A letter in poetry form to Allah SWT when I was in the thick of my MDS journey, sharing some feelings like Allah forgetting about me, me forgetting about Allah, feeling unsure, and wanting Allah in my...
Dear reader,
This is my first poem sharing my feelings on what it feels like on the other side of surviving domestic servitude, a form of modern-day slavery. I am now out of my situ...
This piece is about what it's like to have PTSD living in a MDS (modern-day slavery) situation and wishing the nightmares were the worst part about it. I was never physically abused, but emotionally, ...
A letter in poetry form to Allah SWT when I was in the thick of my MDS journey, sharing some feelings like Allah forgetting about me, me forgetting about Allah, feeling unsure, and wanting Allah in my...
Dear reader,
This is my first poem sharing my feelings on what it feels like on the other side of surviving domestic servitude, a form of modern-day slavery. I am now out of my situ...
This piece is about what it's like to have PTSD living in a MDS (modern-day slavery) situation and wishing the nightmares were the worst part about it. I was never physically abused, but emotionally, ...