Roses, sweet-smelling, beautiful roses litter the grounds of the Rose Garden. The roses, like delicate ornaments can easily be broken but without their mask of petals, thorns scrape at meddling hands....
Ok, hi guys. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've just got back to my school and was a little to busy to write. I'm due to leave my school forever soon (for s...
This is amazing! All of the author's emotion poems are incredible but this is my favourite by far.
this account is dead, new...
5 years ago
An Emotion.
5 years ago
Eyes (Part 4)
I crouch down to look....a pair of amber eyes stare back at me. It's him. The golden-haired amber-eyed boy who watches me in the woods. I run through the woods, back to my tree. I sit on a branch, gas...
I hate being human. It feels so unnatural, not having wings. My mother swoops down into our home, a weeping willow, big enough to have four rooms. I walk inside and sit on an overhanging branch. It's ...
Hi Everyone! My name is RoseCherry and I'm new here. I like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and other books. Reading is my passion, and i love writing too so I came here. I like Mythology and Magic as ...