The truth. It was a deadly thing that could kill. Sometimes, lying could save a life, but it hurts to know that the truth would never be told. In this case, there wa...
Main cast :
Park kimchi a.k.a You
Jeon Jungkook a.k. a Jungkook
Park jimin a.k.a Jimin
cliche story about a guy named Park Jimin who loves a sweet girl named Park Kimchi. His love story was not as be...
Main cast :
Park kimchi a.k.a You
Jeon Jungkook a.k. a Jungkook
Park jimin a.k.a Jimin
cliche story about a guy named Park Jimin who loves a sweet girl named Park Kimchi. His love story was not as be...
The truth. It was a deadly thing that could kill. Sometimes, lying could save a life, but it hurts to know that the truth would never be told. In this case, there wa...
Main cast :
Park kimchi a.k.a You
Jeon Jungkook a.k. a Jungkook
Park jimin a.k.a Jimin
cliche story about a guy named Park Jimin who loves a sweet girl named Park Kimchi. His love story was not as be...
Main cast :
Park kimchi a.k.a You
Jeon Jungkook a.k. a Jungkook
Park jimin a.k.a Jimin
cliche story about a guy named Park Jimin who loves a sweet girl named Park Kimchi. His love story was not as be...