted aloft a standard sail mast, allow your ship to travel greater distances with much less effort. What is the first thing you want to do?
  • Your half-brother is now the Pharaoh.
  • Describe being the captain of an Egyptian sailing ship.
  • What could possibly convince Moses to leave Egypt’s freedom, to sacrifice the life he knew and heads down a road where his new life would welcome hardship, fear, nor condemnation?
  • Your Pharaoh has become ill and has been struck by some sort of plague.
  • You have beat the Pharaoh in a water-buffalo-riding-contest. In a rage, the Pharaoh orders you be killed. A moment before his orders are carried out you are sent back in time. What must you do to accomplish this time-travel feat?
  • You’re standing alone in the desert beside the Sphinx and it has suddenly come to life and is reaching for you with its claws.
  • A god appears before you.
  • The Pharaoh must keep the nation’s stories alive for new generations to hear as they grow up.
  • You have discovered that many of your functionaries have been stealing from the palace.
  • You are a lunar High Priest.
  • How might you convert someone to your religion?
  • The Pharaoh begins losing his mind, going insane. As advisors, what do you do?
  • A few days into your first reign, terrible mutant lions appear in the desert.
  • What happens to a person when they are mummified?
  • Your house or farm has just burned down, and your neighbors have come to check on you because they fear that you and your family are harmed.
  • What can you do to appease them and ensure the safety and future good health of your people?
  • The Pharaoh’s daughter climbs into the basket of an ascending balloon.
  • Write a contract with the gods saying that New Years Eve is henceforth, two days of no work for the people. Furthermore, people who work during the holiday shall be dealt with severely.
  • How have your parents suffered as a result of your behavior?
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods and they have sent plagues upon Egypt. You, the Pharaoh, are trying to make peace with the Gods. What does it take?
  • Sequel to the Pharaoh, what do you leave in your tomb? Why do you choose those objects?
  • Write a short story from the POV of any of the gods. Maybe Anubis?
  • Announce your future today!
  • Write a mythological story relating to the various stages of the cycle of rebirth as represented by the sun.
  • How does living in this time period of history challenge whoever drew these animals to paint them differently from how you would expect them to appear today?
  • Write about the path that led Bastet and Ra to eventually become friends.
  • You are the guardian of the Pharaoh’s barge.
  • You are the Pharaoh and you want to lead a successful mission to explore Nubia. However, your people will never approve. How would you change the minds of your people?
  • An average day is spent building the pyramids.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • Write about a Pharaoh who is determined to make everything run smoothly in the name of the gods and himself.
  • Adios.
  • What happens when the light from the shrine shines on the Sphinx?
  • Can you create the first pyramid?
  • Imhotep is one of Egypt’s latest gods, and previously a mortal that was recently declared a god. They are Egypt’s god of wisdom, medicine, and architecture. Imhotep began their life as a student of Anubis, then after their master fell in battle, Imhotep designed the pyramids and built the great temple of Djedkare-Isesi. They are known as an incredibly intelligent and hard working god, said to only take breaks for fun stuff like art, or getting drunk, depending on your interpretation.
  • You were a slave in the palace. The Pharaoh promises freedom for whoever can create a miracle by three days’ end.
  • The land your people live in has suffered for generations from incredibly poor farming, a series of poor seasons, and too many years with no rain.
  • You are the Pharaoh and multiple plagues have befallen Egypt.
  • Your Pharaoh has been killed, what measures does your heir take to win the citizens over?
  • The Pharaoh has puzzling dreams.
  • It is time for your Ma’at story tonight.
  • A pharaoh you didn’t like died. Your history books say he died of old age.
  • The Pharaoh is homesick. He never realized how much he missed the family and friends, the food, and culture until he left. He has realized he has made a grave mistake. What will happen if the gods charge him to return to Egypt?
  • You, the Pharaoh, want to preserve knowledge.
  • What annoys you? How do you handle curses thrown your way?
  • What sorts of subjects or activities do the Gods and Goddesses of the Rosetta Stone care about?
  • You are one of the pyramid builders.
  • Enemies attack your empire. You must build artillery and a strong military to drive them back and protect your people.
  • Write about any Egyptian god you would like.
  • Godhood vs. power.
  • Your daughter has been given to the gods to serve them in their temple, and you don’t know her name
  • Egypt has the lost city And-aman-n-Amon. The Pharaoh is sending Richard XXX to find and explore the city. What does the Pharaoh want more than any other thing? Specifically, what will he promise?
  • You are a river god and the Pharaoh has just written a scribe that did you wrong.
  • A pharaoh lives but somehow it has corrupted his soul because of his evil ways and sins, and now the pharaoh is undead…
  • There are mysterious and elusive pyramids in the desert.
  • Why would you invite each of the following gods or goddesses to your home?
  • What are three things that make up your favorite scene in any piece of literature about ancient Egypt?
  • The Khufu Statuette and the Inventory Stela
  • Start something new.
  • If you are trying to escape Egypt, how would you draw guards away from your hidden location?
  • You stumble upon an ancient bag filled with scrolls.
  • You are a Pharaoh. A terrible sandstorm has ruined your town. How do you help your people following the storm?
  • You are going down to the Kingdom of the Dead to check up…
  • If you were Moses’ wife who must listen to Pharaoh’s command to have all baby boys killed, what would you say to your husband? How would you talk him out of allowing this to happen?
  • What can you do to make amends? What actions are you actually able to take to try to make amends?
  • The sky is not healthy.
  • Write a story about what you think life was like for an Egyptian child.
  • You are a God and you decide to release yourself/your essence to mortal form.
  • How powerful is Set as a god, in your opinion?
  • You wake up one day and find yourself to now be God?
  • With everything you have learned about the pyramids at Giza, suddenly they all disappear.
  • Is running your own pyramid a profitable business?
  • Imagine if a Pharaoh’s tomb housed a deadly monster?
  • The Pharaoh of Egypt requests your services to predict the weather.
  • As a member of the royal family, you would like this rebellion crushed and over—but there is little that has not already been done.
  • A priest tells you he knows why the Pharaoh died.
  • The Pharaoh is standing trial before the Gods.
  • Your people want to honor a Pharaoh who died a hundred years ago.
  • Find another site or blog that collects some good Egyptian Mythology writing prompts, and contribute a free writing exercise prompt.
  • You have been cursed by the Pharaoh, who is trying to keep the crown for himself.
  • Ramesses the Great built a beautiful temple to honor the Egyptian Gods.
  • Describe a time when one act of kindness between two people stopped a feud that could have destroyed a whole nation.
  • Why did the Pharaohs have everything they were buried with, inside the tombs?
  • Crusaders returned home without getting ahold of the Ark of the Covenant.
  • A magic lamp lies before you.
  • A Tomb Raider story, playing as a plucky urchin
  • You are Isis, and you have placed a magical curse on your enemies and now they are seeking out a way to undo your curse.
  • The Pharaoh is struck by a mysterious curse and you must travel to different temples, filled with Egyptian magic and try to save Him/Her.
  • The Pharaoh and his court are celebrating the annual coronation festival. The royal jester entertains the court with his usual antics.
  • You are a part of The Council of Egypt, and you’re competing against your colleagues to be Pharaoh’s top advisor.
  • How would you build your pyramid in today’s world?
  • The Pharaoh has become next to godlike so now he decides…
  • The Pharaoh asks a favored servant what kind of funeral gift he would like. When the servant asks for a boat the Pharaoh gives him one with a hole in the bottom. Shortly after embarking on the Pharaoh’s gift the servant is swallowed by the Nile while the boat makes its voyage to the underworld.
  • Imagine you are the son of a high priest and you are selected for the task of painting a mural for the Pharaoh.
  • Name a god and their particular area of expertise.
  • If you were on the journey to help build the pyramids, what would be your primary skills?
  • His reign has been too pleasant—and empty—of death and illness.
  • Build your pyramids throughout the centuries.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods. How do you react?
  • What would be an interesting way to beat someone to death in ancient Egypt?
  • Your small child or grandchild shows signs of having prophetic powers.
  • The Pharaoh doesn’t like how well you show that she is the greatest thing to ever exist.
  • Should a Pharaoh ever be punished for falling to the influence of death magic?
  • What do we know today about the diseases in ancient Egypt?
  • There’s a man in your land with a secret.
  • How would you feel escaping your duties of being a priest and priestess of Isis?
  • You are still human in a land of gods.
  • The Great Pyramid has been completed at last. Your hot breath emerges in the cool air as you descend the stairs into the entrance room. What treasures will you claim?
  • You are the daughter of a powerful Pharaoh, looking back over the pyramids and monuments
  • How would you lead the people to a better future?
  • Power has to be contained. Based on your creativity, what tools or weapons can the Pharaoh create to help contain power?
  • What sort of event made the pharaohs into developing the pyramids?
  • A goddess has come to live among your people for a time, help her with several different tasks.
  • You are an Egyptian priest. You have a vision that one of the Pharaoh’s edicts will lead to the end of Egypt.
  • Who is your favorite god and why?
  • A Pharoah can never enter the underworld.
  • A pyramid builder has discovered a rich, golden mummy burial site. The Pharaoh doesn’t like the idea of pyramid builders becoming rich and powerful and precious gems and metals are a rarity. How merciful or otherwise are you going to be on these heretics?
  • While both curses and blessings manifested during the lifetime of the subject, which path were each taking? Were the Aramaic texts a focus for blessings or for curses? Curses can be defined as the banishing of negative forces.
  • You are an Egyptian who just enjoys going outside fishing, but you notice the Nile is getting very rough. Your village begins to panic…what’s about to happen?
  • You are the Pharaoh overseeing your people’s construction of their temples.
  • You would like to be a fellow of the gods.
  • You are the Pharaoh and there is a famine in the land. What do you do to help your people?
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods….again!
  • You must return the favor.
  • There is another Pharaoh in Egypt who seeks to occupy one of the foreign powers into killing you.
  • What difficulty would you face if someone ordered you to build a mighty ship like the Pharaohs built to cross the great sea. How would you solve it?
  • You are an inventor who has been hired by the Pharaoh to build him an incredible tomb
  • What does it mean to be an Egyptian God?
  • How do the demons corrupt and challenge your faith?
  • The Egyptian gods are to be judged and you have been given the job of deciding the punishment to be handed out.
  • The Pharaoh asked you, as one of his/her advisors, to design a way to preserve the mummies of the Pharaohs for the future. What would you design?
  • A really hot woman has come to you wanting to know your secrets as the Pharaoh to become his mysterious intriguer.
  • You are Cleopatra and you have discovered that by chewing Mint leaves, any man who kisses you will fall in love with you. As past experience will tell you, this has its disadvantages.
  • What are the gods saying – communicate “selfie style”
  • You are a commoner given the task to create something wondrous or magical.
  • The gods of Egypt appear to be willing to answer prayers if the right rituals are performed
  • What does your ideal afterlife as Pharaoh look like?
  • What one way would Egyptian Gods and Goddesses fight for the good of humanity?
  • Are the Pharaoh and his Ram-headed God really that different?
  • You are conscripted to work on the pyramids.
  • You are one of the workers building the pyramid.
  • One of the Five Pharaohs is angry and wants to fight a duel with you.
  • The Pharaoh is sick and has no heir.
  • The Pharaoh is scared of what his people will think when they find out the cost of building the Pyramid.
  • If you were a magician in Egypt, which God would you serve?
  • In what ways can the Egyptian people or government benefit from using the Land of Pace now?
  • What are your favorite Egyptian icons and why?
  • How did the Egyptians feel about cats?
  • The Wife of a sorcerer called Horus, is the Pharaoh.
  • What would a modern day Egyptian boyfriend want on Valentine’s Day?
  • The Gods are angry. It must be a reason other than your reign as Pharaoh.
  • You must choose whether to accept a change in your beliefs, or force it onto others.
  • An ancient warrior has emerged from the tomb he was sealed in and finds himself in modern day Egypt.
  • The elderly counsel you prior to picking your bride.
  • The Sun Disc fell from the heavens. What challenges would the Pharaoh have to overcome in order to retrieve it?
  • What Egyptian myth or story would you rewrite if you could? Why?
  • Pharaoh has given you a gift box, and the instruction to do whatever you want with it provided it costs the same or less than the material used to make it.
  • The Pharaoh is gravely ill.
  • Their punishments have caused an eclipse.
  • You have the awesome task of fighting to secure your way of life. How do you do it?
  • Pyramid Tombs are the stuff of legends, but why?
  • What is the worst memory you have of squaring off against deities?
  • You are able to travel to the past.
  • The questions that you can use are those that are/were designed to help students ask questions. You could ask students to use them before they begin to write because you could add a project to learn how to craft and structure inquiry-based questions, to take a look at Nielson and Borman’s article, or to take a look at the pre-write questions used for reading comprehension. The prewriting questions could be used in conjunction with the Content Area Writing Block Tool that could be added to content area literacy stations/centers throughout the day. By using inquiry questions before writers write, you are pulling them into what they are doing. You might also select some of these inquiry questions to write about.
  • You are a Scribe and have been asked to create a code of peace.
  • The Pharaoh is dying, and people all around you are panicking. In order to secure the future for your children, you are considering strong-arming your way on to the throne. Your brother and heir is concerned for his people should you win the battle for the throne and his daughter is worried for you. Your neighbor king, Khufu, the man who you helped take the throne, thinks you are a friend but fears you may steal his lands now that he is in a less fortunate position than when you were both younger and is willing to betray you. The only person that believes in you at this point is your concubine. She has been with you through everything, the good and the bad. The god Anubis tells you that the only way to convince people to believe in you, as you had been chosen by the Gods, is to create the 7 wonders of the world. However, first you must start at the 7 wonders of the royal kingdom. When you have proven yourself
  • You are a rebel seeking to overthrow the Pharaoh.
  • A God provides you with a map to a treasure, but claims that it is cursed. How do you proceed?
  • You are the ill-fated architect that built the Great Pyramid.
  • The gods want you to eat, but your way of accomplishing that will not come easily.
  • While planning for the future, the Pharaoh proposes a new land reclamation project.
  • What challenges might the Egyptians have had to cope with due to living near the desert?
  • If you could take any historical figure traveling through time back to the time of the ancient Pharaohs to show them one Egyptian God or God what would it be and why?
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • The Pharaoh must understand why the Gods are angry.
  • The Pharaoh has grown frivolous and changed the tax policies under the reign of your grandfather.
  • You have awoken from death and have nothing but a flint knife on your belt. What do you do?
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods. They are threatening natural disasters if he does not honor the Apocalypse Accord.
  • While in battle, you are grievously injured and lose both of your arms.
  • The Pharaoh has a head cold and is stumbling through your speech.
  • You are the pharaoh of Egypt. Tired of the many plagues and attacks by the Israelites, you set out to conquer and destroy the Israelites.
  • Imagine your cat wakes you one night and insists you must go to the pyramid. Why would the cat insist on this?
  • The Pharaoh sees something in the sky.
  • The followers of your cult have some disagreement of how they should be worshipping your divinity.
  • A mysterious, ‘foreign’ woman is discovered at the door to the Pharaoh’s chambers
  • How would you get around that problem?
  • You have duty to serve the Pharaoh, but when he asks you, as the architect in charge of building the Great Pyramid, to sacrifice your fifth born child, what do you do?
  • You have two choices.
  • What are the biggest hazards on the job for stone workers and what kind of things must workers have with them at all times?
  • You are the Pharaoh.
  • You are a famous architect. Imagine you are put in charge of designing a Pyramid. It is to be built for the Pharaoh, and is to be the largest one ever built.
  • What would be your first act as Pharaoh if you wanted to inspire awe and reverence in your subjects?
  • Who would likely serve well in ancient Egypt’s military forces as
  • Midas is in the modern world. The Olympians have been cast out and he is sequestered with the other Olympians in the backwoods of modern Greece, do you know what he does for a living?
  • It is your youth, and you show aptitude for your father’s trade as a Pharaoh.
  • Do you remember your dreams?
  • The people work on the Great Pyramid, for what is to be the royal burial.
  • You are a farmer living in ancient Egypt. Your annual tax is due from you in one week, yet the Nile has gone dry, leaving no water or crops for you to harvest. How will you tend to your family?
  • Someone you love has just died and you are given a chance to bring them back to life using mind transfer on them before they die.
  • How would you best explore the pyramids as a modern adventurer?
  • The Gods are angry with the Egyptians.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods, they are sending a curse of biblical proportions to strike the kingdom at the party things were the most fun for the citizens.
  • Write a letter Pharaoh would send to the deities via magic mirror.
  • Detailed Review
  • A Pharaoh has recently died. The next morning he arose from his sarcophagus. How do you explain this?
  • The angry gods have destroyed life in the human world above the tombs.
  • How do the people learn about their Pharaoh’s progress with re-building the pyramids?
  • The Pharaoh has taken as wife, any woman of his choice.
  • Lost items turn up for an army march to war.
  • Your entire family of Pharaohs has angered the Gods.
  • What would have to occur so no one could ever know the outside of the pyramid was covered with side panels?
  • What would you need for a pyramid?
  • Rebellion begins.
  • Instead of an eye, a black and blue Smiley Face now adorns the face of every Pharaoh.
  • You recently inherited a small plot of land of which you had no idea until recently the small plot contains one of the recently discovered ground chambers.
  • You are Khufu, Pharaoh, and you desire to have the Egyptian dream of an afterlife here on earth.
  • Sex and reproduction are a major part of the growing buds of virginity being taken from their roots of heavenly affection.
  • What would be the biggest disadvantage to the Egyptians sending a fleet of ships up the Nile River, and how would they solve it?
  • You are a Pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
  • Write about what it was like to be a worker sent to build the pyramids.
  • Fortunately, one human has the magic to make things right…but, the human does not want to help the Pharaoh — what do you do?
  • Describe the life of an ideal Egyptian household.
  • You have been forbidden by the Pharaoh from telling the people that you worship the God Osiris. How do you reveal it to them?
  • Your people are starving and you must appease the Gods to prevent this situation from getting out of hand.
  • You had a very long night with an exotic goddess who is talking about ruling the world together. Together you’ve decided to dethrone your current king/queen.
  • You are the Prophet Moses, and you are gazing out over the waters of Lake Michigan in the early morning. Why do you feel this is your moment? What makes this your key moment in your struggle to save your people?
  • Thousands have died building the Great Pyramid, with the help of the Egyptian gods. How do you justify the deaths to your superiors?
  • How would you go about making sure people return to your worship ceremonies so that what happens at the temple has an impact on how your country’s culture develops?
  • The Pharaoh tries to expand his empire by securing the aid of the God of strength.
  • Write about a moment that Helios and Sesha sounded a message of warning to the Pharaoh during the 5 Plagues of Ancient Egypt.
  • A young woman wants to learn the “magical arts.” What could go wrong?
  • How do you serve an ancient civilization’s beliefs in a novel?
  • How do you, as a slave, keep your masters happy?
  • What other Egyptian myths would you like us to explore?
  • The following characters appear in comparison to archetypes.
  • How do you talk to your followers and newly converted to empathize with your Gods and hopefully avoid the plague?
  • What will you do when you notice that one of your family members is infected with the black plague?
  • In realistic terms, how might Egypt have been affected by a sudden rise of the sea level?
  • You are a woman who suspects that your husband is cheating on you.
  • A new Pharaoh comes into power and attempts to wipe out any memory of the previous Pharaoh.
  • The Pharaoh is unimpressed with the offerings made at the temple. What can be done?
  • The Pharaoh insists on forcing the people to worship only one God.
  • Can you choose the appropriate god and find a way to please him, or will the world come to an abrupt end?
  • If you were to bring an Egyptian god to life, what one would it be and why?
  • The people are growing tired of harvesting the bricks.
  • You were once a slave at one of the Pyramids. Now that you’re a member of the Pharaoh’s court, it’s been revealed that both of your parents were slaves as well. What would you do? What would you do to keep your heritage secret? Write a story about your character trying to keep the fact that he/she was once a slave secret from his/her Pharaoh cohorts.
  • You have been tasked by the Pharaoh with creating the entire Egyptian Calendar system.
  • How do the Gods commission their work?
  • A modern-day kid discovers an ancient weapon, or the location of an ancient treasure.
  • You have angered the Pharaoh and he has condemned you to become a slave in his mines working long hours and suffering abuse.
  • Is there a state of the afterlife in Egyptian mythology?
  • Your family has been Pharaoh for generations. You don’t feel you can do a good job, but your family line is dying out.
  • You have been chosen to stand before the Pharaoh in judgement. When the Pharaoh asks about your motives for your crime, what do you say?
  • The Gods have made a pact with the Pharaoh.
  • A commoner has discovered a plot against the Pharaoh.
  • What three things would you do to ensure that your heir would follow in your footsteps?
  • What famous Christmas Story is about Mummies?
  • Join Egypt in a war with a neighboring country.
  • Who would be your first Queen? Why? How would she manage some of the issues we know Egyptian royalty had to deal with?
  • You are a Pyramid architect who wants to get rich.
  • Mortals working to carve the Great Pyramid have turned to stone. Worse still, these stone men are attacking the living. As Pharaoh, how would you react and what would you do to eliminate the threat?
  • You are a peasant in ancient Egypt. Your daily life and livelihood are threatened by the Pharaoh. How would you convince him that oppressing you is going to lead to his downfall?
  • Ramses the Great had many wives and concubines.
  • The Sphinx is a terrifying place during the night.
  • What is the first thing you might want to know when visiting a homeland you haven’t seen for many years?
  • Describe a snail.
  • What modern technology or machine would the gods want us to invent?
  • The Pharaoh takes an ill-advised tour of his own temple.
  • You are a God, and you are preparing for your mortal incarnation.
  • You are trapped alive without air in a pyramid.
  • The Nile River is not acting normal.
  • The evil Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • Your village has been provided with the greatest treasure in the world, a Solar Disc belonging to an Egyptian god.
  • Come up with a scenario where Ma’at has been missing from the world for too long and you have been chosen to bring her back.
  • The Pharaoh and their advisors appear to have a different idea of how to build the pyramid then the workers do. The workers are threatening to revolt.
  • Your Pharaoh has decided to have his tomb built. Can you guess the transportation method he’ll use to get there??
  • One of the following is a coincidence, two are miracles, three are planned religious events. List at least three examples and explain your theory about why it’s been planned this way. A solar eclipse occurred after a total lunar eclipse occurred. Some places. What are your thoughts on this occurrence of celestial events occurring on the same day three times in a row?
  • How did Egypt get its name?
  • A competent general must defend Egypt against the invasion of hordes of hostile invaders.
  • You find yourself in the afterlife with Osiris and can see the pyramids you created, how do you feel?
  • Your father, the Pharaoh, thinks the Gods are lying about the future, he feels he can control nature. What do you do?
  • In a speech, Ramses boasts about his victories about great numbers of people he’s captured and killed in battle. What do you do?
  • Why did Thoth become so popular in the late time period of the Egyptian empire?
  • What famous Pharaoh would you like to meet? What questions would you ask them?
  • Who is your favorite God?
  • Writer For Hire
  • A Pharaoh is cursed and must spend 1000 years as a servant, then must take the place of Pharaoh.
  • 1. Explain the effects death has upon the body.
  • You are lovers together who want to live a simple life in the village by the Nile together.
  • Apophis has escaped, what do you do in order to recapture him?
  • How would you, as Pharaoh, increase the bounty of the Nile and protect the Egyptians from their enemies?
  • You are a sailor who can read hieroglyphics found…
  • You’re a thief breaking into a pharaoh’s tomb. Survive!
  • You are a young scribe on a ship crossing the Red Sea. Suddenly, the waters rise and threaten to sink the ship. The crew shout to the heavens and say they can’t be going back to that prison camp.
  • A Queen seeks justice for herself and those close to her.
  • Create a female Egyptian character.
  • The Sphinx is losing the battle with the desert.
  • An enemy approaches what is without question the most important city-state in the region. What is the worst thing they can do?
  • Who are the real heroes of the story?
  • The cause of a new famine begins to spread.
  • How do you feel about placing your body on the inside of these pyramids?
  • The Pharaoh has angered his war companions, who now wish to take over the empire and return Egypt to the North Africans. How will you later deal with this, if at all, in your story?
  • Around lunchtime, you discover you need to take out the trash.
  • You suffer constant headaches. You find a mysterious gem.
  • Your Pharaoh requires a pyramid for his burial.
  • The King seeks to make himself closer to the God’s by building a large pyramid.
  • You have been buried alive by your Pharaoh because he blames you for a recent disaster that killed 6,000 workers and his favorite wife. How would you get out?
  • You have been accused of a crime.
  • What person from history would you most want to meet face to face and why?
  • You are on Opet day of Kemet .
  • You love two people who are clearly not good for each other. How do you resolve the situation?
  • The Gods are now fighting over who will get the credit.
  • The Pharaoh now has to answer to a new Pharaoh.
  • Which sun god would you choose, and why?
  • Tourists visiting Egypt on vacation.
  • Choose one of the Egyptian Gods to base a story around.
  • Writing For Children
  • A slave gets pregnant with the Pharaoh’s son.
  • What changes would you make to the way your kingdom has been run up until now?
  • How would you, as the Minister of Protection, ensure the safety of your Pharaoh?
  • The Sun Prince has come to seek Earth’s knowledge. He sees that you are the one who does all the work, all he does is talk to the Pharaoh and teach the people the calendar.
  • The Pharaoh wishes to continue his rule, but faces opposition.
  • You have a worship temple in your town, a Pharaoh’s temple- i.e big, ornate building soldiers guard. Now your town is asked to put up a temple for another God. What do you do? What do you say? Explain your answer.
  • What are the differences between Deities and Pharaohs?
  • Why did ancient Egyptians believe the world is flat?  It was believed that if anyone went far enough they would fall off the edge of the earth.
  • Three friends strike an unusual bargain to make one of them royalty.
  • The Pharaoh supposedly found a religion and it was essentially “be nice to everyone”, so the priests must follow these rules. Now, a new Pharaoh is aware of this and has expressed his disagreement with this religion.
  • You are an Egyptian soldier, captured by the Hittites.
  • All of the Gods have left Egypt and they expect you, Pharaoh, to use the wisdom of the gods to bring them back.
  • The Pharaoh’s eldest daughter is
  • You have just inherited your staggering wealth. How will you spend a notable portion of it?
  • Where are you and why?
  • What modern technology is inspired by a god or goddess?
  • You are a farmer seeking to improve your life. What technology would you create?
  • The Pharaoh has angered a powerful god and he has left the desert in search of a treasure to appease him.
  • You have captured a criminal, but you want them to suffer before they are killed.
  • The Egyptian Underworld is preparing a curse for Egypt in the form of an ancient evil dead Pharaoh returning to life.
  • You’re an author. The only thing you’re allowed to write about is Egyptian gods. Write a story.
  • Your warrior has been dispatched to do battle with those that have done wrong.
  • Burning men is not enough to stop the men from knowing them.
  • A Pharaoh becomes curious about the outside world and has some sent by his advisors.
  • You and a number of your friends are the only survivors of a plague.
  • You are a Pharaoh with powers of creation.
  • Your significant other just found out you have been cheating on them, and they are very upset.
  • How would you create the Great Pyramid at Giza?
  • The wrappings that surround the statues of these powerful beings are falling apart. Have your character fix this.
  • You are a poet at Ramses’ court, you must write a poem about the joys of living…
  • Your country has been invaded and your best-trained warriors are killed.
  • The Pharaoh wants a strange new army.
  • What is a lesson you have learned from an experience?
  • According to Egyptian mythology, what is true immortality?
  • The God Ra has risen from slumber, to exact judgement from the Pharaoh.
  • Describe Osiris’s physical body.
  • What happens when a family member threatens to displace the king from his throne?
  • In the desert, you and a group of friends find a lost Pyramid.
  • How could the Nile River have helped Egypt grow to become the powerful and wealthy civilization that it was?
  • You are the High Priest. The other gods disappeared several days ago, and no one knows where they have gone.
  • “Ahhhh, Ra — shining with cleanliness.”
  • You are a farmer struggling to make your way in a harsh land, no one has brought Egypt out of the dark ages. No one has brought peace.
  • What secret has a dark past that your brother has discovered recently?
  • The Pharaoh’s court magician has declared the Pharaoh might be
  • You are a Goddess and your Pharaoh insults you. What do you do?
  • An Egyptian Pharaoh finds himself on trial for his life.
  • What hardships resulted from that mistake?
  • How has the rise of the Age of Reason affected your daily life?
  • How might you have been plagued by guilt for your mistakes?
  • What kind of obstacles would someone with absolute power and wealth face?
  • After reading about all the different gods, decide which one you think you would like to be dedicated to.
  • You have been tasked with making sure that people stop making jokes about Ramses 11’s nose.
  • Tell a tale of an unexpected curse.
  • The Pharaoh’s daughters.
  • How would you keep Satan at bay ?
  • You hear a terrible sound, like a thousand cats.
  • The economy is down and you need a plan to bring money into your kingdom.
  • You’re standing with your family as the Sphinx lies in your front yard. You …
  • You are a Pharaoh who rules over the cities of Thebes and Memphis.
  • Why is it important to the people, in general, that you be sympathetic?
  • The Gods have spoken, and they have spoken out.
  • You are the creator of tales about the gods and people are saying them.
  • Fear has swept through the Nile River Valley. The Pharaoh has demanded that everyone be loyal. Be creative in explaining how the         people will stay loyal.          How did the people handle the epidemic?
  • The Government of Ancient Egypt is in session, and as Pharaoh you have to decide what to write the next on the agenda.
  • A vital crop failed due to lack of rain.
  • Infiltrate the palace and seek out the source of the Pharaoh’s poor judgement.
  • An Egyptian town faces hunger. It is up to you to locate the food.
  • The Pharaoh is irritated by the ever increasing and demanding complaints from his people.
  • The Pharaoh has been given a vision from Anubis – three catastrophes/events. What events are you hearing about? What events aren’t being reported?
  • It’s your first year as the Pharaoh’s servant, and you have the chance to impress your master – what do you do when he asks you to make him a sandwich?
  • You have been hired to create a revised Egyptian cookbook.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • Due to the Pharaoh’s pride, the growing citizenry is challenging the dignity of the Pharaoh.
  • There is not a day in the life of a Pharaoh or Queen that is not spent doing administration… What do you do all day?
  • Why did the Egyptians build so many of their temples using limestone?
  • The Egyptian Gods have deemed your intention worthy of writing in the great books. . .
  • You are a Pharaoh who has discovered a vile curse…
  • What do you see happening to you in the near future?
  • You have to introduce a game or sport to the common Egyptians.
  • Your brother has died, and you want to take his place. Your sister refuses to leave.
  • What must you do to bring back the favor of Maat and the Gods?
  • What’s it like to be part of a family who has an heiress, trained to take over in case her father’s first-born son is not permitted to do so?
  • Instead of depicting the world as flat, you depict the world as a great disk held up by four pairs of pillars.
  • Create a dystopian future in which modern technology is the controlling factor in religion, replacing the old Gods.
  • The temple of your God has been destroyed.
  • You are living in the last known year of your immortality.
  • You have been chosen to become a superhero.
  • You are a physician to the Pharaoh. He does not trust regular physicians, and he comes to you with a rash on his arm. He believes the problem to be poison. You disagree.
  • What will the Pharaoh do?
  • What do the Gods look for in a Pharaoh?
  • What do you think is important to know in order to read Egyptian hieroglyphics, poetry, and stories?
  • The Pharaoh is considering sending another legion of soldiers to make war against the Hittites in order to defend your land.
  • The Great Pyramid is Finished.
  • A series of disasters have destroyed or sunken a palace you were building at great expense to yourself.
  • Entire books, plays, and movies have been created by various cultures about the gods.
  • What are five myths that you would want recorded about your dynasty?
  • The Pharaoh and some of his bodyguards find themselves surrounded by the enemy. What do they have on hand to help them win the day?
  • You can only take one thing with you to the afterlife.
  • Someone you love is cursed.
  • You are the general of the army whose job it is to defend the pyramids. What would you do?
  • Harvesting plants amongst the Egyptians .
  • There is a thief who has stolen the Pharaoh’s boat and you must get revenge.
  • Describe the afterlife as described by three of the major Egyptian religions.
  • The Glorious Land of Egypt stretches across a great desert, and is bordered by wild green forests, riverine swamps, and rocky wastelands. The desert and the Nile River, the most important river in the world for the Egyptians, are the heartbeat of Egypt, Nubia, and goods from the mysterious southern lands where even the Gods fear to tread, are exchanged for precious resources from the North, or from France across the sea.
  • You are a priest in the Pharaoh’s court.
  • In your opinion, what is the ideal settlement? What is the ideal size? Is it to be populated by Egyptian families or shall it be an abandoned city which the Egyptians visit from time to conquer? Why?
  • You have awakened once more and have been tasked with punishing the city for its sins?
  • The God of Death has chosen you to be his next vessel.
  • Friendships help define us.
  • A plague has been warping the minds and bodies of all the Egyptians.
  • What monument, structure, or plan would be impossible to build today?
  • The Pharaoh decides to hold a lottery in order to decide who can stay in Egypt to work the farms and who must head south.
  • What do the X-men fight for?
  • The Queen has come down with a strange illness and only you can save her.
  • The Pharaoh deals with the declaration of Egypt being the breadbasket of the world
  • You are the Guardian of the Pharaoh’s Sarcophagus, and you fear that the Pharaoh without the proper rituals for burial.
  • Tutankhamun was likely a weak ruler –though mostly for physical reasons– what do you think his government focused on?
  • It is your job to appease them.
  • Thoth, inventor of writing and mathematics, brings a man and a woman together despite rules forbidding their coming together to keep the Royal bloodline pure. This seduction is known as “Ploughing of Wrongness in the Writing Room.” The scribes at court have believed that the man rebelled against what the Pharaoh had decree. And so a new shepherd is chosen to take his place. What would be the challenges the new shepard faces? Other than following the Pharaoh’s decree, how would he get the reluctant people of the Sarabit oasis to fall in line? Whom would he seek that help from? What would be the price for the help he seeks?
  • How would you, as an Egyptian, navigate the difficulties of the Nile flooding this year?
  • Capture the thrill of entering the Pyramids.
  • What daily schedule would you create for the scene where the Pharaoh awakes to this news?
  • You are a God in the Egyptian Pantheon, and the Pharaoh just asked your advice on building an afterlife for himself.
  • How would you, or did you change the universe if you were a pharaoh?
  • In the older chronologies, the fourteenth king of ancient Egypt’s eighteenth dynasty was a pharaoh named Amenhotep III. Discover a completely different sort of pharaoh.
  • As the Gods fought, evil emerged from the disaster. What does this tell me about conflict?
  • Explain your motivations for taking to the skies.
  • What would you do if you knew you would serve as someone’s slave in the afterlife?
  • Marching Orders
  • The castle chef of Pharaoh, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, has started his own cult promising immortality and the power to walk unscathed through fire for his followers. Rumor has it that he’s using magnetic healing stones as part of his process and is holed up in an abandoned temple, where he performs his rituals. Go and investigate this rumor.
  • You are a statue of the god Khons.
  • Your career as Pharaoh would be described as scandalous today.
  • You are the Queen Hatsheput’s top servant and advisor.
  • You have been tasked with keeping the royal family safe, but have to limit their resources for protection to the palace. Nothing you do will be able to stop the dissolution of the kingdom, though.
  • Again, if you liked this article and couldn’t find what you were looking for, feel free to contact me at jamie.potter@tutor2u.net.au and I’ll try and help you with what you’re after!
  • Who does the Pharaoh trust, and why?
  • If you come across a slave in the Egyptian Empire who is holding a magical ball, what would you do?
  • Why is life so violent for the Egyptians beneath the Pharaoh?
  • You are an Egyptian caught between a dead Pharaoh and an angry Pharaoh.
  • You are the Pharaoh who ruled 3,200 year ago.
  • You are a loyal aide to the Egyptian Pharaoh and you happen upon his/her hidden treasure.
  • What stories will you tell as your living legacy, your legacy on papyrus, your legacy carved into stone on the face of the pyramids and temples of Egypt?
  • Civilization is on the rise and you, dear Pharaoh, are tasked with ensuring that it does not die out.
  • A young Pharaoh must keep his people from knowing that he’s a horrible, horrible ruler.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • You are Pharaoh and another country has offered you an amazing deal.
  • Why would people want to visit Luxor?
  • The search for immortality.
  • Describe why your god or goddess was important to you. What do you wonder about?
  • Write a story in WeLearn adviser Lloyd Azores voice
  • Why aren’t gods more involved with the working of the world?
  • What’s more, pharaoh has angered almost every God, great and small, that your people worship. You are ordered to build the pyramids. With intelligence, knowledge, and creativity, build to last.
  • Write a story about what your interpretation of a current or past mythology might be.
  • Should a person act as a servant of the Gods or the people? Are there situations where you could serve both? Or must you choose to serve the Gods or the people?
  • How would you survive in the desert?
  • In this alternate universe, the Pharaoh is a modern day woman.
  • You are once a Pharaoh, whoever you happen to be.
  • Jealous of the Pharaoh’s success, a commoner wishes to steal the Gods’ attention and favor.
  • Explain how you would have changed your lifestyle, diet, and behavior to please the Egyptian Gods.
  • You’re a thief being chased by the Pharaoh for stealing something important that had been given to him by the Gods. What could you have taken?
  • Escape silently from your crystal tomb – find a way out before the gods no longer recognise you and you are trapped forever.
  • Selected questions from this work are provided below. Answers are found on page 13 in the worksheet.
  • You are an ancient Egyptian. You believe an evil being is controlling the Pharaoh and forcing him to do evil things against the Egyptian people. Your closest friend also believes this. You both agree that whoever kills the Pharaoh controls the country. What do you do?
  • What will the cats of Egypt do in response to losing their role as Egyptians’ primary pets?
  • The Exodus is about to happen.
  • You have been tasked with finding the next God to become the leader of the Gods.
  • When you hear the word “Egyptian,” what comes to mind?
  • You are Meryneia, a world-famous artist from ancient Egypt, and can draw the Pharaoh anyway you desire.
  • The Egyptians worship a range of animals.
  • If your work as a sculptor was immortalized in a large temple, what would it look like?
  • The Infernal Pharaoh has charged you with the building of your own pyramid.
  • Zombies are tearing at your flesh. How will you prove your strength in the afterlife?
  • The Pharaoh must make the right sacrifice.
  • What would your church, as a Pharaoh’s advisor, incentivize in bringing Egyptians to your religion?
  • Pharaoh has become very ill and wishes to ensure the stability of his realm so is handing the crown over to his daughter.
  • Your daughter has fallen ill and you are in desperate need of healing.
  • What caused you to be cursed by the gods? What further choices can you make, despite that curse?
  • What kind of problems would you expect to come from refusing to build the biggest statue ever…?
  • Write about a foreigner who wants to worship a different Egyptian God.
  • You are the chief healer in the royal palace.
  • What fears would you have about building the Great Pyramid?
  • In order to prove he isn’t a coward, Horus enters his father’s military campaign disguised as his brother, Seth.
  • Tell the story of Isis’ Golden Scarab.
  • You are the last mortal on earth.
  • This is the afterlife in Egypt.
  • You are one of the workers tasked with building the Great Pyramid.
  • An interesting item has been stolen from your palace.
  • Your trusted advisor and family member has been secretly conspiring with the Gods to end your power and reign.
  • What impact have current events had on your daily life?
  • What sacrifices would you make to the Egyptian gods to gain their help?
  • The great Egyptian desert.
  • You are the Pharaoh. A group of foreign dignitaries has come to visit, and is in the royal palace.
  • The Pharaoh has a plan for dealing with God’s demands.
  • The High Priests falsely claim that it was Pharaoh’s words that ended a recent eclipse. Pharaoh is merely a God vessel to them, without power or belief, no Pharaoh.
  • You are in the floating cataract. Narrate the events leading up to there.
  • Compare the Gods, or the main God, of two religions?
  • What do you do as an Egyptian family during the golden age of the Pharaohs?
  • How would you convince the royal court that they must change their ways?
  • Why exactly would becoming a god be considered a bad thing?
  • Describe some of the different forms of punishment that Egyptians believed the Gods would do to those who misbehaved.
  • You are the architect who dreamed up the design for the pyramids at Giza.
  • What is one thing you would have done to make life better at the time?
  • A legless man prays to the gods.
  • The Pharaoh is corrupt.
  • What if in the twenty-first century we discover that there really were pyramids in Ancient Egypt?
  • The Pharaoh’s own brother and sister have developed a theory that is suspect.
  • Write a conversation between siblings. Do this with each of your parent’s perspectives, too, so you have a total of 8 dialogues.
  • The Pharaoh invites a god to …
  • Write a letter from a slave after the Pharaoh died that happened to be in possession of his will.
  • Free Will exist in this world. Crowds of people gather at your palace’s entrance despite being asked not to – they wish dearly to witness what goes on inside the palace. It is a breach of security, and you’re afraid for your safety if any one of your guests feels threatened. You didn’t greet anyone in person before having them dealt with in the palace, despite having held a speech about caring for your people, because you were busy dealing with other palace matters. The scientists under you are free to do research beyond the experiments permitted by the gods, for you know the gods aren’t as human as they appear.
  • A magic ring is dropped into the river Nile.
  • How would you, as a slave, plan your escape from Ancient Egypt?
  • You’re on trial for not building one of the Pyramids properly. What did you do wrong?
  • You are a merchant, rich and prosperous.
  • Does the Nile rise on its own each year?
  • Your nation is preparing to raise an army to protect your borders.
  • The children rebel and throw off the yoke of your rule.
  • The Pharaoh must worship the Egyptian Gods.
  • There is a crime wave as people are being murdered in the city! Can you crack the case before the savages strike again?
  • You are Geb, the God of Earth. You had a secret together with your wife Nut, the Goddess of the Sky. In the time you were alone together in the cold, dark Underworld, you had a child…
  • What would life be like in an Egyptian village when the Pharaoh is away traveling to fight a battle or visit a foreign land?
  • What is the purpose of sacrifice?
  • The Nile is turning black.
  • A commoner from Cairo is given the power to rule overnight. Of which Egyptian god do you ask for such a blessing?
  • On what level should you have to play in order to excel at Egyptian Roulette?
  • What is daily life like as an Egyptian citizen?  What happens in town meetings?  What is the life of an average Egyptian like?
  • Pharaoh has discovered the secret to immortality.
  • How would you alleviate famine in ancient Egypt?
  • One of the Pharaohs personal magi has traveled to Persia in search of better education for his son. If you are the Pharaoh…
  • The Gods speak to you through dreams and visions.
  • You are a member of the royal court of Pharaoh. List one way you could use magic to protect your kingdom.
  • The Pharaoh is scheduling many events in just a few days.
  • What mythological or magical artifacts would you free and why?
  • Egypt is devastated by a plague.
  • What kind of powers would exist if a human and a crocodile could mate?
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • You are the Pharaoh sent from heaven to protect the pharaoh.
  • Explain what life was like living in a city that was run largely by slaves to a Pharaoh.
  • The Pharaoh has turned his back on The Gods and dedicated himself to solely serving humans.
  • Pharaoh decides to make an offering to the Gods to make amends.
  • What would you like to do about the recent price increases?
  • A disease is spreading throughout the kingdom of Pharaoh.
  • You are a member of the royal family. Your family is having financial difficulties, and want you to contribute to the Pharaoh’s charity efforts.
  • An archaeologist has just discovered a tablet which may have the instructions to an ancient weapon. What do you do?
  • The Pharaoh is looking for love.
  • A description of Egypt a thousand years from now.
  • The Pharaoh and his family have promised something they aren’t going to be.
  • One of your spiritual leaders is planning a revolt.
  • Pyramids are meant to be buried with the Pharaoh as he enters the afterlife. What will your spirit be capable of once you are buried with the pyramid?
  • The Pharaoh has to keep the Gods happy.
  • There was once a Pharaoh who grew to be unreasonable …
  • You and your co-workers are kidnapped by another kingdom and forced into slave labor. How do you escape?
  • War has been declared between the Pharaoh and the barons from the edge of the Nile.”
  • Lotus flowers are the symbol of the sun god Ra. What is your interpretation of these flowers?
  • A scavenger is found in the Great Pyramid and must decide if he should report it or hide it.
  • What would happen to Egypt if the Gods were somehow angered again?
  • Ra, the Sun God, grows tired of his city of KRa’Nak and brings plague to inspire the people to travel to new lands.
  • None of the Pharaohs in your dynasty have met with great success. Now there’s a prophecy about the final Pharaoh of this kingdom. Is this your chance to prove yourself?
  • An aging Pharaoh, nearing death, must nominate a royal successor.
  • Your job is to capture a god or goddess and on the way you have to gather your friends.
  • There is a new Pharaoh coming to marry the Goddess Isis. What emotions would you expect her to have?
  • You’ve been selected by the Pharaoh to help choose the location for the new capital city.
  • What happened that caused the forming of the first dynasty of Pharaohs?
  • The city is being attacked and you are Pharaoh’s advisor. What unfortunate duty must you complete?
  • If you had a magic tablet that could create an army of whatever you wanted, what would you choose to do?
  • Memories can be like lovers, haunting you until your vision narrows to cross that room and hold them one last time.
  • Your society is changing, leaving you with the challenge of protecting the traditional values of Egypt.
  • Write a scene where the Pharaoh has a very serious meeting.
  • You have been chosen to lead the people to a safe new land. Where would you take them?
  • There are certain rules and regs that every country abides by, yet ancient Egypt seemed to bend these rules at will.
  • Underground drag racing is dead, and a turf war has broken out above between Egyptian magical factions.
  • The Pharaoh is worried that a specific group of individuals will rebel against his rule.
  • Describe your hidden tomb.
  • You stand before the Gods with the answers to your interrogation.
  • Your Pharaoh has died and you are being carried over the desert on a camel to the Pharaoh’s burial grounds.
  • To build an obelisk is something that many people would fear trying.
  • What do you think your rituals for the dead would consist of?
  • If your Pharaoh had good reason to imprison you for half your life for something you didn’t do, but eventually set you free, but even after setting you free, they still continue to do terrible things to you, what would you do?
  • Why should you be chosen to lead your ancient Egyptian group and buy immortality?
  • What would happen if the Sphinx were no longer watched?
  • The Pharaoh believes in controlling or eradicating your god for the good of the people.
  • The Gods have been kind and have showered this land with gifts, but now they are threatening to take it away.
  • What must you do and what will you want done about it?
  • You have been touched by Bastet’s nine lives.
  • Write a scene with an Egyptian Dog as the lead character.
  • Men and women have roles in society that are greatly restricted and different.
  • Flesh-eating scarab beetles scuttled and gutted the building materials you and your slaves were working on a week ago. Your Pharaoh was pretty angry.
  • The Pharaoh/writer writes a letter to a personified abstraction.
  • As Pharaoh, you see your soldiers growing restless under the hand of your general.
  • The Egyptian gods are real. Let them fight for their followers.
  • Who was Abraham in Egyptian mythology?
  • The Gods are angry at you and you are not sure why.
  • What does a being like Sobek eat?
  • A vigilante is harming locals.
  • What Egyptian soldier in combat does not fear?
  • What was everyday life like in ancient Egypt?
  • How would Egypt be changed by shifting the Nile away?
  • Why, hypothetically, do you think that Pharaoh Khufu didn’t have any Egyptian characters in his play that started the Egyptian Mythology pantheon?
  • What is Godly about each of the gods below?
  • Write a myth or story about the creation of Earth, the Heavens and the birth of the Egyptian people.
  • The Pharaoh is considering making some changes to the temple of the Gods due to a lack of people being interested in utilizing it.
  • A top official in your court is trying to persuade you to make all males heta-khem-priests to try to worsen your chances in the afterlife.
  • What, if anything, does your god expect from his worshippers?
  • The Pharaoh of Egypt is not as benevolent as they seem.
  • What does it feel like to be defeated by a warlord?
  • You are building the Great Pyramid and are in desperate need of a block.
  • What would you have done to keep the Moa birds from being a problem?
  • What other historical projects have people offered as an explanation for the Great Pyramid?
  • Write a story about how Anubis punishes someone who writes. Do not use any of the gods in your story. Think about what role Anubis would play.
  • The Pharaoh has pleased the Gods.
  • An archaeology journal uncovers your tomb…
  • The Red Sea stopped the Jews.
  • Of course there are plenty more Egyptian god themed writing prompts. If you know any other ideas that are not listed here feel free to leave those in a comment below.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods. Tell a story from the past where a Pharaoh was punished for taking things or abusing his power.
  • The Pharaoh formed his all-female bodyguard corps because they reminded him of his wife, who left him for a younger man.
  • A jar of pickles has been discovered from when the Pharaohs ruled Egypt. They are over 6,000 years old but the pickles are still fresh… Did the Pharaohs know of a secret for preserving food? Do the pickles still have magical properties?
  • The people are revolting.
  • All except Ra have abandoned the Olympian pantheon. Lightbringer, lord of storms, no longer walks the earth. The sun has gone out, the land lies buried in snow. North and South have begun a terrible war. Hades’s name has been besmirched by the Titans. Olympus is deserted. What will you do to fix the Olympians’ problems, and restore them to their former glory?
  • What would you need to do to become friends with someone from another culture who you deemed inferior to you?
  • How would you, as a powerful political official, keep a rebellion from breaking out?
  • You, the Pharaoh, have just learned that your slaves are revolting.
  • You are walking around the Great Pyramid for the first time. Feel what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell.
  • Prayer and spells were commonly used as magical charms.
  • An examination of the Great Pyramid workings would probably show that, overall, the ancient Egyptians invented a far greater number of man-hours into the structure than dictated by sheer practicality alone.
  • You are a God and one of your worshippers claims you are non-existent.
  • The Pharaoh does not approve of the building of pyramids.
  • What does jealousy look like in your opinion?
  • The Opening of the Mouth Ceremony
  • Death by Golden Flame Snake
  • Free religion is not a foreign concept to you, as many families in your county practice multiple religions, but the Emperor is dead set against other religions. How do you react? You are an Egyptian General. A small village of farmers recently revolted against the Pharaoh and your people. They killed some generals, and now your men have wiped them out in hunting them down. You must decide what to do with the rest of the villagers. Find out who in your village is setting fire to the crops on your farm, and find out if the rumors you have heard about the servants are true.
  • Soldiers from the desert are threatening a major city.
  • A literary analysis might be done on an excerpt of The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
  • Write about an ancient Egyptian civilian and their simple life and troubles.
  • Which Egyptian god do you most closely resemble and why?
  • Pharaoh’s cousin, the Vizier, is showing growing interest in claiming the throne for his own.
  • You are Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt during the time of the Exodus. Release your wrath on the Hebrew slaves, and stop Moses from delivering them.
  • The Pharaoh has gone insane.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods. You are one of a small group of people imprisoned with Pharaoh and his family in The Great Pyramid. It is a hot day and you have the coverings already removed from the capstone. The others around you are complaining, but you have stayed quiet about it because of the heat. But now two guards have approached and you feel they mean harm. What do you do to survive?
  • The Pharaoh is discontent and puts his royal seal to a decree banishing worship of Egyptian gods.
  • Which God would you choose to pray to for money?
  • Neat Challenge
  • Ra has brought you back from the dead. What does he want from you?
  • What writing setting would you use for your story?
  • As Curses go, is the mummy the worst curse ever? Explain why or why not.
  • Your people are being slaughtered.
  • Describe the most grandiose funeral you could imagine. Who are you? What’s your story? Include lavish food and entertainment in your planning.
  • You are on a road trip across America. Choose and write five each about an Egyptian god as your driver, your travelling companion, the towns you stay in, the hotel workers you encounter, and the gas station employees you stop at on the way.
  • The gods are throwing tantrums for attention.
  • How would you attempt to translate ancient hieroglyphics, knowing that the language may very well be dead?
  • What is the most important item in the room?
  • You have been chosen by the royal court as the Pharaoh’s successor.
  • A small group of people break into the royal palace with an accusation that threatens to bring down the kingdom.
  • A son of one of the Pharaohs has been telling his friends that everything the principal said about ancient Egypt is a lie. Even though he’s just a puny teenager, he states that the pyramids were built by extraterrestrials. What do you do?
  • You are the Pharaoh.
  • You’re a warrior, but the pharaoh did not give you your name and bring you to the Hall of War so that you could sit and never fight.
  • How are people living in rural Egypt affected by the current unrest in the world?
  • An evil dictator is holding Egypt captive.
  • The Gods of Egypt sometimes showed up in disguises to help the people or to require their help. It’s now your turn to try!
  • It is time to leave Egypt and start your life on your own.  You can keep 1 thing, what would it be?  Maybe a minor magical item?  Possibly a Gift from a God?
  • You have accidentally killed one of your soldiers and try to hide his body and failure from the military leaders.
  • Using a new pantheon, you find that the Gods and their realms are merging/shifting/changing. How do you react to the changes?
  • What do you most miss about your previous existence as a living, mortal person before you became a god?
  • Does God speak to you with fire and smoke, do you hear it directly through voice communication or is it a thought in your head?
  • Why did Pharaoh Akhenaten decide to convert to the sun cult?
  • The Gods have been angered by the Pharaoh and have sent a terrible disease to Egypt.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods.
  • Describe a historic event that you think the Gods helped shape.
  • You are a resident of Tyre and have been sent to Egypt by the king to trade for corn. You must convince the Pharaoh to allow your ship to make port in Egypt.
  • Discuss the life of Horemheb with a bit of a perspective on how fragile history is, especially so long ago.
  • Someone is sending you false prophecies. What do you do about it, and right away will they know you’re exposing them as false?
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods again, but this time they mean business.
  • How can the people of Egypt speak to the Gods, and how do they use their knowledge in their everyday lives?
  • With the Pharaoh having died, what do you do?
  • It’s time to decide what’s going to happen in your life. Be honest with yourself and others. What do you choose to do?
  • A lifelong dream of yours has finally come out in a brand new horror movie or book.
  • You have been born with the ability to control the weather. Why don’t you do something with this power?
  • A young prince must avoid the princess and decide his future.
  • What do you want in life? Explain as the Pharaoh, you and your families have one wish granted.
  • The Pharaoh has offended one of his gods.
  • Your people are dying from bizarre circumstances which have the Village of Sorrow and broken-hearted and frightened.
  • Describe your vehicle for the Gods.
  • You are Cleopatra and you feel guilty that, as Pharaoh, you have taken your people into a war that many do not believe in.
  • You have only one month of life left. How will you spend these final days?
  • Describe the ideal personality for a Pharaoh of Egypt
  • The Pharaoh must find a new source of freshwater for his people.
  • A field hand performs tasks that some of your fellow Egyptian royals would call lowly. Why are you content to value him and his work instead of judging him because of his station?
  • Afterlife for the Pharaoh.
  • You are feeling sad because the Pharaoh cannot fulfill your greatest wish…
  • A power hungry high priest has more wealth and influence than you.
  • What challenges would you face if you were to explore the pyramids or any other part of Egypt?Another Pharaoh is jealous of your having been a part of the Egyptian Empire. He is threatening war over a dispute that you had nothing to do with.
  • What will it take to preserve these ancient treasures for all to see?
  • What would it be like to be one of the Anubis guards of the underworld?
  • What tools or weapons most helped ancient Egypt?
  • Your Pharaoh is outraged at the increasing cost of Egypt’s borders.
  • You are in charge of the upcoming first birthday celebration for a Pharaoh.
  • Write about a falling out between two different groups of Egyptian gods. Or describe a war between two different groups of Egyptian gods.
  • Write a scene as an ancient Egyptian, witnessing the events of the Ten Plagues
  • As Pharaoh, you want to make your city as big and successful as possible.
  • You are the Pharaoh’s chief architect, and his party has just told you what they want.
  • You are the last person on earth who believes the sun will rise the next morning.
  • A choice has arisen. War or peace?
  • The dead Pharaoh has been awarded the honor of building his own tomb.
  • The Pharaoh cuts cost in times of hardship.
  • A powerful magician, the High Priest, has persuaded the kingdom that he has the God-given power to speak with the Gods.
  • The Pharaoh is weakening from illness, and has been advised to build the next generation to come. He is getting old and knows he will die soon after, whether he has secured Egypt or not. His advisers tell him he must have either more land under Egypt’s control and listen to the specific God who is pulling for Egypt’s destruction or eit…
  • The townspeople above you want you to create demand for what?
  • What do you think it would have been like to be a miner who worked on the pyramids?
  • You are a scribe who has been asked to write the deeds of the Pharaoh.
  • Someone is trying to dishonor the Pharaoh’s family and take control of his throne.
  • What was the Pharaoh’s problem?
  • You are an Egyptian citizen and one of the temples has been opened for you. What are you hoping for?
  • Your father is the Pharaoh and you have been commanded to march to war upon your enemies.
  • Egypt’s economy centers on food production. If there is a drought how will you find food production enough grain to feed your people? How will any surplus be stored for use during the length of the drought?
  • Write a short story about four different ethnic people in your area.
  • The Pharaoh has caused plagues and famines to his people by worshiping false gods.
  • A grand vizier seems to have fallen in love with the Pharaoh’s daughter.
  • The Pharaoh doesn’t believe in the Gods. The people are calling for you to convince the Pharaoh that the Gods exist and are wonderful.
  • All the Pharaohs of Egypt must face a difficult choice.
  • A daughter of a Pharaoh asks you to describe her land in the afterlife. Psyche regrets the day her love left her to prove she can establish the best temple and win his hand.
  • Pharaoh was forced to build the Pyramids at great expense to the resources of Egypt.
  • The Pharaoh sends his greatest soldier out to seek a life remover who can take the magic of an Egyptian’s life for his own.
  • The military conscription has yielded a few thousand young men who are ready to begin their service.
  • You are an architect, and the Pharaoh has commissioned you to create a huge structure in his name for the Gods.
  • How heavy is a pyramid block off the top of a pyramid?
  • The people are speaking against your reign. Speculation about your death has begun.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the gods. They have sent plagues to punish him and his family.
  • The Pharaoh wants to create an army.
  • You are on the Pharaoh’s council. There is a debate whether he should cut back spending on the monuments, as the people need it. You have been asked for your recommendation.
  • You are about to start a small pond at the base of the temple.
  • You are now the Pharaoh. All previous actions are forgotten and forgiven, on the condition that you do not make the same mistakes in the future.
  • You are the Pharaoh’s architect.
  • How would you persuade an unwilling farmer that it is a Pharaoh’s right to take any of his children and force them to work building pyramids?
  • What would you do while waiting for the gods to take you to heaven after you die?
  • You have been made Pharaoh of Egypt, and must make some decisions regarding slaves.
  • The Pharaoh already has two royal heirs, but he wants a third.
  • Why are the Egyptian pyramids all alike?
  • You are the jealous brother who wasn’t named the Pharaoh. Now you must get rid of your brother – permanently!
  • What challenges might there have been to temple worship in the ancient Egyptian world?
  • You’re in power in Egypt and you’re trying to figure out how you can do what you want and get it all kept under wraps.
  • The Pharaoh needs people and resources from the Nile Delta, but the local villages are blocking them and all the avenues of approach.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the Gods with his pride and arrogance when it comes to serving his people.
  • The Keeper of the Key to the Underworld and member of the Watch, Set, does not like having kept the key to the underworld under his protection for all these years.
  • If you could follow any Pharaoh into their Underworld, who would you choose to follow and why?
  • Describe what you saw from the top of the Great Pyramid.
  • The Pharaoh knows that Egypt will one day become a wasteland of sand where no crops to set.
  • As a child, a god came to you and told you that they would die, and you would be the only one who could prevent it.
  • You are an orphan who has just been found on the banks of the Nile, near the temple of Osiris.
  • What warning signs might have predicted the Great Pyramid’s eventual demise?
  • Your Pharaoh has asked you to mathematically puzzle your mathematics teacher.
  • How does cutting short his private time, which is necessary for healthy communication with the gods, make him feel?
  • A group of nomads wandering near the Pyramids are a nuisance to those who work there.
  • A pharaoh is considered a god Himself.
  • You are the Pharaoh responsible for creating the Great Pyramid. Instead, you decide to spend that money helping
  • Nobles in Egypt sought to gain converts by building magnificent temples. How do you feel about religion and conversion in today’s world? Would a temple conversion experience still be compelling?
  • You just opened a new wax museum in your sprawling city.
  • What obstacles can keep the village, street, or neighborhood a safe place for children to play?
  • The Gods are angry that you, as Pharaoh, have worshiped them. Each God wants you to build pyramids in their honor. How would you try and honor two or three Gods? Why did you decide to make the pyramids in the manner you did?
  • Apophis, pharaoh of chaos
  • Little more than a year ago, you became Pharaoh. You are trying to prove yourself, and your first act is a very controversial and total restructuring of the economy. Can you be a great Pharaoh and secure your legacy? What will you do, and what would you do differently if you could go back?
  • You are the god of the afterlife. What do you see as your greatest responsibility?
  • The Pharaoh has cheated death and now plans to keep ruling for eternity through his mere presence.
  • Think of a small creature that a character may find. Write a sentence about their profession or calling.
  • The goddess Isis granted you three favors. What did she teach you?
  • What do you think visitors from outer space would describe the ancient Egyptians as doing in their everyday lives?
  • The Gods are demanding human sacrifice.
  • You are married to the Pharaoh and can’t stand him.
  • If you were a ruler in Egypt, which of the following actions would you take, and why?
  • Tutankhamun is a powerful ruler.
  • What would an Egyptian male fashion trend be like?
  • Two women from the provinces have challenged your claim to the pharaoh’s throne.
  • Write a story involving Isis and Osiris.
  • You are the Pharaoh trying to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • You are one of the few Egyptians who believes in the power of magic, and you’re tasked with developing your country’s spells and abilities, but a pregnant woman escaped the temple and the Pharaoh will behead anyone who lets magic into Egypt.
  • What’s the best way to ensure no one would take a peek at a mummy’s tomb?
  • The Pharaoh feels that perhaps the gods are not real.
  • You are the God of the Nile River, and it has begun flooding at an unprecedented rate.
  • The pharaoh’s son has been slain by a cobra.
  • Who are you and what type of adventures do you go on in the desert?
  • Without resorting to magic in any way, explain something that has long puzzled people and been thought to be the work of the Gods.
  • Your town has been flooded. How do you convince all the people in your town to build a new settlement? What conversation might you have with your family to convince them not to give up?
  • What strategy do you see as most effective to invade and conquer Egypt in the time of the Pharaohs?
  • What do you offer the Pharaoh that he cannot buy at any market?
  • You have been chosen by Thoth, and appointed as Pharaoh.
  • Wish you to experience better days. Take the magic flower here. Ask for help of Egyptian archangel Mostafa!
  • The people are starving because of the Pharaoh’s cruel taxes.
  • Write about a Pharaoh’s worst nightmare and what he would do to put it behind him.
  • If you had the ability to choose the eye color of the queen of the Nile, what color would you choose?
  • Egyptian History and Lore…
  • What would have to be factored into the design of the pyramids to ensure that it would eventually collapse?
  • You have been invited to an Egyptian party.
  • Perhaps you are a citizen of ancient Egypt who is just trying to survive in the midst of a horrible famine or drought.
  • How can we change the future of a particular disease or affliction?
  • Explain what you think the symbology of the Sphinx represents.
  • When was the meat from the holy cows eaten?
  • How do you show children that obeying the Pharaoh’s every word is the only way to ensure you live a good life?
  • What would you have to do so that Khonsu, the Moon God, would send you favorable dreams during sleep and spare you from nightmares?
  • Your kingdom has been invaded. How would you rally your people to fight?
  • A conspiracy is about to take place.
  • What would happen if you visited Jaredites in the ancient Americas?
  • You have been slain by the desert dragon and are presented with the option of an eternity in the underworld with the gods or reincarnation into a different life. What do you choose?
  • What would make Boromir unhappy?
  • The Pharaoh must scour for foreign workers to complete the task of building the Pyramids.
  • The Caananites aggress.
  • You’re inventing Egypt’s patron god, so you get to decide what kind of god you make.
  • The Pharaoh must laugh or be struck down at this moment.
  • What would it take to win the favor of Aten, the great sun-god of Egypt?
  • A conflict of interests between two Egyptian gods is about to produce a superhero. Who do you write about?
  • The priests/high priests have mysteriously disappeared. No one really knows where they went.
  • Design an Egyptian goddess using science fiction writing techniques.
  • A lot of us have imaginations that blend technology with magic in different ways. What high-tech “magic” would you introduce to these ancient lands?
  • Imagine you are the architect commissioned to design and build the Great Pyramid. You are under a tight schedule to begin construction and the deadline is looming…What would you do to prepare your men and get them ready?
  • Your brother has recommended the placement of granite panels on the pyramid.
  • You are the God Horus, and you are contemplating a quest.
  • What would it look like if your head went through the wall?
  • You love the Pharaoh who shares your tastes, though he may disappoint you sometimes by his short-sightedness.
  • The Pharaoh has angered the people.
  • How would you rise to power in ancient Egypt?
  • Seventh Dynasty
  • Djehuti is busy translating the hieroglyphs, but he’s stuck on number 27.
  • What makes you unique and the best to carry out this challenge?
  • What land in Africa was ancient Egypt named after?
  • Is there evidence that the Nile River was used to transport goods for trade with a fabled kingdom called Punt?
  • Describe an instance in which the gods came to Earth in modern times.
  • Are you a Confidant of the Pharaoh and in fact their secret heir?
  • What power does the Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt have over the ancient Egyptians?
  • Create the story of a child who aspires to be Pharaoh when you are older.

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