You know i feel like, maybe in future a time will come, a crucial moment in my life, a dark one, where i would be desolate, and completely wasted , when i will need you the most; i have this eyre noti...
The rain doesn't seem to cease at all. As the night is getting more and more darker the rain is too, revving up it's intensity. The downpour is dense enough to make you suffocate, if you dared to go o...
He broke into tears, fell on the sofa like a dead rock, as he read the letter. Every single word went right through his heart and soul. It was inconceivable for him, till now, to even imagine that som...
the sky transitioned to purple from pitch black, not a single cloud is to be seen. looks like someone had put a plain purple colored wallpaper in their led screen. stars are vanished now. the trees ab...
The sky is so blue today, like an artist had mixed his darkest pigment of blue in his color palette without water, and applied a thick coating of it on the canvas with the biggest brush he could find...
"Your eyes are as black as your classy matte black ride, your face is illuminating like clouds behind your back, your smile reminds me of someone i adored a lot, you are the most precious thing to me...
writing is not merely a source of entertainment or a way to escape dreadfulness of the this world, it's medium to to communicate ideas, emotions, thoughts.